Conseil National du bien être social
Symbole du gouvernement du Canada

Archivée - Sommaire médiatique - 19 mars 2010

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Some introduction - The NCW provides a summary of media coverage related to poverty. News items are provided in the language in which they are published, etc.


  • FORMER MEMBER - Opposition Leader Olive Crane says it's time for the provincial government to commit the necessary funding and make quality child care in this province a priority. (CHARLOTTETOWN GUARDIAN)

Rampant aboriginal poverty will be the country's shame in the eyes of the world until it is resolved, says Phil Fontaine, Canada's foremost aboriginal leader of his generation. (MONTREAL GAZETTE)
The New Brunswick Association for Community Living is extremely pleased about this monumental step, and is proud to point out that our province was one of the first in the nation to sign a letter of support in favour of ratification. (TELEGRAPH JOURNAL)
France Bonsant, who represents the riding south of Sherbrooke, Que., wants to amend the Canada Labour Code and the Employment Insurance Act to make it ... (TORONTO SUN)
More tent cities will go up around the city when funding for Vancouver's Homeless Emergency Action Team shelters dry up on April 30, promised a homeless ... (VANCOUVER COURRIER) (THE PROVINCE)

Representations of homelessness in print news today promote the social exclusion of homeless people, claims a new study done at the University of Calgary by ... (THE GAUNTLET)
The CD Howe Institute put a hefty price tag on Canadians' retirement dreams yesterday with a report ...(MONTREAL GAZETTE)

Hormis les personnes à faible revenu, qui peuvent compter sur les programmes gouvernementaux de base, comme la Sécurité de la vieillesse, pour maintenir (RUE FRONTENAC)

Le Congrès du travail du Canada et la Fédération du travail de l'Ontario convoquent un sommet d'un jour sur ... (MARKETWIRE)
Alberta social workers today will present a sweeping vision for a new provincial social policy at their annual conference.  In a 58-page document, the Alberta College of Social Workers will make seven recommendations for change based on suggestions from front-line social workers. (EDMONTON JOURNAL)

Montreal will be hosting the Montreal Millennium Summit for the fourth consecutive year, from April 20 to 22. Held at the Palais des congrès, this event is aimed at making the fight against poverty everyone's business. It will bring together key players for social change from government and civil society, academic and cultural communities, and leading humanitarian organizations. (CNW)

Black Montrealers face "invisible barriers" to employment, education and home ownership that make them twice as likely to be poor and unemployed as the rest of the population, according to a major demographic study by McGill University. (MONTREAL GAZETTE)

MONTRÉAL - Le Sommet du millénaire, qui vise à faire de la lutte contre la pauvreté des enfants l'affaire de tous, se tiendra pour une quatrième année ... (L'ETOILE)

La rémunération des Noirs détenant un diplôme universitaire de second cycle atteint 37 000 $, alors que les gens qui ne sont pas Noirs qui ont la même ... (METEO MONTREAL)
Azimuth Theatre presents the spring 2010 tour of Homeless, a one-man show that will address the issues of what leads someone to become homeless. (LEDUC REP)


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