

Single Person Considered Employable Single Person with a Disability Lone Parent,
One Child
Two Children
NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR $500 $3,0002 $1,500 $1,500
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND $50 to $2003 $900 $50 to $1,2003 $50 to $1,8003
NOVA SCOTIA $500 $5004 $1,000 $1,000
NEW BRUNSWICK $1,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000
QUEBEC5 Applicants: $862 Recipients: $1,500 Applicants: $862 Recipients: $2,500 Applicants: $1,232 Recipients: $2,8706 Applicants: $1,757 Recipients: $2,9757
ONTARIO8 $572 $5,0009 $1,550 $2,130
MANITOBA10 $4,000 $4,000 $8,000 $16,000
SASKATCHEWAN $1,500 $1,500 $3,000 $4,000
ALBERTA11 $583 $1,53012 $1,062 $1,533
ALBERTA – Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program Not applicable The total value of all non-exempt assets owned by an applicant, client and their cohabiting partner must not exceed $100,00013 Not applicable Not applicable
BRITISH COLUMBIA14 Applicants: $150 Recipients: $1,500 $3,000 Applicants: $250 Recipients: $2,500 Applicants: $250 Recipients: $2,500
YUKON $500 $1,500 $1,000 $1,600
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES $300 $5,000 $380 $560
NUNAVUT15 $0 $5,000 $0 $0

1 Unless otherwise noted, the asset exemption provisions apply to both those applying for and receiving social assistance.


2 This applies to a single person with a disability requiring supportive services.


3 Applicants requiring short-term assistance (four months or less) cannot have assets in excess of $50. The higher asset exemption levels apply to those requiring long-term assistance.


4 A single person in the Services for Persons with Disabilities Program requiring supportive services or care needs would qualify for a $3,000 exemption. An adult in a family on SPD requiring supportive services or care needs would qualify for a $5,000 exemption. Income Tax returns are no longer treated as chargeable income and are now considered under the asset levels.


5 At the time of application, an applicant’s liquid assets may not exceed the allowable limits set according to family size. The determination of a household’s assets excludes income received during the month of application which is to cover the cost of rent, heating and public utilities. Higher asset exemption levels apply after the first month on assistance.

6 Once an application for assistance is approved, a client’s liquid assets may not exceed the allowable limits: the exemption for a lone parent is $2,500 plus $370 for the child.

7 Once an application for assistance has been approved, a client’s liquid assets may not exceed the allowable limits: the exemption for a couple is $2,500 plus $475 for the two children.


8 Asset levels were increased for Ontario Works clients in December 2009. The new limits are $585 for a single person, $1,619 for a lone parent with one child and $2,194 for a couple with two children.

9 This represents the prescribed asset exemption level for a single person on the Ontario Disability Support Program.


10 Effective January 1, 2009 EIA liquid asset exemptions increased for all EIA participants by allowing up to $4,000 per person, to a maximum of $16,000 per family, including at the time of application.


11 The maximum allowable liquid assets for those in the “expected to work” category of Income Support are equivalent to one month’s core benefit for the applicable household unit. The maximum applicable National Child Benefit Supplement is included for families with children.

12 This represents the amount for an Income Support client in the “not expected to work” category. For those in the “not expected to work” category, the maximum allowable liquid assets are equivalent to two months’ core benefits. Asset exemption levels for clients in the “not expected to work” category include the Personal Needs Supplement (effective August 2005) of $78 per month. Asset limits for Income Support clients include the amount of their Core Benefit plus the full amount of the National Child Benefit Supplement. Households receive an additional $33 for each child over the age of 12.

13 Exempt assets are not counted in the $100,000 limit. Examples of exempt assets include a principal residence, a non-recreational vehicle, an adapted vehicle, clothing and household items, a locked-in retirement account (LIRA) and a registered disability savings plan (RDSP). AISH clients with non-exempt assets of $3,000 or less may also receive Personal Benefits (e.g. for child care, moving, addiction treatment) and a monthly Child Benefit of $100 per dependent child.


14 The maximum exempt cash assets for applicants (other than persons with a disability) are $150 for a single person and $250 for a family. The maximum allowable cash assets for applicants (other than persons with a disability) are equivalent to one month’s benefit, plus $150 for a single person and $250 for a family. In the first month on welfare, BC subtracts cash assets exceeding $150 ($250) from the welfare payment.


15 In Nunavut, there is no exemption on liquid assets other than for persons with a disability and persons 60 years of age or older.

  Basic Social Assistance Additional SA Program Benefits Federal Child Benefits1 Provincial/ Territorial Child Benefit GST Credit2 Provincial Tax Credits Total Income
Single Employable $8,085 $1,200     $268 $40 $9,593
Person with a Disability $8,085 $2,700     $298 $40 $11,123
Lone Parent, One Child5,6 $12,474 $1,200 $4,574 $331 $619 $100 $19,297
Couple, Two Children $12,999 $1,200 $6,512 $681 $747 $200 $22,339
Single Employable $6,661       $245   $6,906
Person with a Disability8 $8,812       $255   $9,067
Lone Parent, One Child9,10 $11,339   $4,574   $619   $16,531
Couple, Two Children9,10 $16,436 $35011 $6,512   $747   $24,045
Single Employable $6,114       $245   $6,359
Person with a Disability $8,934       $263   $9,197
Lone Parent, One Child13,14 $9,354   $4,574 $445 $619   $14,992
Couple, Two Children13,14 $12,468 $15015 $6,512 $1,090 $747   $20,967
Single Employable $3,528       $245   $3,773
Person with a Disability19 $7,416 $1,00020     $249   $8,665
Lone Parent, One Child21,22 $9,708 $1,02020 $4,574 $250 $619   $16,171
Couple, Two Children21,22 $10,896 $1,12020 $6,512 $500 $747   $19,775
Single Employable $7,067       $245   $7,312
Person with a Disability $10,595       $286   $10,881
Lone Parent, One Child26,27 $8,507 $96028 $4,574 $2,924 $619   $17,583
Couple, Two Children26,27 $10,947 $1,15928 $6,512 $3,249 $747   $22,614
Single Employable $6,877       $245 $379 $7,501
Person with a Disability $12,284       $324 $297 $12,905
Lone Parent, One Child31,32,33 $10,937   $4,574 $850 $619 $392 $17,372
Couple, Two Children31,32,33 $13,210   $6,512 $1,700 $747 $526 $22,695
Single Employable $6,060 $51035     $245   $6,815
Person with a Disability $7,397 $1,77035     $256   $9,423
Lone Parent, One Child36,37 $9,636   $4,574   $619   $14,829
Couple, Two Children36,37 $14,057 $16035 $6,512   $747   $21,476
Single Employable $8,316       $245 $219 $8,780
Person with a Disability43 $9,567 $84044     $277 $219 $10,902
Lone Parent, One Child45,46 $12,293   $4,574   $619 $437 $17,923
Couple, Two Children45,46 $15,920 $21544 $6,512   $747 $607 $24,001
Single Employable $6,996       $245   $7,241
Person with a Disability $8,244 $936     $253   $9,433
Person with a Disability / AISH48 $13,956       $341   $14,297
Lone Parent, One Child49 $10,668   $4,462   $619   $15,749
Couple, Two Children49 $14,472 $27547 $6,607   $747   $22,101
Single Employable $7,320 $35     $245 $178 $7,778
Person with a Disability $10,877 $35     $303 $178 $11,392
Lone Parent, One Child51 $11,347 $80 $4,574   $619 $280 $16,899
Couple, Two Children52 $13,213 $290 $6,512   $747 $417 $21,179
Single Employable $14,873 $155     $341   $15,369
Person with a Disability $14,873 $3,155   $0 $374   $18,402
Lone Parent, One Child55,56 $19,347 $260 $4,574 $690 $619   $25,489
Couple, Two Children $26,073 $685 $6,455 $1,380 $747   $35,340
Single Employable $16,942       $374   $17,316
Person with a Disability59 $17,100 $4,04460     $374   $21,518
Lone Parent, One Child61,62 $20,930   $4,574 $328 $619   $26,450
Couple, Two Children $26,258   $6,137 $380 $747   $33,522
Single Employable $43,452       $374   $43,826
Person with a Disability $43,592 $2,10067     $374   $46,066
Lone Parent, One Child68,69 $46,716   $2,028   $129   $48,873
Couple, Two Children $52,380           $52,380

1 Includes the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) and the Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) received between January 1 and December 31, 2009. The CCTB consists of the CCTB Basic Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement (NCB Supplement). The UCCB came into effect in July 2006 and provides a benefit of $100 per month for each child under the age of 6.

2 The federal Goods and Services Tax Credit includes the quarterly payments received between January 1 and December 31, 2009.


3 Family Benefits rates increased in April 2009.

4 Additional benefits include a supplement shelter benefit of $100 per month and the Flat Rate Allowance for the Disabled of $125 per month. Over 90% of households living in the largest urban centre (St. John’s) have rental costs that exceed the basic shelter rate so automatically receive the shelter supplement.

5 Newfoundland and Labrador does not deduct the NCB Supplement or the Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit when calculating eligibility for Income Support.

6 The Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefit increased in July 2009 from $27.17 to $27.92 for the first child and from $28.75 to $29.58 for the second child.


7 Basic and shelter rates were increased in June 2009. As of June, the shelter ceiling is $329 for single employable individuals but in certain situations such as an existing mortgage or a housing challenge, clients can receive up to $512 per month.

8 Most disabled social assistance clients receive additional financial support through the Disability Support Program (DSP). Clients who are not eligible for the DSP may receive the Personal Care Allowance ($53 per month) and the Special Care Allowance ($40 per month) through the Social Assistance Program. These amounts are not included in the above table.

9 The Healthy Child Allowance was increased in July 2009 from $102 to $107 per child per month. This mirrors the increase in the National Child Benefit Supplement.

10 Prince Edward Island reduces the maximum benefit payable to families with children by the full amount of the NCB Supplement.

11 Additional benefits include the School Allowance, issued in August and December. The allowance is $75 for the 10 year old and $100 for the 15 year old.


12 In October 2009, personal allowances increased from $208 to $214 per month per adult.

13 The Nova Scotia Child Benefit is $37.08 per month for the first child and $53.75 per month for the second child.

14 Nova Scotia passes on the full amount of the NCB Supplement.

15 Additional benefits include the annual School Supplies Supplement of $50 for the 10-year-old and $100 for the 15-year-old, which is issued in September.


16 The single employable receives Interim Assistance, the lone parent with one child and the couple with two children receive Transitional Assistance, and the single person with a disability receives Extended Benefits. In January 2010 the Interim Assistance program is to be eliminated.

17 New Brunswick’s monthly Fuel Supplement for households heating with electricity is $150 per month. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis. It is paid in addition to basic assistance and is designed to help offset high heating costs for clients who pay for heat separately. It may be paid either monthly, from November to April, or as a one-time payment. This is not included in the above table.

18 The Emergency Fuel Benefit has also been enhanced to recognize the increase in electrical rates and that these increases inherently placed households in an emergency. Therefore, these households do not have to demonstrate an situation.

19 Certified disabled clients who are in receipt of assistance on October 1 automatically receive the Disability Supplement.

20 Additional benefits include the Income Supplement Benefit for families with children to offset high shelter costs ($1,020 per year in 2009), the School Supplement of $50 per child per year, and the Disability Supplement ($1,000 yearly).

21 New Brunswick passes on the full amount of the NCB Supplement.

22 The New Brunswick Child Benefit is $250 per child per year ($20.83 per month).


23 The single person with a disability receives Social Solidarity benefits. All others receive Social Assistance benefits. The lone parent with one child also receives the Temporarily Limited Capacity for Employment Allowance.

24 Assistance rates include the amount of the Quebec Sales Tax credit.

25 Rates increased in January 2009 for the Social Assistance Program and the Social Solidarity Program.

26 The NCB Supplement is passed on in full to all social assistance families.

27 The Child Assistance measure rates increased in January 2009. The maximum annual benefit as of January 1, 2009, for a one child family is $2,166 ($180.50 per month) and $3,249 ($270.75 per month) for a two-child family. Lone parent families received an additional annual supplement of $758 ($63.17 per month).

28 Additional benefits include the monthly Shelter Allowance Program benefit of $80 for families with children (administered by the Societe d’habitation du Quebec) and an annual school allowance of $76 for the 10 year old and $123 for the 15 year old.


29 Ontario Works basic needs and maximum shelter rates were increased in December 2009.

30 Ontario Disability Support Program basic needs and maximum shelter rates were increased in November 2009.

31 Ontario Works rates for families with children were restructured in August 2009.

32 Effective July 2008, Ontario no longer claws back the NCB Supplement for families on assistance.

33 In July 2009 the maximum Ontario Child Benefit increased from $50 to $91.66 per month per child.


34 The Manitoba Shelter Benefit, effective July 2006, includes a component for income assistance participants who are enrolled under the disability category and reside in private rental accommodation or a board and room situation. In July 2008, eligibility was extended to employable singles and childless couples. In July 2009, the monthly benefit increased from $35 to $50 per month for those in private rental accommodation and from $15 to $30 per month for those in room and board.

35 Additional benefits include the Income Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (IAPD) benefit of $105 per month, the annual school supplies allowance of $60 for the 10 year old and $100 for the 15 year old and the Manitoba Shelter Benefit.

36 The Manitoba Child Benefit Program began in January 2008. It replaced and enhanced the former Child Related Income Support Program (CRISP). Maximum monthly benefits are $35 per child. The Manitoba Child Benefit is not paid to Income Assistance families with children.

37 Manitoba no longer claws back the NCB Supplement for families on Income Assistance.


38 Transitional Employment Assistance rates are used for the single employable, the lone parent with one child and the couple with two children. Saskatchewan Assistance Plan rates are used for the single person with a disability. Rates payable in Tier A communities are used.

39 In February 2009, the General Living Allowance component of TEA was increased.

40 In October 2009, the shelter component of SAP was increased.

41 Saskatchewan pays actual utility costs. Amounts used are based on averages for the different household types during the 2009 calendar year for both TEA and SAP.

42 The Saskatchewan Sales Tax Credit was replaced by the Saskatchewan Low Income Tax Credit (SLITC) effective October 2008, retroactive to July 2008. The SLITC provided $216 for an individual, a spouse or common law partner (or for an eligible dependant) and $84 for a maximum of two children, for an annual credit of up to $600 per family. These amounts were increased to $221, $86 and $614 respectively in July 2009. The credit starts to be reduced once family net income is more than $28,335 (increased to $29,063 in July 2009).

43 Clients with a disability may also be eligible for the Disability Rental Housing Supplement, introduced in April 2005. The amount paid depends on family size, family income and the local rental market. In February 2009 the maximum monthly amount payable in the largest communities was increased from $238 to $262 per month. The supplement is not included in the above table.

44 Additional benefits include the Disabled Persons Allowance of $50 per month, the Special Transportation Allowance for the disabled of $20 per month, and the annual Education Expenses Allowance of $85 for the 10 year old and $130 for the 15 year old.

45 Families with children may also be eligible for the Family Rental Housing Supplement, introduced in April 2005. The amount paid depends on family size, family income and the local rental market. In February 2009 the maximum monthly amount payable in the largest communities was increased from $238 to $256 per month.

46 The Saskatchewan Child Benefit (SCB) was designed to be a transitional benefit and is reduced as the NCB Supplement increases. Since July 2006 the SCB has been fully offset by the NCB Supplement.


47 Additional benefits include $78 per month for Personal Needs for the person with a disability (Alberta Works only) and the annual school expense allowance of $100 for the 10-year-old and $175 for the 15-year-old.

48 Since Alberta has a distinctive program for persons with severe and permanent disabilities - the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program - we also feature this program beginning with Welfare Incomes 2006. The AISH program differs from the other social assistance programs referenced in this report in that clients are provided with a flat rate living allowance benefit which is not contingent on family size. In addition to the living allowance, AISH may provide a $100 Child Benefit for each dependent child and Personal Benefits for the client and his or her dependent children to meet one-time or on-going needs such as a special diet and child care. (Personal benefits are provided to clients who have $3000 or less in non-exempt assets). In April 2009 the benefit was increased from $1,088 per month to $1,188.

49 Since August 2003, Alberta has passed on the full amount of the increase to the NCB Supplement.


50 Additional benefits include the annual Christmas Supplement ($35 for singles, $70 for a family with children and $10 for each child) and the annual School Start-up Supplement of $84 for the 10 year old and $116 for the 15 year old.

51 In July 2004, the BC Family Bonus for a one-child family was fully offset by the NCB Supplement. Families with one child no longer receive any BC Family Bonus.

52 In July 2005, the BC Family Bonus for a two-child family was fully offset by the NCB Supplement. Families with two children no longer receive any BC Family Bonus.


53 All basic rates were increased in January 2009 and again in November 2009.

54 Additional benefits include the annual Christmas Allowance of $30 per person, the Winter Clothing Allowance ($75 for persons under 14 years and $125 for persons 14 years or over), the annual School Supply Allowance of $50 for children in grades 1-5 and $65 for those in grades 6-12, and the monthly Territorial Supplementary Allowance for persons with a disability ($250 monthly).

55 Yukon reduces social assistance by the full amount of the NCB Supplement.

56 In July 2008 Yukon increased the maximum Yukon Child Benefit $37.50 to $57.50 per child per month.


57 The Northwest Territories Income Assistance Program generally pays actual costs of shelter, fuel and utilities. Public housing unsubsidized rents have been used for the lone parent with one child and the couple with 2 children.

58 All clients other than those with a disability and seniors must participate in a “productive choice” in order to receive income assistance.

59 The rate for a person with a disability may vary.

60 Additional benefits include the Disability Allowance of $300 per month.

61 NWT reduces social assistance by the full amount of the NCB Supplement.

62 The NWT Child Benefit is $27.50 per child per month. It was reduced if 2008 net income was above $20,921.


63 The majority of Income Support households in Nunavut reside in public housing where rents range from as low as $60.00 a month up to $2,800.00 per month depending on the number of family members living in the household earning income. Clients in public housing do not pay fuel, water, sewage, garbage and/or municipal needs. Costs are subsidized by the Nunavut Housing Corporation. Clients receive invoices for their electricity at a subsidized rate which may be included on the assessment.

64 Applicants living in private accommodation must apply for public housing before being approved for rent payments. Private rents range from $1,000 to $3,000 per month. High level approval is required prior to approving any rent amounts over $2,500 per month. This situation is due to the housing shortage in Nunavut.

65 All clients other than the persons with a disability must be in receipt of assistance for two months before the regular clothing allowance is paid. Clients may only receive the seasonal clothing allowance after they have been on assistance for six consecutive months.

66 For the first time, we included an average monthly fuel payment of $343 provided to families in private rentals over and above electricity.

67 Additional benefits include the Disability Allowance of $175 a month.

68 Nunavut reduces social assistance by the amount of the NCB Supplement.

69 The Nunavut Child Benefit is $27.50 per child per month. It was reduced if 2008 net income was above $20,921.

  Single Person Considered Employable Single Person with a Disability Lone Parent, One Child Couple, Two Children
NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR 100% of income up to $75.00 plus 20% of income in excess of $75.00 100% of income up to $150, plus 20% of income in excess of $150 100% of income up to $150 plus 20% of income in excess of $150 $100% of income up to $150 plus 20% of income in excess of $150
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND $75 of net earned income plus 10% of the balance $75 of net earned income plus 10% of the balance $125 of net earned income plus 10% of the balance $125 of net earned income plus 10% of the balance
NOVA SCOTIA2 Applicants: no exemption Recipients: 30% of net wages *Families can earn up to $3,000 Applicants: no exemption Recipients: $150 from supported employment plus 30% of net wages remaining3 *Families can earn up to $3,000 Applicants: no exemption Recipients: 30% of net wages *Families can earn up to $3,000 Applicants:no exemption Recipients: 30% of net family wages *Families can earn up to $3,000
NEW BRUNSWICK4 Applicants: no exemption Recipients: $3005 Applicants: no exemption Recipients: $2506 Applicants: no exemption Recipients: $2007 Applicants: no exemption Recipients: $200
QUEBEC $2008 $1009 $20010 $30011
ONTARIO12 Applicants: no exemption for first 3 months on assistance Recipients: 50% of net earnings after 3 months of continuous assistance 50% of net earnings in addition to a monthly $100 Work-Related Benefit for each eligible adult family member who is working13 Applicants: no exemption for the first 3 months on assistance Recipients: 50% of net earnings after 3 months of continuous assistance13 Applicants: no exemption for the first 3 months on assistance Recipients: 50% of net earnings after 3 months of continuous assistance13
MANITOBA14 Applicants: $200 of net earnings Recipients: after one month, $200 of net earnings plus 30% of net earnings over $200 Applicants: $200 of net earnings Recipients: after one month, $200 of net earnings plus 30% of net earnings over $200 Applicants: $200 of net earnings Recipients: after one month, $200 of net earnings plus 30% of net earnings over $200 Applicants: $200 of net earnings for each earner Recipients: after one month, $200 of net earnings plus 30% net earnings over $200, for each earner
SASKATCHEWAN15 No earnings exemption (TEA clients) $100 plus 25% of the next $500 for a maximum of $225 (SAP clients) No earnings exemption (TEA clients) Clients with earnings over $125 are eligible for the Saskatchewan Employment Supplement16 No earnings exemption (TEA clients) Clients with earnings over $125 are eligible for the Saskatchewan Employment Supplement16
ALBERTA $230 of net income plus 25% of the remaining net income $230 of net income plus 25% of the remaining net income $230 of net income plus 25% of the remaining net income $115 of net income plus 25% of the remaining net income (for each working adult)
ALBERTA-Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program Not applicable The first $400 of net employment income is exempt and any amount above $400, and up to $1,500, is 50% exempt to a maximum of $950. Not applicable Not applicable
BRITISH COLUMBIA No earnings exemption Applicants: no exemption for first 3 months Recipients: $500 No earnings exemption No earnings exemption
YUKON Applicants: $100 Recipients: 50% of earned gross income for first 36 months, then the exemption is 25% Applicants: $100 Recipients: 50% of earned gross income for first 36 months, then the exemption is 25%17 Applicants: $150 Recipients: 50% of earned gross income for first 36 months, then the exemption is 25% Applicants: $150 Recipients: 50% of earned gross income for first 36 months, then the exemption is 25%
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES $200 plus additional 15% of the remaining earned income $200 plus additional 15% of the remaining earned income $400 plus additional 15% of the remaining earned income $400 plus additional 15% of the remaining earned income
NUNAVUT $200 $200 $400 $400

1 Unless otherwise noted, the earnings exemptions levels apply to both those applying for and receiving social assistance.


2 Additional special needs such as transportation, child care and clothing may be provided based on need. Families can earn up to $3,000 annually without these earnings affecting basic income assistance payments. This program considers income earned from working in the seasonal harvesting of field produced crops like berries, vegetables and apples, and the harvesting of Christmas trees and making of Christmas wreaths.

3 Nova Scotia’s provision applies to persons with a disability participating in supported employment.


4 New Brunswick has two types of wage exemptions. The regular Wage Exemption amounts are shown in the above table. The Extended Wage Exemption (EWE) provides higher exemptions to clients during their transition to self sufficiency. A client may only receive one type of exemption at any time. The EWE, which is limited to a maximum of two years, exempts a percentage of net income based on the household type. Singles and families with no children may receive an exemption of up to 30% of net earned income for the first six months, 25% of net income for the next six months, then the appropriate flat rate wage exemption for the remaining 12 months. Families with children may receive an exemption of up to 35% of income for the first six months, 30% of income for the next six months, then the regular flat rate wage exemption for the remaining 12 months.

5 This is for a single person receiving Interim Assistance.

6 This is for a single person with a disability receiving Extended Benefits.

7 This is for a family receiving Transitional Assistance.


8 This is for a person in the Social Assistance program with no limitations to employment.

9 This is for a person in the Social Solidarity program.

10 This is for a person in the Social Assistance program with temporary limitations to employment.

11 This is for a couple in the Social Assistance program regardless of the type of limitations to employment.


12 Apart from the earnings exemption, Ontario provides other employment-related benefits to clients. Ontario Works provides the Full-time Employment Benefit to clients to help with expenses associated with beginning full-time employment. Eligible clients receive a maximum of $500 in any 12-month period. Similarly, the Other Employment and Employment Assistance Activities Benefit assists clients beginning or changing employment or in an employment assistance activity. Expenses include work wear, grooming costs, licensing fees, etc. Eligible recipients receive a maximum of $253 in a 12-month period. There is also the Employment Related Expenses Benefit. It is provided to support participants as they progress toward sustainable employment. This benefit is also offered to eligible Ontario Disability Support Program recipients who are participating in Ontario Works employment assistance activities. The maximum average that is provided for each eligible participant is $250 per month, with a maximum advance of $500. Where a participant is eligible for the mandatory Other Employment and Employment Assistance Activities Benefit, that benefit is accessed first.

13 Disability-related work expenses up to a maximum of $300 per month can be deducted, as well as up to $600 per child for informal child care costs, and the entire amount of licensed child care costs (Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program).


14 Manitoba also provides the Rewarding Work Allowance (RWA) to all employed non-disabled adults on income assistance. The RWA is $100.00 for non-disabled people working more than 80 hours or 10 days in a month, or $50 for those working less. Employed disabled persons receive similar benefits.


15 Employable clients can be on either Saskatchewan Assistance Plan (SAP) or Transitional Employment Allowance (TEA), depending on assessment. Employable singles, lone parents or couples with children are eligible for earnings exemptions if they are on SAP.

16 Saskatchewan provides the Saskatchewan Employment Supplement (SES) to low-income parents who work for pay, are self-employed or receive child or spousal support.


17 Effective July 2005, persons who qualified for the Territorial Supplementary Allowance (payable to persons with a disability and the elderly) were eligible for an additional annual earned income exemption of $3,900.

  2009 Welfare
AT LICO Poverty Gap 2009 Welfare Income as
% of AT LICO
Single Employable $9,593 $15,579 -$5,986 62%
Person with a disability $11,123 $15,579 -$4,456 71%
Lone Parent, One Child $19,297 $18,960 $337 102%
Couple, Two Children $22,339 $29,455 -$7,116 76%
Single Employable $6,906 $15,384 -$8,478 45%
Person with a disability $9,067 $15,384 -$6,317 59%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,531 $18,725 -$2,194 88%
Couple, Two Children $24,045 $29,089 -$5,044 83%
Single Employable $6,359 $15,579 -$9,220 41%
Person with a disability $9,197 $15,579 -$6,382 59%
Lone Parent, One Child $14,992 $18,960 -$3,969 79%
Couple, Two Children $20,967 $29,455 -$8,488 71%
Single Employable $3,773 $15,579 -$11,806 24%
Person with a disability $8,665 $15,579 -$6,914 56%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,171 $18,960 -$2,790 85%
Couple, Two Children $19,775 $29,455 -$9,680 67%
Single Employable $7,312 $18,421 -$11,109 40%
Person with a disability $10,881 $18,421 -$7,540 59%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,583 $22,420 -$4,837 78%
Couple, Two Children $22,614 $34,829 -$12,215 65%
Single Employable $7,501 $18,421 -$10,920 41%
Person with a disability $12,905 $18,421 -$5,516 70%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,372 $22,420 -$5,048 77%
Couple, Two Children $22,695 $34,829 -$12,134 65%
Single Employable $6,815 $18,421 -$11,606 37%
Person with a disability $9,423 $18,421 -$8,998 51%
Lone Parent, One Child $14,829 $22,420 -$7,592 66%
Couple, Two Children $21,476 $34,829 -$13,353 62%
Single Employable $8,780 $15,579 -$6,799 56%
Person with a disability $10,902 $15,579 -$4,677 70%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,923 $18,960 -$1,037 95%
Couple, Two Children $24,001 $29,455 -$5,454 81%
Single Employable $7,241 $18,421 -$11,180 39%
Person with a disability $9,433 $18,421 -$8,988 51%
Person with a disability/AISH $14,297 $18,421 -$4,124 78%
Lone Parent, One Child $15,749 $22,420 -$6,671 70%
Couple, Two Children $22,101 $34,829 -$12,728 63%
Single Employable $7,778 $18,421 -$10,644 42%
Person with a disability $11,392 $18,421 -$7,029 62%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,899 $22,420 -$5,521 75%
Couple, Two Children $21,179 $34,829 -$13,650 61%
  2009 Welfare Income 2009 MBM* Poverty Gap 2009 Welfare Income as
% of 2009 MBM*
Single Employable $9,593 $14,968 $5,375 64%
Person with a Disability $11,123 $14,968 $3,845 74%
Lone Parent, One child $19,297 $19,458 $161 99%
Couple, Two Children $22,339 $29,936 $7,597 75%
Single Employable $6,906 $15,852 $8,946 44%
Person with a Disability $9,067 $15,852 $6,785 57%
Lone Parent, One child $16,531 $20,607 $4,076 80%
Couple, Two Children $24,045 $31,703 $7,658 76%
Single Employable $6,359 $15,044 $8,685 42%
Person with a Disability $9,197 $15,044 $5,847 61%
Lone Parent, One child $14,992 $19,557 $4,566 77%
Couple, Two Children $20,967 $30,088 $9,121 70%
Single Employable $3,773 $14,373 $10,600 26%
Person with a Disability $8,665 $14,373 $5,708 60%
Lone Parent, One child $16,171 $18,685 $2,514 87%
Couple, Two Children $19,775 $28,745 $8,970 69%
Single Employable $7,312 $14,158 $6,846 52%
Person with a Disability $10,881 $14,158 $3,277 77%
Lone Parent, One child $17,583 $18,405 $822 96%
Couple, Two Children $22,614 $28,316 $5,702 80%
Single Employable $7,501 $15,633 $8,132 48%
Person with a Disability $12,905 $15,633 $2,729 83%
Lone Parent, One child $17,372 $20,323 $2,952 85%
Couple, Two Children $22,695 $31,267 $8,572 73%
Single Employable $6,815 $13,795 $6,980 49%
Person with a Disability $9,423 $13,795 $4,372 68%
Lone Parent, One child $14,829 $17,933 $3,105 83%
Couple, Two Children $21,476 $27,589 $6,114 78%
Single Employable $8,780 $14,368 $5,588 61%
Person with a Disability $10,902 $14,368 $3,466 76%
Lone Parent, One child $17,923 $18,679 $756 96%
Couple, Two Children $24,001 $28,736 $4,735 84%
Single Employable $7,241 $15,491 $8,250 47%
Person with a Disability $9,433 $15,491 $6,057 61%
Person with a Disability/AISH $14,297 $15,491 $1,194 92%
Lone Parent, One child $15,749 $20,138 $4,389 78%
Couple, Two Children $22,101 $30,982 $8,881 71%
Single Employable $7,778 $15,032 $7,255 52%
Person with a Disability $11,392 $15,032 $3,640 76%
Lone Parent, One child $16,899 $19,542 $2,643 86%
Couple, Two Children $21,179 $30,065 $8,886 70%

* Estimated

  2009 Welfare
Average AT Income 2009 Welfare Income as
% of Average AT Income
Single Employable $9,593 $25,166 38%
Person with a Disability $11,123 $25,166 44%
Lone Parent, One Child $19,297 $27,773 69%
Couple, Two Children $22,339 $37,599 59%
Single Employable $6,906 $26,870 26%
Person with a Disability $9,067 $26,870 34%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,531 $26,169 63%
Couple, Two Children $24,045 $34,591 70%
Single Employable $6,359 $25,868 25%
Person with a Disability $9,197 $25,868 36%
Lone Parent, One Child $14,992 $32,485 46%
Couple, Two Children $20,967 $36,395 58%
Single Employable $3,773 $25,968 15%
Person with a Disability $8,665 $25,968 33%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,171 $27,873 58%
Couple, Two Children $19,775 $35,593 56%
Single Employable $7,312 $26,870 27%
Person with a Disability $10,881 $26,870 40%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,583 $34,891 50%
Couple, Two Children $22,614 $37,198 61%
Single Employable $7,501 $32,686 23%
Person with a Disability $12,905 $32,686 39%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,372 $41,910 41%
Couple, Two Children $22,695 $43,113 53%
Single Employable $6,815 $31,783 21%
Person with a Disability $9,423 $31,783 30%
Lone Parent, One Child $14,829 $32,686 45%
Couple, Two Children $21,476 $39,804 54%
Single Employable $8,780 $30,580 29%
Person with a Disability $10,902 $30,580 36%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,923 $33,889 53%
Couple, Two Children $24,001 $44,015 55%
Single Employable $7,241 $41,609 17%
Person with a Disability $9,433 $41,609 23%
Person with a Disability/AISH $14,297 $41,609 34%
Lone Parent, One Child $15,749 $45,720 34%
Couple, Two Children $22,101 $51,435 43%
Single Employable $7,778 $34,691 22%
Person with a Disability $11,392 $34,691 33%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,899 $36,295 47%
Couple, Two Children $21,179 $43,614 49%
Table 7: 2009 Welfare Incomes as a Percentage of Median After-Tax Incomes
  2009 Welfare
2009 Median Income* Welfare Income as
% of Median Income*
Single Employable $9,593 $20,006 48%
Person With a Disability $11,123 $20,006 56%
Lone Parent, One Child $19,297 $30,086 64%
Couple, Two Children $22,339 $81,538 27%
Single Employable $6,906 $21,111 33%
Person With a Disability $9,067 $21,111 43%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,531 $31,815 52%
Couple, Two Children $24,045 $76,892 31%
Single Employable $6,359 $23,444 27%
Person With a Disability $9,197 $23,444 39%
Lone Parent, One Child $14,992 $31,876 47%
Couple, Two Children $20,967 $80,975 26%
Single Employable $3,773 $20,988 18%
Person With a Disability $8,665 $20,988 41%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,171 $29,615 55%
Couple, Two Children $19,775 $77,097 26%
Single Employable $7,312 $21,346 34%
Person With a Disability $10,881 $21,346 51%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,583 $34,517 51%
Couple, Two Children $22,614 $76,227 30%
Single Employable $7,501 $22,667 33%
Person With a Disability $12,905 $22,667 57%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,372 $35,008 50%
Couple, Two Children $22,695 $78,591 29%
Single Employable $6,815 $23,229 29%
Person With a Disability $9,423 $23,229 41%
Lone Parent, One Child $14,829 $33,708 44%
Couple, Two Children $21,476 $78,601 27%
Single Employable $8,780 $24,028 37%
Person With a Disability $10,902 $24,028 45%
Lone Parent, One Child $17,923 $32,511 55%
Couple, Two Children $24,001 $84,137 29%
Single Employable $7,241 $30,515 24%
Person With a Disability $9,433 $30,515 31%
Person With a Disability $14,297 $30,515 47%
Lone Parent, One Child $15,749 $42,447 37%
Couple, Two Children $22,101 $97,891 23%
Single Employable $7,778 $24,437 32%
Person With a Disability $11,392 $24,437 47%
Lone Parent, One Child $16,899 $35,509 48%
Couple, Two Children $21,179 $76,411 28%
Single Employable $15,369 $29,942 51%
Person With a Disability $18,402 $29,942 61%
Lone Parent, One Child $25,489 $38,927 65%
Couple, Two Children $35,340 $96,755 37%
Single Employable $17,316 $33,176 52%
Person With a Disability $21,518 $33,176 65%
Lone Parent, One Child $26,450 $33,718 78%
Couple, Two Children $33,522 $107,684 31%
Single Employable $43,826 $31,641 139%
Person With a Disability $46,066 $31,641 146%
Lone Parent, One Child $48,873 $21,776 224%
Couple, Two Children $52,380 $67,130 78%

* Estimated

Table 8: Total Welfare Incomes Over Time in 2009 Constant dollars (1986-1998)
  1986 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Single Employable $5,910 $5,804 $5,882 $5,969 $6,119 $6,041 $6,041 $5,910 $3,476 $1,653 $1,658
Person with a Disability   $11,584 $11,588 $11,440 $11,574 $11,411 $11,409 $11,161 $11,391 $11,820 $11,762
Lone Parent, One Child $16,671 $16,327 $16,582 $17,064 $17,563 $17,349 $17,345 $16,964 $17,109 $17,485 $17,799
Couple, Two Children $20,848 $20,018 $20,232 $20,123 $20,066 $19,806 $19,803 $19,373 $19,484 $19,973 $20,500
Single Employable $10,977 $10,721 $10,792 $10,976 $11,016 $10,928 $9,863 $7,648 $7,015 $6,976 $6,910
Person with a Disability   $12,460 $12,464 $12,492 $12,533 $12,417 $12,285 $11,817 $10,924 $10,697 $10,588
Lone Parent, One Child $16,985 $16,455 $16,677 $17,058 $17,187 $17,065 $16,802 $16,044 $15,390 $14,778 $14,630
Couple, Two Children $25,881 $25,033 $25,286 $25,841 $25,765 $25,531 $25,139 $24,175 $22,550 $22,516 $22,302
Single Employable $8,068 $9,098 $8,797 $8,550 $8,303 $8,150 $8,148 $7,971 $7,878 $5,853 $5,798
Person with a Disability   $11,941 $11,993 $12,021 $11,757 $11,539 $11,724 $11,503 $11,337 $11,144 $11,038
Lone Parent, One Child $15,825 $16,207 $16,383 $16,530 $16,426 $16,138 $16,349 $16,026 $15,795 $15,525 $15,535
Couple, Two Children $20,525 $21,537 $20,976 $20,820 $20,493 $20,188 $20,185 $19,747 $20,914 $21,050 $21,112
Single Employable $3,976 $4,407 $4,452 $4,537 $4,413 $4,350 $4,383 $4,303 $4,287 $4,259 $4,219
Person with a Disability   $11,373 $11,319 $11,189 $11,088 $11,006 $8,711 $8,671 $8,620 $8,681 $8,642
Lone Parent, One Child $13,797 $13,480 $13,563 $13,600 $13,560 $13,561 $14,041 $14,563 $14,489 $14,588 $14,939
Couple, Two Children $16,627 $15,850 $15,884 $16,198 $16,251 $16,234 $16,720 $17,312 $17,193 $17,472 $18,150
Single Employable $4,186 $5,481 $7,844 $8,313 $8,425 $8,438 $8,276 $8,096 $7,978 $7,728 $7,617
Person with a Disability   $9,769 $10,243 $10,712 $10,918 $10,907 $11,097 $10,862 $10,943 $10,906 $11,002
Lone Parent, One Child $15,872 $14,663 $15,798 $14,919 $16,558 $17,128 $17,484 $17,115 $16,678 $16,028 $16,011
Couple, Two Children $22,206 $20,194 $20,080 $21,004 $21,242 $21,711 $21,499 $21,032 $20,571 $19,621 $19,810
Single Employable $8,945 $9,718 $10,713 $11,171 $11,434 $11,392 $11,419 $10,613 $8,763 $8,644 $8,548
Person with a Disability   $13,984 $15,044 $15,593 $15,762 $15,665 $15,696 $15,357 $15,134 $14,875 $14,734
Lone Parent, One Child $17,874 $19,071 $21,441 $22,247 $22,510 $22,431 $22,474 $20,951 $17,601 $17,326 $17,158
Couple, Two Children $23,649 $25,005 $28,728 $29,674 $29,978 $29,838 $29,650 $27,517 $23,264 $22,904 $22,677
Single Employable $8,875 $9,310 $9,541 $9,604 $9,667 $9,502 $8,875 $8,694 $8,068 $7,022 $6,955
Person with a Disability   $10,114 $10,096 $10,107 $12,214 $11,031 $10,983 $10,744 $10,588 $10,407 $10,308
Lone Parent, One Child $15,565 $15,253 $15,358 $15,433 $16,723 $15,211 $15,134 $14,798 $14,583 $14,333 $14,197
Couple, Two Children $24,482 $26,137 $26,942 $27,380 $27,724 $25,525 $25,941 $25,365 $23,064 $21,505 $21,081
Single Employable $7,429 $7,538 $7,481 $7,439 $7,582 $7,957 $7,955 $7,145 $7,669 $6,920 $6,876
Person with a Disability   $12,217 $11,959 $11,707 $11,494 $11,372 $11,367 $11,121 $11,268 $10,088 $10,077
Lone Parent, One Child $17,098 $17,001 $16,850 $16,622 $16,354 $16,156 $16,145 $15,791 $15,561 $15,295 $14,158
Couple, Two Children $25,093 $24,299 $23,938 $23,576 $23,559 $23,222 $23,293 $22,791 $22,459 $20,984 $20,913
Single Employable $10,572 $7,451 $7,223 $8,011 $7,943 $7,492 $6,578 $6,435 $6,341 $6,268 $6,294
Person with a Disability - SI   $9,189 $8,882 $9,516 $9,337 $9,062 $9,038 $8,866 $8,737 $8,624 $8,628
Person with a Disability - AISH                      
Lone Parent, One Child $17,196 $15,466 $15,110 $16,072 $15,931 $15,356 $14,433 $14,105 $13,891 $13,749 $13,893
Couple, Two Children $26,886 $23,655 $22,969 $25,380 $25,064 $24,211 $22,982 $22,681 $22,351 $22,058 $22,198
Single Employable $7,552 $8,388 $8,683 $8,333 $8,853 $8,870 $9,097 $8,929 $8,149 $8,009 $7,931
Person with a Disability   $11,535 $12,049 $11,978 $12,378 $12,449 $12,755 $12,525 $12,345 $12,135 $12,020
Lone Parent, One Child $15,454 $16,782 $17,220 $17,245 $17,808 $17,829 $18,238 $17,891 $17,632 $17,267 $17,103
Couple, Two Children $22,283 $21,923 $22,301 $22,297 $23,158 $23,212 $23,838 $23,385 $23,045 $22,525 $22,311
Single Employable $8,973 $10,934 $11,181 $11,194 $11,053 $10,850 $10,844 $10,609 $10,454 $14,134 $13,972
Person with a Disability   $12,218 $12,413 $12,373 $12,220 $11,993 $11,988 $12,590 $12,414 $16,069 $15,917
Lone Parent, One Child $17,968 $19,718 $20,115 $20,295 $20,188 $19,827 $19,822 $19,391 $19,109 $23,024 $22,806
Couple, Two Children $28,398 $29,923 $29,947 $30,451 $30,480 $29,932 $29,921 $29,271 $28,846 $33,349 $33,033
Single Employable           $15,496 $15,486 $15,150 $14,833 $9,785 $9,669
Person with a Disability           $17,507 $17,499 $17,119 $17,160 $12,453 $12,383
Lone Parent, One Child           $27,913 $27,902 $27,295 $26,782 $23,645 $23,766
Couple, Two Children           $33,826 $33,861 $33,125 $32,489 $31,660 $32,018
Single Employable                      
Person with a Disability                      
Lone Parent, One Child                      
Couple, Two Children                      
Table 8: Total Welfare Incomes Over Time in 2009 Constant dollars (1999-2009)
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Single Employable $1,651 $2,204 $3,833 $9,292 $9,054 $8,904 $8,764 $9,343 $9,591 $9,476 $9,593
Person with a Disability $11,650 $11,475 $11,286 $11,065 $10,767 $10,577 $10,399 $10,948 $11,160 $11,010 $11,123
Lone Parent, One Child $18,051 $17,989 $18,021 $17,886 $17,572 $17,444 $17,297 $18,725 $19,277 $19,072 $19,297
Couple, Two Children $20,987 $21,005 $21,301 $21,299 $21,028 $20,986 $20,929 $22,055 $22,226 $22,034 $22,339
Single Employable $6,789 $6,954 $6,840 $6,826 $6,850 $6,785 $6,643 $6,680 $6,747 $6,692 $6,906
Person with a Disability $10,392 $10,463 $10,264 $10,246 $8,957 $8,853 $8,642 $8,714 $8,847 $8,792 $9,067
Lone Parent, One Child $14,366 $14,680 $14,661 $14,846 $14,836 $14,804 $14,653 $15,699 $16,192 $16,081 $16,531
Couple, Two Children $21,911 $22,690 $22,697 $22,968 $22,875 $22,856 $22,677 $23,384 $23,502 $23,337 $24,045
Single Employable $5,629 $5,487 $5,636 $5,937 $5,781 $5,697 $5,796 $6,299 $6,409 $6,318 $6,359
Person with a Disability $10,844 $10,565 $9,725 $10,090 $9,818 $9,663 $9,511 $9,423 $9,324 $9,167 $9,197
Lone Parent, One Child $15,459 $15,225 $14,333 $14,149 $13,929 $13,864 $13,808 $14,730 $15,108 $14,896 $14,992
Couple, Two Children $20,475 $20,755 $21,648 $20,608 $20,350 $20,324 $20,345 $20,978 $20,996 $20,765 $20,967
Single Employable $4,145 $4,041 $3,948 $3,864 $3,765 $3,703 $3,663 $3,658 $3,666 $3,698 $3,773
Person with a Disability $8,493 $8,575 $8,665 $8,764 $8,813 $8,662 $8,547 $8,508 $8,490 $8,521 $8,665
Lone Parent, One Child $15,164 $15,075 $15,079 $14,969 $14,727 $14,634 $14,598 $15,510 $15,853 $15,916 $16,171
Couple, Two Children $18,674 $18,737 $18,961 $18,970 $18,756 $18,732 $18,779 $19,379 $19,339 $19,434 $19,775
Single Employable $7,661 $7,532 $7,506 $7,612 $7,522 $7,530 $7,426 $7,374 $7,284 $7,165 $7,312
Person with a Disability $11,019 $10,897 $10,899 $10,936 $10,811 $10,826 $10,752 $10,802 $10,773 $10,662 $10,881
Lone Parent, One Child $15,950 $15,527 $15,582 $15,787 $15,661 $15,714 $16,457 $17,343 $17,512 $17,283 $17,583
Couple, Two Children $19,721 $19,526 $19,795 $20,182 $20,104 $20,273 $22,133 $22,704 $22,459 $22,201 $22,614
Single Employable $8,398 $8,183 $7,990 $7,817 $7,610 $7,622 $7,490 $7,401 $7,391 $7,374 $7,501
Person with a Disability $14,476 $14,102 $13,762 $13,457 $13,094 $13,101 $12,889 $12,755 $12,704 $12,685 $12,905
Lone Parent, One Child $16,860 $16,495 $16,179 $15,869 $15,490 $15,577 $15,448 $16,295 $16,867 $16,733 $17,372
Couple, Two Children $22,291 $21,838 $21,446 $21,049 $20,559 $20,608 $20,634 $21,143 $21,605 $21,279 $22,695
Single Employable $6,833 $6,659 $6,503 $6,363 $6,196 $6,331 $6,219 $6,107 $5,978 $6,445 $6,815
Person with a Disability $10,213 $10,011 $9,772 $9,556 $9,298 $9,374 $9,194 $9,246 $9,261 $9,360 $9,423
Lone Parent, One Child $13,944 $13,928 $14,426 $14,642 $14,409 $14,322 $14,198 $14,961 $15,045 $14,787 $14,829
Couple, Two Children $20,711 $20,558 $20,738 $20,710 $21,043 $21,818 $21,762 $22,129 $21,727 $21,383 $21,476
Single Employable $7,065 $7,066 $7,060 $6,950 $6,914 $6,830 $7,123 $8,960 $7,777 $8,144 $8,780
Person with a Disability $10,322 $10,248 $10,224 $10,014 $9,917 $9,892 $9,507 $9,806 $10,026 $10,508 $10,902
Lone Parent, One Child $14,620 $14,645 $14,650 $14,396 $14,010 $13,894 $14,148 $16,479 $15,719 $16,463 $17,923
Couple, Two Children $21,653 $21,534 $21,615 $21,272 $20,875 $20,831 $20,661 $22,693 $21,182 $22,693 $24,001
Single Employable $6,183 $6,026 $5,885 $5,759 $5,608 $5,513 $5,398 $5,721 $5,190 $5,442 $7,241
Person with a Disability - SI $8,692 $9,097 $8,887 $8,696 $8,618 $8,576 $8,393 $8,926 $8,659 $8,803 $9,433
Person with a Disability - AISH               $13,158 $13,093 $13,417 $14,297
Lone Parent, One Child $14,003 $13,821 $13,594 $13,309 $13,241 $13,281 $13,176 $14,799 $14,060 $14,137 $15,749
Couple, Two Children $22,058 $21,903 $21,522 $21,063 $20,900 $20,949 $20,842 $22,907 $20,847 $20,772 $22,101
Single Employable $7,792 $7,653 $7,555 $7,391 $7,173 $7,050 $6,901 $6,776 $7,556 $7,793 $7,778
Person with a Disability $11,809 $11,597 $11,445 $11,193 $10,920 $10,726 $11,391 $11,188 $11,415 $11,416 $11,392
Lone Parent, One Child $16,816 $16,574 $16,461 $15,680 $15,219 $15,060 $14,910 $15,660 $16,652 $16,859 $16,899
Couple, Two Children $21,949 $21,643 $21,542 $20,851 $20,130 $19,956 $19,740 $20,153 $20,810 $21,079 $21,179
Single Employable $13,754 $13,472 $14,435 $14,241 $13,870 $13,624 $13,327 $13,079 $12,794 $13,738 $15,369
Person with a Disability $15,637 $15,291 $16,214 $15,977 $15,551 $15,281 $15,757 $16,255 $15,906 $16,786 $18,402
Lone Parent, One Child $22,775 $22,245 $23,067 $22,682 $22,115 $21,852 $21,198 $21,602 $21,404 $22,962 $25,489
Couple, Two Children $32,453 $31,741 $32,431 $32,163 $31,401 $31,171 $30,937 $30,677 $29,825 $32,223 $35,340
Single Employable $10,731 $10,468 $10,500 $13,426 $14,238 $14,082 $14,549 $14,286 $15,275 $17,353 $17,316
Person with a Disability $13,418 $13,085 $13,311 $17,299 $18,285 $18,028 $18,467 $18,127 $19,434 $21,574 $21,518
Lone Parent, One Child $25,299 $24,704 $24,324 $24,645 $24,093 $23,781 $24,211 $24,558 $19,742 $26,489 $26,450
Couple, Two Children $33,988 $33,215 $32,642 $33,119 $32,506 $32,344 $33,816 $33,288 $32,163 $33,627 $33,522
Single Employable $12,805 $12,511 $12,244 $11,927 $11,715 $11,707 $11,728 $15,789 $39,649 $41,172 $43,826
Person with a Disability $15,448 $15,077 $14,743 $14,422 $14,256 $14,204 $14,170 $18,186 $41,971 $43,442 $46,066
Lone Parent, One Child $34,643 $33,805 $33,058 $32,369 $23,751 $23,647 $23,683 $28,351 $46,118 $46,761 $48,873
Couple, Two Children $42,154 $41,169 $40,301 $39,186 $38,686 $38,666 $38,296 $42,241 $51,658 $51,324 $52,380
Table 9: Percentage Change in Welfare Incomes in 2009 Constant Dollars, Selected years
  % change
% change
% change
% change
% change
% change
% change
% change
Single Employable 1.2% 3.5% -73.0% 481.1% 62.3% 65.3% 176.0% 480.2%
Person with a Disability 1.0%   2.1% -4.5%   -4.0% -2.4% -5.9%
Lone Parent, One Child 1.2% 5.4% -0.4% 6.9% 15.8% 18.2% 12.8% 10.4%
Couple, Two Children 1.4% -3.7% -0.5% 6.4% 7.2% 11.6% 14.7% 11.8%
Single Employable 3.2% 0.4% -36.7% 1.7% -37.1% -35.6% -1.6% -1.0%
Person with a Disability 3.1%   -14.6% -12.8%   -27.2% -17.0% -15.2%
Lone Parent, One Child 2.8% 1.2% -14.0% 15.1% -2.7% 0.5% 7.4% 11.9%
Couple, Two Children 3.0% -0.4% -12.6% 9.7% -7.1% -3.9% 6.6% 6.8%
Single Employable 0.6% 2.9% -29.5% 13.0% -21.2% -30.1% -19.3% 8.6%
Person with a Disability 0.3%   -5.2% -15.2%   -23.0% -18.9% -17.5%
Lone Parent, One Child 0.6% 3.8% -5.5% -3.0% -5.3% -7.5% -5.1% -3.4%
Couple, Two Children 1.0% -0.2% 2.7% 2.4% 2.2% -2.6% 0.3% -0.4%
Single Employable 2.0% 11.0% -3.5% -9.0% -5.1% -14.4% -12.0% -11.4%
Person with a Disability 1.7%   -21.7% 2.0%   -23.8% 0.5% -0.2%
Lone Parent, One Child 1.6% -1.7% 7.6% 6.6% 17.2% 20.0% 11.6% 10.8%
Couple, Two Children 1.8% -2.3% 7.5% 5.9% 18.9% 24.8% 15.0% 13.2%
Single Employable 2.1% 101.3% -8.3% -4.5% 74.7% 33.4% -8.3% -5.4%
Person with a Disability 2.1%   -0.1% -1.3%   11.4% -0.6% -0.2%
Lone Parent, One Child 1.7% 4.3% -3.2% 10.2% 10.8% 19.9% 5.4% 9.7%
Couple, Two Children 1.9% -4.3% -7.6% 14.7% 1.8% 12.0% 9.9% 15.3%
Single Employable 1.7% 27.8% -24.4% -10.7% -16.1% -22.8% -14.4% -13.2%
Person with a Disability 1.7%   -5.6% -10.9%   -7.7% -14.7% -13.2%
Lone Parent, One Child 3.8% 25.9% -23.0% 3.0% -2.8% -8.9% -1.3% 0.3%
Couple, Two Children 6.7% 26.8% -23.6% 1.8% -4.0% -9.2% -2.4% -0.9%
Single Employable 5.7% 8.9% -27.4% -0.3% -23.2% -26.8% -15.5% -2.9%
Person with a Disability 0.7%   -14.8% -7.7%   -6.8% -11.0% -9.5%
Lone Parent, One Child 0.3% 7.4% -14.3% 6.3% -4.7% -2.8% 1.7% 3.5%
Couple, Two Children 0.4% 13.2% -22.4% 3.7% -12.3% -17.8% -6.9% -0.1%
Single Employable 7.8% 2.1% -8.7% 24.3% 18.2% 16.5% 14.5% 26.9%
Person with a Disability 3.8%   -12.2% 5.6%   -10.8% -3.2% 8.1%
Lone Parent, One Child 8.9% -4.4% -6.5% 22.6% 4.8% 5.4% 15.2% 17.2%
Couple, Two Children 5.8% -6.1% -10.9% 10.8% -4.4% -1.2% 6.9% 14.4%
Single Employable 33.1% -24.9% -21.1% 17.1% -31.5% -2.8% 14.2% 15.5%
Person with a Disability- SI 7.2%   -7.6% 8.5%   2.7% 8.0% 9.4%
Person with a Disability- AISH 6.6%              
Lone Parent, One Child 11.4% -7.4% -13.7% 12.5% -8.4% 1.8% 13.4% 14.5%
Couple, Two Children 6.4% -6.8% -12.0% 0.2% -17.8% -6.6% -1.1% 0.2%
Single Employable -0.2% 17.2% -9.5% -0.2% 3.0% -7.3% -4.6% -2.9%
Person with a Disability -0.2%   -2.0% -3.5%   -1.2% -7.7% -6.1%
Lone Parent, One Child 0.2% 15.2% -3.0% 0.5% 9.4% 0.7% -4.2% -2.1%
Couple, Two Children 0.5% 3.9% -2.7% -3.5% -5.0% -3.4% -8.1% -6.0%
Single Employable 11.9% 23.2% 27.9% 11.7% 71.3% 40.6% 47.0% 8.7%
Person with a Disability 9.6%   31.5% 17.7%   50.6% 48.2% 14.5%
Lone Parent, One Child 11.0% 12.4% 14.1% 11.9% 41.9% 29.3% 33.4% 10.7%
Couple, Two Children 9.7% 7.3% 9.4% 8.9% 24.4% 18.1% 22.5% 6.0%
Single Employable -0.2%     61.4%     16.7% 77.0%
Person with a Disability -0.3%     60.4%     25.4% 72.8%
Lone Parent, One Child -0.1%     4.6%     -1.2% 11.9%
Couple, Two Children -0.3%     -1.4%     3.2% 5.9%
Single Employable 6.4%              
Person with a Disability 6.0%              
Lone Parent, One Child 4.5%              
Couple, Two Children 2.1%              
Table 10: Peak Year and 2009 Welfare Incomes
  Peak Year Peak Amount 2009 Amount Dollar Change from
Peak to 2009
Percentage Change from
Peak to 2009
Single Employable 2009 $9,593 $9,593 $0 0.0%
Person with a Disability 1997 $11,820 $11,123 -$697 -5.9%
Lone Parent, One child 2009 $19,297 $19,297 $0 0.0%
Couple, Two Children 2009 $22,339 $22,339 $0 0.0%
Single Employable 1992 $11,016 $6,906 -$4,110 -37.3%
Person with a Disability 1992 $12,533 $9,067 -$3,466 -27.7%
Lone Parent, One child 1992 $17,187 $16,531 -$656 -3.8%
Couple, Two Children 1986 $25,881 $24,045 -$1,836 -7.1%
Single Employable 1989 $9,098 $6,359 -$2,739 -30.1%
Person with a Disability 1991 $12,021 $9,197 -$2,823 -23.5%
Lone Parent, One child 1991 $16,530 $14,992 -$1,539 -9.3%
Couple, Two Children 2001 $21,648 $20,967 -$681 -3.1%
Single Employable 1991 $4,537 $3,773 -$764 -16.8%
Person with a Disability 1989 $11,373 $8,665 -$2,708 -23.8%
Lone Parent, One child 2009 $16,171 $16,171 $0 0.0%
Couple, Two Children 2009 $19,775 $19,775 $0 0.0%
Single Employable 1993 $8,438 $7,312 -$1,126 -13.3%
Person with a Disability 1994 $11,097 $10,881 -$216 -1.9%
Lone Parent, One child 2009 $17,583 $17,583 $0 0.0%
Couple, Two Children 2006 $22,704 $22,614 -$90 -0.4%
Single Employable 1992 $11,434 $7,501 -$3,933 -34.4%
Person with a Disability 1992 $15,762 $12,905 -$2,858 -18.1%
Lone Parent, One child 1992 $22,510 $17,372 -$5,138 -22.8%
Couple, Two Children 1992 $29,978 $22,695 -$7,283 -24.3%
Single Employable 1992 $9,667 $6,815 -$2,852 -29.5%
Person with a Disability 1992 $12,214 $9,423 -$2,791 -22.9%
Lone Parent, One child 1992 $16,723 $14,829 -$1,894 -11.3%
Couple, Two Children 1992 $27,724 $21,476 -$6,248 -22.5%
Single Employable 2006 $8,960 $8,780 -$180 -2.0%
Person with a Disability 1989 $12,217 $10,902 -$1,314 -10.8%
Lone Parent, One child 2009 $17,923 $17,923 $0 0.0%
Couple, Two Children 1986 $25,093 $24,001 -$1,092 -4.4%
Single Employable 1986 $10,572 $7,241 -$3,331 -31.5%
Person with a Disability - SI 1991 $9,516 $9,433 -$83 -0.9%
Person with a Disability - AISH 2009 $14,297 $14,297 $0 0.0%
Lone Parent, One child 1986 $17,196 $15,749 -$1,447 -8.4%
Couple, Two Children 1986 $26,886 $22,101 -$4,785 -17.8%
Single Employable 1994 $9,097 $7,778 -$1,319 -14.5%
Person with a Disability 1994 $12,755 $11,392 -$1,363 -10.7%
Lone Parent, One child 1994 $18,238 $16,899 -$1,338 -7.3%
Couple, Two Children 1994 $23,838 $21,179 -$2,659 -11.2%
Single Employable 2009 $15,369 $15,369 $0 0.0%
Person with a Disability 2009 $18,402 $18,402 $0 0.0%
Lone Parent, One child 2009 $25,489 $25,489 $0 0.0%
Couple, Two Children 2009 $35,340 $35,340 $0 0.0%
Single Employable 2008 $17,353 $17,316 -$37 -0.2%
Person with a Disability 2008 $21,574 $21,518 -$57 -0.3%
Lone Parent, One child 1993 $27,913 $26,450 -$1,463 -5.2%
Couple, Two Children 1999 $33,988 $33,522 -$466 -1.4%
Single Employable 2009 $43,826 $43,826 $0 0.0%
Person with a Disability 2009 $46,066 $46,066 $0 0.0%
Lone Parent, One child 2009 $48,873 $48,873 $0 0.0%
Couple, Two Children 2009 $52,380 $52,380 $0 0.0%
Table 11: Lowest Year and 2009 Welfare Incomes
  Low Year Low Amount 2009 Amount Dollars Change from
Low Amount to 2009
Percentage Change from
Low to 2009
Single Employable 1989 $5,804 $9,593 $3,789 65.3%
Person with a Disability 2005 $10,399 $11,123 $724 7.0%
Lone Parent, One child 1989 $16,327 $19,297 $2,970 18.2%
Couple, Two Children 1997 $19,373 $22,339 $2,965 15.3%
Single Employable 2005 $6,643 $6,906 $263 4.0%
Person with a Disability 2005 $8,642 $9,067 $425 4.9%
Lone Parent, One child 1999 $14,366 $16,531 $2,165 15.1%
Couple, Two Children 1999 $21,911 $24,045 $2,134 9.7%
Single Employable 2000 $5,487 $6,359 $872 15.9%
Person with a Disability 2008 $9,167 $9,197 $30 0.3%
Lone Parent, One child 2005 $13,808 $14,992 $1,183 8.6%
Couple, Two Children 1995 $19,747 $20,967 $1,220 6.2%
Single Employable 2006 $3,658 $3,773 $115 3.1%
Person with a Disability 2007 $8,490 $8,665 $174 2.1%
Lone Parent, One child 1989 $13,480 $16,171 $2,691 20.0%
Couple, Two Children 1989 $15,850 $19,775 $3,925 24.8%
Single Employable 2008 $7,165 $7,312 $147 2.1%
Person with a Disability 1989 $9,769 $10,881 $1,112 11.4%
Lone Parent, One child 1989 $14,663 $17,583 $2,920 19.9%
Couple, Two Children 2000 $19,526 $22,614 $3,088 15.8%
Single Employable 2008 $7,374 $7,501 $127 1.7%
Person with a Disability 2008 $12,685 $12,905 $220 1.7%
Lone Parent, One child 2005 $15,448 $17,372 $1,924 12.5%
Couple, Two Children 2003 $20,559 $22,695 $2,136 10.4%
Single Employable 2007 $5,978 $6,815 $837 14.0%
Person with a Disability 2005 $9,194 $9,423 $228 2.5%
Lone Parent, One child 2000 $13,928 $14,829 $901 6.5%
Couple, Two Children 2000 $20,558 $21,476 $918 4.5%
Single Employable 2004 $6,830 $8,780 $1,950 28.6%
Person with a Disability 2005 $9,507 $10,902 $1,396 14.7%
Lone Parent, One child 2004 $13,894 $17,923 $4,029 29.0%
Couple, Two Children 2005 $20,661 $24,001 $3,341 16.2%
Single Employable 2007 $5,190 $7,241 $2,051 39.5%
Person with a Disability 2005 $8,393 $9,433 $1,041 12.4%
Person with a Disability - AISH 2007 $13,093 $14,297 $1,204 9.2%
Lone Parent, One child 2005 $13,176 $15,749 $2,572 19.5%
Couple, Two Children 2008 $20,772 $22,101 $1,329 6.4%
Single Employable 2006 $6,776 $7,778 $1,001 14.8%
Person with a Disability 2004 $10,726 $11,392 $666 6.2%
Lone Parent, One child 2005 $14,910 $16,899 $1,989 13.3%
Couple, Two Children 2005 $19,740 $21,179 $1,439 7.3%
Single Employable 1986 $8,973 $15,369 $6,396 71.3%
Person with a Disability 1994 $11,988 $18,402 $6,414 53.5%
Lone Parent, One child 1986 $17,968 $25,489 $7,521 41.9%
Couple, Two Children 1986 $28,398 $35,340 $6,942 24.4%
Single Employable 1998 $9,669 $17,316 $7,647 79.1%
Person with a Disability 1998 $12,383 $21,518 $9,135 73.8%
Lone Parent, One child 2007 $19,742 $26,450 $6,709 34.0%
Couple, Two Children 1997 $31,660 $33,522 $1,862 5.9%
Single Employable 2007 $39,649 $43,826 $4,177 10.5%
Person with a Disability 2007 $41,971 $46,066 $4,095 9.8%
Lone Parent, One child 2007 $46,118 $48,873 $2,755 6.0%
Couple, Two Children 2007 $51,324 $52,380 $1,056 2.1%
Table 12: Federal/Provincial/Territorial Share of Welfare Incomes for a
Lone Parent with One Child and a Couple with Two Children, 1989 to 1998
  1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Lone Parent
Provincial $14,504 $14,485 $14,644 $15,252 $15,046 $15,035 $14,708 $14,494 $15,296 $15,247
Federal $1,823 $2,097 $2,420 $2,311 $2,303 $2,310 $2,255 $2,615 $2,189 $2,553
Total $16,327 $16,582 $17,064 $17,563 $17,349 $17,345 $16,964 $17,109 $17,485 $17,799
Provincial $16,779 $16,749 $16,208 $16,506 $16,280 $16,268 $15,915 $15,683 $16,623 $16,550
Federal $3,238 $3,483 $3,915 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,801 $3,350 $3,951
Total $20,018 $20,232 $20,123 $20,066 $19,806 $19,803 $19,373 $19,484 $19,973 $20,500
Lone Parent
Provincial $14,633 $14,755 $14,635 $14,873 $14,765 $14,498 $13,797 $13,181 $12,615 $12,116
Federal $1,823 $1,922 $2,423 $2,314 $2,299 $2,304 $2,248 $2,208 $2,163 $2,514
Total $16,455 $16,677 $17,058 $17,187 $17,065 $16,802 $16,044 $15,390 $14,778 $14,630
Provincial $21,794 $21,803 $21,925 $22,205 $22,005 $21,604 $20,717 $19,142 $19,166 $18,351
Federal $3,238 $3,483 $3,915 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $25,033 $25,286 $25,841 $25,765 $25,531 $25,139 $24,175 $22,550 $22,516 $22,302
Lone Parent
Provincial $14,385 $14,287 $14,113 $14,121 $13,852 $14,062 $13,791 $13,591 $13,358 $13,009
Federal $1,823 $2,096 $2,417 $2,305 $2,287 $2,287 $2,235 $2,205 $2,167 $2,526
Total $16,207 $16,383 $16,530 $16,426 $16,138 $16,349 $16,026 $15,795 $15,525 $15,535
Provincial $18,299 $17,493 $16,905 $16,932 $16,663 $16,650 $16,288 $17,506 $17,700 $17,161
Federal $3,238 $3,483 $3,915 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $21,537 $20,976 $20,820 $20,493 $20,188 $20,185 $19,747 $20,914 $21,050 $21,112
Lone Parent
Provincial $11,657 $11,479 $11,222 $11,310 $11,329 $11,807 $12,376 $12,320 $12,448 $12,435
Federal $1,823 $2,083 $2,378 $2,250 $2,231 $2,235 $2,188 $2,169 $2,141 $2,504
Total 13,480 13,563 13,600 13,560 13,561 14,041 14,563 14,489 14,588 14,939
Provincial $12,611 $12,402 $12,283 $12,691 $12,708 $13,184 $13,854 $13,785 $14,122 $14,199
Federal $3,238 $3,483 $3,915 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $15,850 $15,884 $16,198 $16,251 $16,234 $16,720 $17,312 $17,193 $17,472 $18,150
Lone Parent
Provincial $13,058 $13,919 $12,735 $14,469 $15,049 $15,390 $15,056 $14,837 $14,030 $13,561
Federal $1,605 $1,879 $2,184 $2,089 $2,079 $2,094 $2,059 $1,842 $1,997 $2,450
Total $14,663 $15,798 $14,919 $16,558 $17,128 $17,484 $17,115 $16,678 $16,028 $16,011
Provincial $17,053 $16,692 $17,180 $17,774 $18,276 $18,055 $17,663 $17,405 $16,488 $15,902
Federal $3,141 $3,388 $3,824 $3,468 $3,435 $3,445 $3,369 $3,166 $3,133 $3,908
Total $20,194 $20,080 $21,004 $21,242 $21,711 $21,499 $21,032 $20,571 $19,621 $19,810
Lone Parent
Provincial $17,249 $19,336 $19,808 $20,181 $20,121 $20,156 $18,684 $15,367 $15,132 $14,607
Federal $1,823 $2,105 $2,439 $2,329 $2,309 $2,318 $2,267 $2,234 $2,195 $2,551
Total $19,071 $21,441 $22,247 $22,510 $22,431 $22,474 $20,951 $17,601 $17,326 $17,158
Provincial $21,767 $25,371 $25,839 $26,417 $26,313 $26,115 $24,059 $19,856 $19,555 $18,726
Federal $3,238 $3,357 $3,835 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,459 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $25,005 $28,728 $29,674 $29,978 $29,838 $29,650 $27,517 $23,264 $22,904 $22,677
Lone Parent
Provincial $13,431 $13,273 $13,049 $14,462 $12,955 $12,864 $12,585 $12,402 $12,190 $11,695
Federal $1,823 $2,085 $2,384 $2,261 $2,256 $2,270 $2,214 $2,181 $2,144 $2,502
Total $15,253 $15,358 $15,433 $16,723 $15,211 $15,134 $14,798 $14,583 $14,333 $14,197
Provincial $21,797 $23,459 $23,465 $24,163 $21,999 $22,406 $21,907 $19,656 $18,155 $17,131
Federal $4,339 $3,483 $3,915 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $26,137 $26,942 $27,380 $27,724 $25,525 $25,941 $25,365 $23,064 $21,505 $21,081
Lone Parent
Provincial $15,178 $14,750 $14,197 $14,044 $13,869 $13,859 $13,558 $13,360 $13,133 $11,637
Federal $1,823 $2,100 $2,425 $2,310 $2,287 $2,287 $2,233 $2,201 $2,163 $2,521
Total $17,001 $16,850 $16,622 $16,354 $16,156 $16,145 $15,791 $15,561 $15,295 $14,158
Provincial $21,060 $20,455 $19,660 $19,998 $19,697 $19,758 $19,333 $19,051 $17,634 $16,962
Federal $3,238 $3,483 $3,915 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $24,299 $23,938 $23,576 $23,559 $23,222 $23,293 $22,791 $22,459 $20,984 $20,913
Lone Parent
Provincial $13,770 $13,140 $13,788 $13,762 $13,194 $12,271 $12,005 $11,829 $11,724 $11,508
Federal $1,696 $1,970 $2,284 $2,170 $2,162 $2,161 $2,100 $2,062 $2,025 $2,386
Total $15,466 $15,110 $16,072 $15,931 $15,356 $14,433 $14,105 $13,891 $13,749 $13,893
Provincial $20,288 $19,359 $21,341 $21,378 $20,561 $19,320 $19,096 $18,819 $18,585 $18,126
Federal $3,367 $3,610 $4,040 $3,686 $3,650 $3,662 $3,585 $3,533 $3,472 $4,072
Total $23,655 $22,969 $25,380 $25,064 $24,211 $22,982 $22,681 $22,351 $22,058 $22,198
Lone Parent
Provincial $14,960 $15,121 $14,816 $15,490 $15,523 $15,921 $15,625 $15,398 $15,071 $14,549
Federal $1,823 $2,099 $2,428 $2,318 $2,306 $2,316 $2,266 $2,234 $2,196 $2,554
Total $16,782 $17,220 $17,245 $17,808 $17,829 $18,238 $17,891 $17,632 $17,267 $17,103
Provincial $18,684 $18,818 $18,382 $19,598 $19,686 $20,303 $19,927 $19,637 $19,175 $18,360
Federal $3,238 $3,483 $3,915 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $21,923 $22,301 $22,297 $23,158 $23,212 $23,838 $23,385 $23,045 $22,525 $22,311
Lone Parent
Territorial $17,895 $18,010 $17,855 $17,859 $17,518 $17,505 $17,124 $16,875 $20,828 $20,252
Federal $1,823 $2,105 $2,439 $2,329 $2,309 $2,318 $2,267 $2,234 $2,196 $2,554
Total $19,718 $20,115 $20,295 $20,188 $19,827 $19,822 $19,391 $19,109 $23,024 $22,806
Territorial $26,865 $26,691 $26,688 $26,920 $26,406 $26,386 $25,813 $25,438 $29,999 $29,082
Federal $3,058 $3,256 $3,763 $3,560 $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $3,350 $3,951
Total $29,923 $29,947 $30,451 $30,480 $29,932 $29,921 $29,271 $28,846 $33,349 $33,033
Lone Parent
Territorial         $25,603 $25,584 $25,028 $24,548 $21,449 $21,211
Federal         $2,310 $2,318 $2,267 $2,234 $2,196 $2,554
Total         $27,913 $27,902 $27,295 $26,782 $23,645 $23,766
Territorial         $30,300 $30,326 $29,667 $29,081 $28,803 $28,829
Federal         $3,526 $3,535 $3,458 $3,408 $2,857 $3,189
Total         $33,826 $33,861 $33,125 $32,489 $31,660 $32,018
The territory of Nunavut was created on April 1,1999. Prior to then it was part of the Northwest Territories.
Table 12: Federal/Provincial/Territorial Share of Welfare Incomes for a
Lone Parent with One Child and a Couple with Two Children, 1999 TO 2009
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Lone Parent
Provincial $15,059 $14,788 $14,550 $14,268 $13,888 $13,655 $13,400 $13,871 $14,118 $13,951 $14,105
Federal $2,993 $3,200 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,192
Total $18,051 $17,989 $18,021 $17,886 $17,572 $17,444 $17,297 $18,725 $19,277 $19,072 $19,297
Provincial $16,263 $15,851 $15,594 $15,288 $14,881 $14,635 $14,365 $14,839 $15,085 $14,910 $15,080
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $20,987 $21,005 $21,301 $21,299 $21,028 $20,986 $20,929 $22,055 $22,226 $22,034 $22,339
Lone Parent
Provincial $11,420 $11,504 $11,190 $11,227 $11,152 $11,014 $10,755 $10,846 $11,033 $10,959 $11,339
Federal $2,946 $3,176 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,193
Total $14,366 $14,680 $14,661 $14,846 $14,836 $14,804 $14,653 $15,699 $16,192 $16,081 $16,531
Provincial $17,186 $17,535 $16,990 $16,958 $16,728 $16,505 $16,113 $16,169 $16,361 $16,213 $16,786
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $21,911 $22,690 $22,697 $22,968 $22,875 $22,856 $22,677 $23,384 $23,502 $23,337 $24,045
Lone Parent
Provincial $12,497 $12,041 $10,862 $10,531 $10,245 $10,074 $9,911 $9,876 $9,949 $9,774 $9,799
Federal $2,962 $3,184 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,193
Total $15,459 $15,225 $14,333 $14,149 $13,929 $13,864 $13,808 $14,730 $15,108 $14,896 $14,992
Provincial $15,751 $15,600 $15,941 $14,597 $14,202 $13,973 $13,782 $13,763 $13,855 $13,641 $13,708
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $20,475 $20,755 $21,648 $20,608 $20,350 $20,324 $20,345 $20,978 $20,996 $20,765 $20,967
Lone Parent
Provincial $12,216 $11,896 $11,609 $11,351 $11,043 $10,845 $10,701 $10,657 $10,694 $10,794 $10,978
Federal $2,948 $3,179 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,121 $5,193
Total $15,164 $15,075 $15,079 $14,969 $14,727 $14,634 $14,598 $15,510 $15,853 $15,916 $16,171
Provincial $13,950 $13,582 $13,254 $12,959 $12,608 $12,382 $12,215 $12,163 $12,198 $12,310 $12,516
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $18,674 $18,737 $18,961 $18,970 $18,756 $18,732 $18,779 $19,379 $19,339 $19,434 $19,775
Lone Parent
Provincial $12,976 $12,338 $12,111 $12,169 $11,977 $11,925 $12,560 $12,489 $12,353 $12,161 $12,391
Federal $2,974 $3,190 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,192
Total $15,950 $15,527 $15,582 $15,787 $15,661 $15,714 $16,457 $17,343 $17,512 $17,283 $17,583
Provincial $14,996 $14,372 $14,088 $14,172 $13,957 $13,923 $15,569 $15,488 $15,318 $15,077 $15,355
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $19,721 $19,526 $19,795 $20,182 $20,104 $20,273 $22,133 $22,704 $22,459 $22,201 $22,614
Lone Parent
Provincial $13,874 $13,300 $12,708 $12,250 $11,806 $11,787 $11,551 $11,442 $11,708 $11,611 $12,179
Federal $2,986 $3,195 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,192
Total $16,860 $16,495 $16,179 $15,869 $15,490 $15,577 $15,448 $16,295 $16,867 $16,733 $17,372
Provincial $17,566 $16,684 $15,739 $15,039 $14,411 $14,257 $14,070 $13,927 $14,465 $14,155 $15,436
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $22,291 $21,838 $21,446 $21,049 $20,559 $20,608 $20,634 $21,143 $21,605 $21,279 $22,695
Lone Parent
Provincial $11,006 $10,756 $10,955 $11,024 $10,725 $10,532 $10,301 $10,108 $9,887 $9,665 $9,636
Federal $2,938 $3,171 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,193
Total $13,944 $13,928 $14,426 $14,642 $14,409 $14,322 $14,198 $14,961 $15,045 $14,787 $14,829
Provincial $15,987 $15,403 $15,031 $14,699 $14,895 $15,467 $15,198 $14,914 $14,587 $14,259 $14,217
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $20,711 $20,558 $20,738 $20,710 $21,043 $21,818 $21,762 $22,129 $21,727 $21,383 $21,476
Lone Parent
Provincial $11,674 $11,474 $11,179 $10,778 $10,326 $10,105 $10,251 $11,626 $10,560 $11,341 $12,730
Federal $2,947 $3,171 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,192
Total $14,620 $14,645 $14,650 $14,396 $14,010 $13,894 $14,148 $16,479 $15,719 $16,463 $17,923
Provincial $16,929 $16,380 $15,907 $15,261 $14,727 $14,480 $14,097 $15,477 $14,042 $15,570 $16,742
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $21,653 $21,534 $21,615 $21,272 $20,875 $20,831 $20,661 $22,693 $21,182 $22,693 $24,001
Lone Parent
Provincial $11,176 $10,753 $10,227 $9,798 $9,665 $9,601 $9,390 $10,054 $9,012 $9,125 $10,668
Federal $2,827 $3,068 $3,367 $3,511 $3,576 $3,680 $3,786 $4,745 $5,047 $5,011 $5,081
Total $14,003 $13,821 $13,594 $13,309 $13,241 $13,281 $13,176 $14,799 $14,060 $14,137 $15,749
Provincial $17,214 $16,633 $15,707 $14,956 $14,659 $14,505 $14,187 $15,600 $13,616 $13,558 $14,747
Federal $4,844 $5,271 $5,814 $6,108 $6,241 $6,444 $6,656 $7,307 $7,231 $7,214 $7,354
Total $22,058 $21,903 $21,522 $21,063 $20,900 $20,949 $20,842 $22,907 $20,847 $20,772 $22,101
Lone Parent
Provincial $13,825 $13,376 $12,990 $12,062 $11,535 $11,270 $11,013 $10,807 $11,493 $11,737 $11,707
Federal $2,991 $3,198 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,193
Total $16,816 $16,574 $16,461 $15,680 $15,219 $15,060 $14,910 $15,660 $16,652 $16,859 $16,899
Provincial $17,224 $16,488 $15,834 $14,841 $13,982 $13,605 $13,176 $12,937 $13,669 $13,955 $13,920
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,351 $6,564 $7,216 $7,140 $7,124 $7,259
Total $21,949 $21,643 $21,542 $20,851 $20,130 $19,956 $19,740 $20,153 $20,810 $21,079 $21,179
Lone Parent
Territorial $19,782 $19,045 $19,596 $19,064 $18,431 $18,063 $17,301 $16,749 $16,245 $17,840 $20,297
Federal $2,993 $3,200 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,193
Total $22,775 $22,245 $23,067 $22,682 $22,115 $21,852 $21,198 $21,602 $21,404 $22,962 $25,489
Territorial $27,728 $26,586 $26,723 $26,153 $25,253 $25,031 $24,472 $23,751 $22,968 $25,221 $28,138
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,139 $6,465 $6,926 $6,856 $7,002 $7,202
Total $32,453 $31,741 $32,431 $32,163 $31,401 $31,171 $30,937 $30,677 $29,825 $32,223 $35,340
Lone Parent
Territorial $22,306 $21,504 $20,854 $21,027 $20,409 $19,992 $20,313 $19,705 $14,583 $21,367 $21,258
Federal $2,993 $3,200 $3,471 $3,618 $3,684 $3,789 $3,898 $4,853 $5,159 $5,122 $5,193
Total $25,299 $24,704 $24,324 $24,645 $24,093 $23,781 $24,211 $24,558 $19,742 $26,489 $26,450
Territorial $29,264 $28,060 $26,935 $27,108 $26,359 $26,342 $27,540 $26,867 $26,076 $27,050 $26,639
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $5,707 $6,011 $6,148 $6,002 $6,275 $6,420 $6,087 $6,577 $6,884
Total $33,988 $33,215 $32,642 $33,119 $32,506 $32,344 $33,816 $33,288 $32,163 $33,627 $33,522
Lone Parent
Territorial $31,650 $30,604 $30,105 $29,201 $20,520 $20,103 $19,785 $23,498 $41,033 $43,187 $46,716
Federal $2,993 $3,200 $2,953 $3,168 $3,231 $3,544 $3,898 $4,853 $5,085 $3,574 $2,157
Total $34,643 $33,805 $33,058 $32,369 $23,751 $23,647 $23,683 $28,351 $46,118 $46,761 $48,873
Territorial $37,430 $36,014 $36,591 $35,320 $34,750 $34,535 $33,860 $37,554 $47,717 $49,620 $52,380
Federal $4,725 $5,155 $3,710 $3,866 $3,936 $4,132 $4,436 $4,687 $3,941 $1,704 $0
Total $42,154 $41,169 $40,301 $39,186 $38,686 $38,666 $38,296 $42,241 $51,658 $51,324 $52,380
Table 13: Welfare Incomes as a Percentage of the After-Tax LICOs, 1992–2000
  1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Single Employable 39% 39% 39% 38% 22% 11% 11% 11% 14%
Person with a Disability 74% 73% 73% 72% 73% 76% 76% 75% 74%
Lone Parent, One child 93% 92% 91% 90% 90% 92% 94% 95% 95%
Couple, Two Children 68% 67% 67% 66% 66% 68% 70% 71% 71%
Single Employable 72% 71% 64% 50% 46% 45% 50% 49% 50%
Person with a Disability 81% 81% 80% 77% 71% 70% 77% 75% 76%
Lone Parent, One child 92% 91% 90% 86% 82% 79% 87% 86% 88%
Couple, Two Children 89% 88% 86% 83% 77% 77% 86% 84% 87%
Single Employable 53% 52% 52% 51% 51% 38% 37% 36% 35%
Person with a Disability 75% 74% 75% 74% 73% 72% 71% 70% 68%
Lone Parent, One child 87% 85% 86% 85% 83% 82% 82% 82% 80%
Couple, Two Children 70% 69% 69% 67% 71% 72% 72% 70% 71%
Single Employable 28% 28% 28% 28% 27% 27% 27% 27% 26%
Person with a Disability 71% 71% 56% 56% 55% 56% 56% 55% 55%
Lone Parent, One child 72% 72% 74% 77% 76% 77% 79% 80% 80%
Couple, Two Children 55% 55% 57% 59% 58% 59% 62% 63% 64%
Single Employable 46% 46% 45% 44% 43% 42% 41% 42% 41%
Person with a Disability 59% 59% 60% 59% 59% 59% 60% 60% 59%
Lone Parent, One child 74% 77% 78% 76% 74% 72% 71% 71% 69%
Couple, Two Children 61% 62% 62% 60% 59% 56% 57% 57% 56%
Single Employable 62% 62% 62% 58% 48% 47% 46% 46% 44%
Person with a Disability 86% 85% 85% 83% 82% 81% 80% 79% 77%
Lone Parent, One child 100% 100% 100% 94% 78% 77% 77% 75% 74%
Couple, Two Children 86% 86% 85% 79% 67% 66% 65% 64% 63%
Single Employable 52% 52% 48% 47% 44% 38% 38% 37% 36%
Person with a Disability 66% 60% 60% 58% 57% 57% 56% 56% 54%
Lone Parent, One child 75% 68% 68% 66% 65% 64% 63% 62% 62%
Couple, Two Children 80% 73% 74% 73% 66% 62% 61% 60% 59%
Single Employable 49% 51% 51% 46% 49% 44% 44% 45% 45%
Person with a Disability 74% 73% 73% 71% 72% 65% 65% 66% 66%
Lone Parent, One child 86% 85% 85% 83% 82% 81% 75% 77% 77%
Couple, Two Children 80% 79% 79% 77% 76% 71% 71% 74% 73%
Single Employable 43% 41% 36% 35% 34% 34% 34% 34% 33%
Person with a Disability 51% 49% 49% 48% 47% 47% 47% 47% 49%
Person with a Disability - AISH                  
Lone Parent, One child 71% 69% 64% 63% 62% 61% 62% 63% 62%
Couple, Two Children 72% 70% 66% 65% 64% 63% 64% 63% 63%
Single Employable 48% 48% 49% 49% 44% 44% 43% 42% 42%
Person with a Disability 67% 68% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65% 64% 63%
Lone Parent, One child 79% 80% 81% 80% 79% 77% 76% 75% 74%
Couple, Two Children 66% 67% 68% 67% 66% 65% 64% 63% 62%
Table 13: Welfare Incomes as a Percentage of the After-Tax LICOs, 2001–2009
  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Single Employable 25% 60% 58% 57% 56% 60% 62% 61% 62%
Person with a Disability 72% 71% 69% 68% 67% 70% 72% 71% 71%
Lone Parent, One child 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 99% 102% 101% 102%
Couple, Two Children 72% 72% 71% 71% 71% 75% 75% 75% 76%
Single Employable 44% 44% 44% 44% 43% 43% 44% 43% 45%
Person with a Disability 67% 67% 58% 58% 56% 57% 58% 57% 59%
Lone Parent, One child 78% 79% 78% 79% 78% 84% 86% 86% 88%
Couple, Two Children 78% 79% 78% 79% 78% 80% 81% 80% 83%
Single Employable 36% 38% 37% 37% 37% 40% 41% 41% 41%
Person with a Disability 62% 65% 63% 62% 61% 60% 60% 59% 59%
Lone Parent, One child 76% 75% 74% 73% 73% 78% 80% 79% 79%
Couple, Two Children 73% 70% 69% 69% 69% 71% 71% 70% 71%
Single Employable 25% 25% 24% 24% 24% 23% 24% 24% 24%
Person with a Disability 56% 56% 57% 56% 55% 55% 55% 55% 56%
Lone Parent, One child 80% 79% 78% 77% 77% 82% 84% 84% 85%
Couple, Two Children 64% 64% 64% 64% 64% 66% 66% 66% 67%
Single Employable 41% 41% 41% 41% 40% 40% 40% 39% 40%
Person with a Disability 59% 59% 59% 59% 58% 59% 58% 58% 59%
Lone Parent, One child 69% 70% 70% 70% 73% 77% 78% 77% 78%
Couple, Two Children 57% 58% 58% 58% 64% 65% 64% 64% 65%
Single Employable 43% 42% 41% 41% 41% 40% 40% 40% 41%
Person with a Disability 75% 73% 71% 71% 70% 69% 69% 69% 70%
Lone Parent, One child 72% 71% 69% 69% 69% 73% 75% 75% 77%
Couple, Two Children 62% 60% 59% 59% 59% 61% 62% 61% 65%
Single Employable 35% 35% 34% 34% 34% 33% 32% 35% 37%
Person with a Disability 53% 52% 51% 51% 50% 50% 50% 51% 51%
Lone Parent, One child 64% 65% 64% 64% 63% 67% 67% 66% 66%
Couple, Two Children 60% 59% 60% 63% 63% 64% 62% 61% 62%
Single Employable 45% 45% 44% 44% 46% 57% 50% 52% 56%
Person with a Disability 66% 64% 64% 63% 61% 63% 64% 67% 70%
Lone Parent, One child 77% 76% 74% 73% 75% 87% 83% 87% 95%
Couple, Two Children 73% 72% 71% 71% 70% 77% 72% 77% 81%
Single Employable 32% 31% 30% 30% 29% 31% 28% 30% 39%
Person with a Disability 48% 47% 47% 47% 46% 48% 47% 48% 51%
Person with a Disability - AISH           71% 71% 73% 78%
Lone Parent, One child 61% 59% 59% 59% 59% 66% 63% 63% 70%
Couple, Two Children 62% 61% 60% 60% 60% 66% 60% 60% 63%
Single Employable 41% 40% 39% 38% 37% 37% 41% 42% 42%
Person with a Disability 62% 61% 59% 58% 62% 61% 62% 62% 62%
Lone Parent, One child 73% 70% 68% 67% 67% 70% 74% 75% 75%
Couple, Two Children 62% 60% 58% 57% 57% 58% 60% 60% 61%
Table 14: Welfare Incomes as a Percentage of the MBM*, 2000 to 2009
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009*
Single Person Employable 16% 27% 66% 65% 64% 62% 64% 66% 64% 64%
Person with a Disability 81% 80% 79% 77% 76% 74% 75% 77% 74% 74%
Lone Parent, One Child 98% 98% 98% 97% 96% 94% 99% 102% 98% 99%
Couple, Two Children 75% 75% 76% 75% 75% 74% 76% 77% 74% 75%
Single Person Employable 46% 45% 45% 46% 45% 43% 43% 43% 42% 44%
Person with a Disability 69% 67% 67% 60% 59% 56% 56% 57% 55% 57%
Lone Parent, One Child 74% 74% 75% 76% 75% 74% 77% 80% 78% 80%
Couple, Two Children 75% 74% 76% 77% 76% 74% 74% 76% 74% 76%
Single Person Employable 38% 39% 41% 41% 40% 40% 43% 43% 42% 42%
Person with a Disability 73% 67% 70% 69% 68% 66% 64% 63% 61% 61%
Lone Parent, One Child 81% 76% 76% 75% 75% 74% 77% 79% 76% 77%
Couple, Two Children 72% 75% 72% 71% 71% 71% 71% 71% 69% 70%
Single Person Employable 30% 29% 28% 28% 28% 27% 26% 26% 26% 26%
Person with a Disability 64% 64% 64% 66% 64% 63% 60% 61% 59% 60%
Lone Parent, One Child 86% 85% 84% 85% 84% 82% 84% 88% 85% 87%
Couple, Two Children 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 69% 68% 70% 68% 69%
Single Person Employable 58% 57% 58% 58% 57% 56% 54% 54% 51% 52%
Person with a Disability 84% 82% 83% 83% 83% 81% 79% 79% 76% 77%
Lone Parent, One Child 92% 90% 93% 93% 92% 95% 98% 99% 94% 96%
Couple, Two Children 75% 75% 77% 78% 77% 83% 83% 82% 79% 80%
Single Person Employable 55% 53% 52% 51% 51% 50% 48% 49% 47% 48%
Person with a Disability 95% 91% 89% 88% 88% 86% 83% 84% 81% 83%
Lone Parent, One Child 85% 82% 81% 80% 80% 79% 82% 86% 82% 85%
Couple, Two Children 73% 71% 70% 69% 69% 69% 69% 71% 68% 73%
Single Person Employable 52% 50% 49% 48% 49% 48% 46% 45% 47% 49%
Person with a Disability 78% 75% 73% 72% 72% 70% 69% 69% 68% 68%
Lone Parent, One Child 84% 85% 86% 86% 85% 84% 86% 86% 83% 83%
Couple, Two Children 80% 80% 80% 82% 84% 83% 83% 81% 78% 78%
Single Person Employable 53% 52% 52% 52% 51% 54% 66% 57% 57% 61%
Person with a Disability 77% 75% 74% 74% 74% 72% 72% 73% 74% 76%
Lone Parent, One Child 85% 83% 82% 81% 80% 82% 93% 88% 89% 96%
Couple, Two Children 81% 79% 79% 78% 78% 78% 83% 77% 79% 84%
Single Person Employable 43% 41% 40% 39% 39% 38% 39% 35% 35% 47%
Person with a Disability-SI 65% 62% 60% 60% 60% 59% 61% 58% 57% 61%
Person with a Disability- AISH             89% 87% 86% 92%
Lone Parent, One Child 76% 73% 71% 71% 72% 71% 77% 72% 70% 78%
Couple, Two Children 78% 75% 73% 73% 74% 73% 78% 69% 67% 71%
Single Person Employable 53% 52% 51% 50% 49% 48% 46% 52% 52% 52%
Person with a Disability 80% 78% 77% 76% 75% 79% 76% 78% 76% 76%
Lone Parent, One Child 88% 87% 83% 82% 81% 80% 82% 88% 86% 86%
Couple, Two Children 75% 74% 72% 70% 70% 69% 69% 71% 70% 70%


Table 15: 2009 Low income cut-offs (1992 base) after tax
Size of family unit Community size
Rural areas Urban areas
Less than 30,0001 30,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over
1 person 12,050 13,791 15,384 15,579 18,421
2 persons


16,785 18,725 18,960 22,420
3 persons 18,263 20,900 23,316 23,610 27,918
4 persons


26,075 29,089 29,455 34,829
5 persons 25,944 29,692 33,124 33,541 39,660
6 persons 28,773 32,929 36,736 37,198 43,984
7 or more persons 31,602 36,167 40,346 40,854 48,308

1. Includes cities with a population between 15,000 and 30,000 and small urban areas (under 15,000).

Market Basket Measure (2008 base)

The Market Basket Measure (MBM) includes the costs of food, clothing, footwear, transportation, shelter and other expenses for a reference family of two adults aged 25 to 49 and two children (aged 9 and 13). It provides thresholds for a finer geographic level than the Low income cut-off (LICO), allowing, for example, different costs for rural areas in the different provinces. During 2009 and early 2010, it underwent a comprehensive review of both content and methodology (HRSDC 2010). This review process led to a rebased series of thresholds (MBM 2008 base), revised historically to 2000, the beginning of the MBM time series.

The National Council of Welfare calculated the 2008 MBM for its household types by using the equivalency factor provided in the MBM literature. These amounts were then estimated for 2009 using the Consumer Price Index.

Due to the rebasing of the MBM to 2008, the figures that appear in this report may not be comparable to what appeared in earlier reports.

Table 16: 2008 MBM Thresholds by Type of Family
2008 MBM (2008 base) Reference Family:
2 adults + 2 children
Single Adult with no child Single Adult + 1 child
St.John's CMA $29,753 $14,877 19,339$
Charlottetown CA $31,649 $15,825 $20,572
Halifax CMA $30,062 $15,031 $19,540
Saint John CMA $28,619 $14,310 $18,602
Montreal $28,091 $14,046 $18,259
Toronto CMA $31,129 $15,565 $20,234
Winnipeg CMA $27,444 $13,722 $17,839
Saskatoon CMA $28,469 $14,235 $18,505
Calgary CMA $31,007 $15,504 $20,155
Vancouver CMA $30,038 $15,019 $19,525



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