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Member Profile

John L. Simpson - Northwest Territories

John L. Simpson has worked as an adult educator, community developer, and program developer in Northern Canada for 32 years. This work has been primarily with Aboriginal peoples and John firmly believes that education is a large part of the answer to society’s social ills.   For 17 years, he has been the Principal of the Genesis Group, an education, training and career development firm in the Northwest Territories. Previous employment included positions as a Community Adult Educator, Training Co-ordinator for the Department of Social Services, Teacher and elementary school Principal, and Senior College Administrator (Aurora College). He has served as a school board trustee, Chair of the NWT Judicial Remuneration Commission, and member of the NWT Labour Board.

John has a B.A. (Native Studies) from Trent University, a Graduate Diploma in Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University, and a Masters Degree in Community Development from Regis University in Colorado.


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