Sources used in the making of the virtual town tour section.

British Columbia Gazette, July 25, 1858.

Brown, R. C. Lundin, British Columbia - An Essay, New Westminster, B.C., 1863.

Cariboo Sentinel, Vol.1 No.1. Barkerville Sat. June 17, 1865.

Coutant, Frank R., Yankee Steamboats on the Fraser River British Columbia.

Downs, Art., Paddlewheels on the Frontier.

Epner, G., Map of the Gold Regions of British Columbia, Originally lithographed in San Francisco, 1862.

Eversole, Linda J., On Lee House - Documentary History, B.C. Heritage Branch, Unpublished Report, January, 1984.

Forbes, Gordon., Historic Yale, British Columbia, The Vancouver Section, British Columbia Historical Association, 1954.

Paterson, T.W., Fraser Canyon, B.C. Ghost Town Series. Sunfire Limited Production, 1985.

Sessional Papers. "Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration" 1885, p. 363-366.

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada.
Content provided by BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.