National Council of Welfare
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  4. Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006 - Web-only Data

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006 - Web-only Data

Archived Content

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The NCW plans to publish a 2006/2007 combined issue of Welfare Incomes at the end of 2008. In the meantime, all usual data will be available on our Web site. In addition, data on Market Basket Measures (MBM) as a comparison tool is also being made available for the first time. This is in light of the responses to the 2006 NCW Questionnaire on Poverty and Income Security regarding the importance of having a measure of poverty based on the real cost of living. Additional MBM information will be added to the Web site as new data are available to us.

As with previous reports, the NCW is grateful to the officials of the provincial, territorial and federal governments who took the time to review the factual material.

Please refer to Welfare Incomes 2005, especially Chapter 1 - What is Welfare? if you require information about welfare definitions, eligibility, assumptions made in calculating the levels of assistance, or the NCW's perspectives and recommendations concerning social assistance in Canada.


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