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Archived - Poverty Profile 1999 - Errata

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1. Page 46, Under FAMILIES, change the first paragraph to the following:

After taxes, Prince Edward Island had the lowest poverty rate of 6 percent. After taxes, Newfoundland and Labrador saw a decrease of 5.4 percentage points in poverty rate. Prince Edward had the next largest at 4.7 percent. This, combined with having the second lowest pre-tax poverty rate, made Prince Edward Island the province with the lowest 1999 post-tax poverty rate for families.

2. Page 46 - Figure 2.22

The pre-tax poverty rate for New Brunswick should be 12.3%.

3. Page 128 - Under CHILDREN, change last sentence of fourth paragraph to following:

The highest provincial poverty rate in 1999 was 25.7 percent in Newfoundland and Labrador.


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