
Panning for Gold

Faces of the Gold Rush

What's the meaning?

You be the Judge...

Thompson River First Nations

Thompson River First Nations Collection:

numbered list of cards from above
Card game
Game cards made out of birch bark

Types of Cards

  1. Sun
  2. Man (kokwoi)
  3. dog (kokwoi)
  4. fishes
  5. backbone of fish
  6. roots
  7. Loon-necklace
  8. crossing of many trails
  9. crossing of trails, bridge, or four quarters
  10. trails
  11. trails, creeks, or trunks of trees (xwa'akst)

How to play:
Make two sets of these cards. Together they create one deck of cards.

Game 1:

  1. Two players are required; one player and one dealer.
  2. Shuffle the cards well.
  3. Four cards are laid down, face up.
  4. Each person chooses two of these.
  5. The dealer places the rest of the cards down in succession.
  6. When a card is placed down which matches one of the two cards in the players hands, they take the card and place it aside, thus creating a matched pair.
  7. The first player to have both of their cards matched first wins.

Game 2:

  1. Shuffle cards.
  2. Two cards are placed on a mat face up.
  3. The dealer then gives three cards to the player, backs up, and the next three to himself.
  4. The Player goes first.
  5. If he has a mate of either of the two cards facing up, he throws it down, face up, on top of its mate, and then taking both together, lays the aside; that is he has won a trick.
  6. If the Player doesn't have any matches, he simply places one of his hands cards, face up , along side the other two.
  7. The Dealer then plays his cards, either picking up a trick or discarding his card , as the case may be.
  8. They play in turn until all the cards are used up.
  9. The cards are shuffled again.
  10. Then the Dealer gives three cards to the Player again and three to himslef again and they play until all the cards are used up.

Points are scored by the type of 'trick' one has.
The player who is able to gain:

  • a "kokwoi" gains five counters (or points)
  • both "kokwoi" gains ten counters (or points)
  • a "xwa'akst" gains 10 counters (or points)
  • a "xwa'akst" and a "kokwoi" gains fifteen counters (or points)
  • both "xwa'akst" and a "kokwoi" gains twenty counters (or points)
  • both "xwa'akst" and both "kokwoi" gains thirty counters (or points)
  • If he gains the last, which is the highest, it is called "tsispikst" or "tsispelk."
  • The person who gets the most cards gets five counters(points). There are four pairs of winning cards.
The pictures on the cards are suggested by the dreams of the owner of the pack.

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada.
Produced by Canada's Digital Collections Team.
Content provided by BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.