National Council of Welfare
Symbol of the Government of Canada

A Snapshot of Racialized Poverty in Canada – Statistical Tables

Table 21 – After-tax income, 2005, for persons living in poverty
Racialized personsNon-racialized personsRacialized personsNon-racialized personsRacialized personsNon-racialized personsRacialized personsNon-racialized persons
After-tax income in 2005 of population 15 years and over living in poverty
-Without income 15% 8% 14% 7% 15% 9% 15% 7%
-With income 85% 92% 86% 93% 85% 91% 85% 93%
Median income $7,767 $9,124 $8,806 $9,876 $7,982 $9,329 $6,424 $9,953
Average income $8,419 $8,250 $9,333 $9,680 $8,610 $7,914 $7,410 $8,230
After-tax income in 2005 of males 15 years and over living in poverty
-Without income 14% 7% 13% 6% 14% 8% 14% 6%
-With income 86% 93% 87% 94% 86% 92% 86% 94%
Median income $6,656 $7,750 $7,244 $8,725 $6,868 $7,915 $5,619 $8,818
Average income $7,481 $6,455 $7,981 $7,992 $7,751 $5,733 $6,792 $6,488
After-tax income in 2005 of females 15 years and over living in poverty
-Without income 16% 9% 14% 8% 15% 10% 16% 8%
-With income 84% 91% 86% 92% 85% 90% 84% 92%
Median income $8,547 $10,024 $10,053 $11,786 $8,569 $10,546 $6,918 $10,477
Average income $9,246 $9,713 $10,606 $10,991 $9,336 $9,735 $7,944 $9,787

After-tax income: Refers to total income from all sources minus federal, provincial and territorial income taxes paid for 2005.

The median income of a specified group of income recipients is that dollar amount which divides their income size distribution ranked by size of income, into two halves, i.e., the incomes of the first half of individuals are below the median, while those of the second half are above the median.

Note: Poverty is measured using Statistics Canada's after-tax low income cut-offs (LICOs). The LICOs are only available for persons in private households in the ten provinces. That means the data presented above does not include residents of the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, persons living on Indian reserves and residents of institutions.

Source: Statistics Canada. 2009. Special tabulation, based on 2006 Census. Calculations by the National Council of Welfare.


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