
Panning for Gold

Faces of the Gold Rush

What's the meaning?

You be the Judge...

Thompson River First Nations

Letters Written by George Perrier


To His Excellency James Douglas
Governor of British Columbia.

DEAR SIR,--It is with sincere regret that I have to inform your Excellency that a misunderstanding has arisen between Capt. Whannel (the gentleman your Excellency was pleased to appoint as justice of the Peace for the District of Fort Yale) and myself. On Wednesday the 29th of Decr., Capt. Whannel directed a general warrant to me for the arrest of two men charged with assault and battery at Fort Yale on the 25th day of Decr. I indorsed the warrant and placed it in the hands of Constable Henry Hickson, of Hill's Bar. On Thursday he arrested the men. I admitted them to bail to appear for examination on Friday at I2 o'clock A.M. On Friday morning I directed a note to Captain Whannel asking the release of one, Isaac Dickson, the Prosecutor in the Case whom I heard was in Custody as a Witness. Officer Hickson proceeded to Fort Yale and placed the note in the hands of Cap. Whannel, who told him that he could not have Dickson, and commanded Constable Hickson to bring the Prisoners before him at Fort Yale. Mr. Hickson answered that he could not bring them without an order from me. Cap. Whannel ordered Mr. Hickson to he removed from the Court and locked up, which I think was an insult to me as a Magistrate and likewise a contempt of my Court, and as I considered it my Duty to preserve the Dignity of my Court I issued a warrant for the arrest of Capt. Whannel for Contempt, and also an order for the release of Constable Hickson. Capt. Whannel appeared before me. The Copy of the Evidence with my descion in the case I have forwarded to your Excellency, hoping that it will meet your Excellency's approval.

I remain, Sir,
Your Most Obdt Servant
(sgd.) George Perrier

Hill's Bar, Jany. 4th, I859.

Footnotes compiled by F.W. Howay(87)Perrier's statement corresponds with Judge Begbie's as set out in his letter of February 3, 1850 ante, p.35

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
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Content provided by BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.