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The Dollars and Sense of Solving Poverty: Comprehensive Bibilography / Le sens des sous pour résoudre la pauvreté : Bibliographie exhaustive

Please note that most studies are in English, some are in French and, where possible, both are made available.

Veuillez noter que la plupart des études sont en anglais et que certaines sont également publiées en français. Elles sont alors affichées dans les deux langues lorsque cela est possible.

Table of Contents / Table de matières

Section 1: Canadian Studies / Études canadiennes

1.1 General / Généralités 

Burton, Peter & Shelley Phipps. Families, Time and Well-Being in Canada. Presentation. Halifax: Dalhousie University, n.d.

Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development. Canadians in Context – Aboriginal Population. Ottawa: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, n.d.

Canada, Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences. Canadiens en contexte – population autochtone. Ottawa : Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences Canada, s.d.

Canada, Human Resources and Skills Development. Low Income in Canada: 2000-2007 Using the Market Basket Measure. Ottawa: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, August, 2009. Catalogue no. SP-909-07-09E.

Canada, Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences. Le faible revenu au Canada de 2000 à 2007 selon la mesure du panier de consommation. Ottawa : Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences Canada, août 2009. Nº au catalogue SP-909-07-09F.

Canada, National Council of Welfare. First Nations, Métis and Inuit Children and Youth: Time to Act. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, September, 2007.

Canada, Conseil national du bien-être social. Agissons maintenant pour les enfants et les jeunes métis, inuits et des Premières Nations. Ottawa : Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, septembre 2007.

Canada, National Council of Welfare. Justice and the Poor. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, Spring, 2000.

Canada, Conseil national du bien-être social. La Justice et les pauvres. Ottawa : Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, printemps 2000.

Canada, National Council of Welfare. Poverty Profile 2007: Bulletin No. 1 – Poverty Trends in Canada, 1976-2007. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, October 2, 2009.

Canada, Conseil national du bien-être social. Profil de la pauvreté 2007 : Bulletin No 1 – Tendance en matière de pauvreté. Ottawa : Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 2 octobre 2009.

Canada, National Council of Welfare. Poverty Profile 2007: Methodology, Definitions and Data Sources. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, October 2, 2009.

Canada, Conseil national du bien-être social. Profil de la pauvreté 2007 : Méthodologie, définitions et sources d’info. Ottawa : Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 2 octobre 2009.

Canada, National Council of Welfare. Solving Poverty: Four cornerstones of a workable national strategy for Canada. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, January 2007. No. 126.

Canada, Conseil national du bien-être social. Résoudre la pauvreté : Quatre pierres angulaires d’une stratégie nationale viable pour le Canada. Ottawa : Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, janvier 2007. Nº126.

Canada. National Council of Welfare. The Cost of Poverty. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2001. No.115.

Canada. Conseil national du bien-être social. Le coût de la pauvreté, Ottawa, Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 2001, no.115.

Canada, Statistics Canada. General Social Survey – 2010 Overview of the Time Use of Canadians. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, July 12th, 2011. Catalogue no. 89-647-X.

Canada, Statistique Canada. Enquête sociale générale – 2010 Aperçu sur l’emploi du temps des Canadiens. Ottawa : Statistique Canada, juillet 2011. Nº au catalogue 89-647-X.

Canada, Statistics Canada. Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) – custom tabulations. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2008.

Canada, Statistique Canada. Enquête sur la dynamique de travail et du revenu (EDTR) – tableaux personnalisés. Ottawa: Statistique Canada, 2008.

Canada, Statistics Canada.Households’ Unpaid Work: Measurement  and Valuation. Studies in National Accounting. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, December 20, 1995. Catalogue no. 13-603-MPE1995003.

Canada, Statistique Canada. Travail non rémunéré des ménages: mesure et évaluation. Études de comptabilité nationale. Ottawa : Statistique Canada, 20 décembre 1995. Nº au catalogue 13-603-MPF1995003.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. The Growing Gap Project. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Canadian Index of Wellbeing, The. Caught in the Time Crunch: Time Use, Leisure and Culture in Canada. Ottawa: The Canadian Index of Wellbeing, June 15, 2010.

Indice canadien du mieux-être, L’. Aux prises avec des horaires surchargés et le manque de temps : l’aménagement du temps, le loisir et la culture au Canada. Ottawa : L’indice canadien du mieux-être, 15 juin 2010.

Chaussard, Martine, Megan Gerecke & Jody Heymann. The Work Equity Canada Index: Where the Provinces and Territories Stand. Montréal: The Institute for Health and Social Policy, 2008.

Clark, Warren. Economic Gender Equality Indicators 2000. Ottawa: Depository Services Program, 2000.

Conference Board of Canada. How Canada Performs. A Report Card on Canada. Ottawa: Conference Board of Canada, 2008.

Dietitians of Canada, BC Region & the Community Nutritionists Council of BC. The Cost of Eating in BC 2009. Dietitians of Canada, BC Region & the Community Nutritionists Council of BC, 2009.

Environics Institute for Survey Research. Focus in Canada 2010: Public opinion research on the record Serving the public interest. Ottawa: Environics Institute for Survey Research, 2010.

Federal- Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women. Economic Gender Equality Indicators. Ottawa: Canada Status of Women. 1997. Catalogue no. SW21-17/1997E.

Ministres fédérale, provinciaux et territoriaux responsable de la condition féminine. Indicateurs économiques de l’égalité entre les sexes. Ottawa : Condition féminine Canada, 1997. No de catalogue SW21-17/1997F.

Food Banks of Canada. Hunger Count 2009. Toronto: Food Banks of Canada, 2009.

Forget, Evelyn. The town with no poverty: A history of the North American Guaranteed Annual Income Social Experiments. Winnipeg: Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine University of Manitoba, 2008.

Green, David A. & Jonathan R. Kesselman (Editors). Dimensions of Inequality in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006.

Gu, Wulong & Ambrose Wong. Estimates of Human Capital in Canada: The Lifetime Income Approach. Economic Analysis (EA) Research Paper Series. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, June 16, 2010. Catalogue No. 11F0027MIE2010062.

Gu, Wulong & Ambrose Wong. Les estimations du capital humain au Canada : approche fondée sur le revenu de la vie entière. Série de documents de recherche sur l’analyse économique (AE). Ottawa : Statistique Canada, 16 juin 2010. Nº au catalogue 11F0027MIF2010062.

Gunderson, Morley, Leon Muszynski & Jennifer Keck. Women and labour market poverty. Ottawa: Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 1990. 

Hall, Michael, David Lasby, Steven Ayer & William David Gibbons. Caring Canadians. Involved Canadians. Highlights from the 2007 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating. Ottawa: Imagine Canada, Statistics Canada, Canadian Heritage, Health Canada, Human Resource and Skills Development Canada & Public Health Agency of Canada, June 2009. Catalogue no. 71-524-XIE.

Hall, Michael, David Lasby, Steven Ayer & William David Gibbons. Canadiens dévoués. Canadiens engages. Points saillants de l’Enquête canadienne de 2007 sur le don, le bénévolat et la participation. Ottawa : Statistique Canada, Agence de la santé publique du Canada, Patrimoine Canada, Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences Canada & Santé Canada, juin 2009. Nº au catalogue 71-542-XIF.

Hamdad, Malika. Valuing Households’ Unpaid Work in Canada, 1992 and 1998: Trends and Sources of Change. Statistics Canada Economic Conference. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, May, 2003.

Heymann, Jody. How Public and Private Institutions Can Address the Needs of Working Families in the Global Economy. Gatineau: Population, Work and Family Policy Research Collaboration Symposium, 2006.

Heymann, Jody with Magda Barrera. Profit at the Bottom of the Ladder: creating value by investing in your workforce. Boston: Harvard Business Press, May 2010.

Hulchanski, David. The Three Cities Within Toronto: Income Polarization Among Toronto's Neighbourhoods, 1970-2005. Toronto: Cities Centre, University of Toronto, December 2010.

Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity. Prosperity, inequality, and poverty. Working paper 10. Toronto: Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity, September, 2007.

Institute of Wellbeing. How are Canadians Really doing? Toronto: Institute of Wellbeing, June 2009.

Institut du mieux-être. Comment les Canadiennes et les Canadiens se portent-ils vraiment?, Toronto, Institut du mieux-être, juin 2009.

Institute of Wellbeing. How are Canadians Really Doing? A Closer Look at Selected Groups. Toronto: Institute of Wellbeing, December 2009.

LaRochelle-Cote, Sébastien, Philippe Gourgeon & Dominique Pinard. “Changes in parental work time and earnings”. Perspectives. (October 2009): 5-16. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-X.

LaRochelle-Cote, Sébastien, Philippe Gourgeon & Dominique Pinard. « Évolution du temps de travail et des gains des parents », Perspective, (Octobre 2009), p.5-16, no. 75-001-X au catalogue de Statistique Canada.

Laurie, Nate. Cost of Poverty: an Analysis of the Economic Cost of Poverty in Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Association of Food Banks, 2008.

Ledoux, Joseph. The Emotional Brain: The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 1996.

MacEwen, Angella. The Cost of Poverty in Prince Edward Island. Halifax: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, January 2011.

MacEwen, Angella & Christine Saulnier. The Cost of Poverty in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, October 2010.

McQuaig, Linda & Neil Brooks. The Trouble With Billionaires. Toronto: Viking Canada, September 2010.

Pannozzo, Linda & Ronald Colman. New Policy Directions for Nova Scotia. Using the Genuine Progress Index to count what matters. Glen Haven: GPIAtlantic, 2009.

Pereira, Richard. The Costs of Unpaid Overtime Work in Canada: Dimensions and Comparative Analysis. Alberta: Athabasca University, 2009. (Unpublished)

Poverty Reduction Coalition. Crimes of Desperation: The truth about poverty-related crime. Calgary: United Way of Calgary and Area, March 2008.

Project on Global Working Families, The. Research Programs. Boston: The Project on Global Working Families.

Sauvé, Roger. The Current State of Canadian Family Finances 2010 Report. Ottawa: The Vanier Institute of the Family. February 17, 2011.

Sauvé, Roger. L’état actuel du budget de la famille canadienne : Rapport 2010. Ottawa: L’institut Vanier de la famille. 17 février 2011.

Schellenberg, Grant. 2003 General Social Survey on Social Engagement, cycle 17: an overview of findings. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Demography Division, July 2004. Catalogue no. 89-598-XIE.

Schellenberg, Grant. Enquête sociale générale de 2003 sur l’engagement social, cycle 17 : un aperçu des résultats. Ottawa : Statistique Canada, Division de la démographie, juillet 2004. Nº au catalogue 89-598-XIF.

Schellenberg, Grant & Yuri Ostrovsky. Retirement-Related Highlights from the 2009 Canadian Financial Capability Survey. Analytical Paper. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, June 2010. Catalogue No. 11624M2010026-eng.

Schellenberg, Grant & Yuri Ostrovsky. Faits saillants de l’Enquête canadienne sur les capacités financières de 2009 dans le domaine de la retraite. Document analytique. Ottawa : Statistique Canada, juin 2010. Nº au catalogue 11624M2010026-fra.

Sharpe, Andrew. A Survey of Indicators of Economic and Social Well-being. Ottawa: Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 1999.

Sharpe, Andrew. “Linkages Between Economic Growth and Inequality: Introduction and Overview”. Canadian Public Policy. Montreal: Canadian Public Policy, 29 (2003): S1-S14.

Sheill, Alan & Jenny Zhang. The External Costs of Poverty: a Conservative Assessment. Calgary: Centre for Health and Policy Studies, University of Calgary and Institute of Health Economics, report presented to the United Way of Calgary and Area, 2004.

Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, The. “The cost of poverty”. In From the Margins: A Call to Action on Poverty, Housing and Homelessness. Report from the Subcommittee on Cities. Ottawa: Senate of Canada (December 2009): 37-41.

Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires sociales, des sciences et de la technologie. « Coûts de la pauvreté », Pauvreté, logement, itinérance : Les trois fronts de la lutte conte la pauvreté, Rapport du Sous-comité sur les villes, Ottawa, Sénat du Canada (Décembre 2009), p.42-47.

Swift, Jamie, Brice Balmer & Mira Dineen. Persistent Poverty: Voices from the margins. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2010.

Tompa, Emile. Transitions to Retirement: Determinants of Age of Social Security Take Up. No.6. Hamilton: Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population, 1999.

Toronto Board of Trade. Lifting All Boats: Promoting Social Cohesion and Economic Inclusion in the Toronto Region. Toronto: Toronto Board of Trade, June 2010.

Turcotte, Martin & Grant Schellenberg. A Portrait of Seniors in Canada 2006. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, February 2007. Catalogue no. 89-519-XIE.

Turcotte, Martin & Grant Schellenberg. Un portrait des aînés au Canada. Ottawa: Statistique Canada, février 2007. Nº au catalogue 89-519-XIF.

Uppal, Sharanjit. Labour market activity among seniors. Perspectives. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, July 2010: 5-18. Catalogue no. 75-001-X.

Uppal, Sharanjit. L’activité des personnes âgées sur le marché du travail. Perspective. Ottawa : Statistique Canada, juillet 2010 : 5-20. Nº au catalogue 75-001-X.

Uriate-Landa, Jorge & Benoît-Paul Hébert. “Work–life balance of older workers”. Perspectives. (October 2009): 17-28, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-X.

Uriate-Landa, Jorge & Benoît-Paul Hébert. « La conciliation travail-vie personnelle des travailleurs âgés », Perspective, (Octobre 2009), p.17-28, no. 75-001-X au catalogue de Statistique Canada.

Walberg, Rebecca & Andrea Mrozek. “Private Choices, Public Costs. How failing families cost us all”. Institute of Marriage and Family Canada. Ottawa: Institute of Marriage and Family Canada (June 2009).

Weiner, Nan & Morley Gunderson. Pay Equity: Issues, Options and Experiences. Toronto: Butterworths, 1990.

Whitmore, Elizabeth. Creating Change by Saving Change: A Participatory Evaluation of the Banking Accessibility Pilot Project. Ottawa: TD Canada Trust & Canadian Mental Health Association, May 2009.

Women Moving Forward. Social Return On Investment (SROI) Case Study: Women Moving Forward. Toronto: Women Moving Forward, 2011.

Women’s Economic Justice Project. “An Examination of How Women Would Benefit from a Guaranteed Livable Income”. Women’s Livable Income Working Group, SWAG. Victoria: Women’s Economic Justice Project (revised June 2006). 

Yalnizyan, Armine. The Rich and the Rest of Us. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2007.

1.2 Policies and Programs / Politiques et programmes 

Battle, Ken, Sherri Torjman & Micheal Mendelson. The Forgotten Fundamentals. Ottawa: Caledon Institute of Social Policy, 2008.

Battle, Ken & Sherri Torjman. Social Policy That Works: An Agenda, Ottawa, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, 2002.

Bibi, Sami & Jean-Yves Duclos. L’effet des prélèvements fiscaux et des transferts aux particuliers sur la pauvreté au Québec et au Canada. Montreal: Canadian Public Policy, March 2011; 37(1):1-24.

Bibi, Sami & Jean-Yves Duclos. L’effet des prélèvements fiscaux et des transferts aux particuliers sur la pauvreté au Québec et au Canada. Montréal: Analyse de politique, mars 2011; 37(1) :1-24.

Bibi, Sami & Jean-Yves Duclos. L’effet des taxes et des transferts sur la pauvreté au Québec et au Canada. Cahier de recherche 09-24. Québec : Centre Interuniversitaire sur le Risque, les Politiques Économiques et l’Emploi, 2009.

Canada, National Council of Welfare. Welfare Incomes 2009. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, December 13, 2010.

Canada, Conseil national du bien-être social. Revenus de bien-être social 2009. Ottawa : Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 13 décembre 2010.

Canada, National Council of Welfare. Welfare Incomes 2008: Bulletin No. 1 Single person considered employable. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, February 5, 2010.

Canada, Conseil national du bien-être social. Revenus de bien-être social 2008 : Bulletin No 1. Personne seule considérée apte au travail. Ottawa : Travaux publiques et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 5 février 2010.

Canada, Speech from the Throne. A Stronger Canada. A Stronger Economy. Ottawa: Speech from the Throne, January 26, 2009.

Canada, Discours du trône. Un Canada plus fort. Une économie plus forte. Ottawa : Discours du trône, 26 janvier, 2010.

Centre for the Study of Living Standards. The Impact of the National Child Benefit Supplement on the Low Income Status of Canadian Families with Children: The SPSD/M Results. Ottawa: Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 2002.

Goldberg, Michael & David A. Green. Understanding the Link Between Welfare Policy and the Use of Food Banks. An Economic Security Project Report. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009.

Harris, Richard G. Social Policy and Productivity Growth: What Are the Linkages? Vancouver: Simon Fraser University. 2002.

Hay, David I. Poverty Reduction Policies and Programs. Social Development Report Series. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development, 2009.

Hay, David I. Politiques et programmes sur la réduction de la pauvreté, Série de rapports sur le développement social, Ottawa, Conseil canadien de développement social, 2009.

Hum, Derek & Wayne Simpson. A Guaranteed Annual Income? From Mincome to the Millennium. Montreal: Policy Options Politiques, January-February 2001.

Jackson, Andrew & Sylvain Schetagne. “Is EI Working for Canada’s Unemployed?”. Technical Paper. Alternative Federal Budget 2010. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, January 2010.

Lochhead, Clarence. “Who benefits from Canada’s income security programs?”. Perception. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development, 21,4 (1998).

Lochhead, Clarence. « Qui bénéficie des programmes de sécurité du revenu au Canada? », Perception, Ottawa, Conseil canadien de développement social, 21,4 (1998).

Mackenzie, Hugh. Taxes and Public Services. Toronto: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009.

Mackenzie, Hugh & Richard Shillington. Canada’s Quiet Bargain. The benefits of public spending. Toronto: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009.

Mackenzie, Hugh & Richard Shillington. L’aubaine discrete du Canada: Les avantages tires des services publics. Toronto, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009.

Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment. Empowering People, Engaging Community, Enabling Success: First Progress Report on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Poverty Reduction Strategy. St John’s: Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment Newfoundland and Labrador, December 2009.

Ontario Social Assistance Review Advisory Council.  Recommendation for an Ontario Income Security Review. Toronto: Ontario Social Assistance Review Advisory Council, May 2010. report/SARAC Report - FINAL.pdf

Osberg, Lars. “Poverty among Seniors Citizens: A Canadian Success Story”. Chapter in The State of Economics in Canada: Festschrift in Honour of David Slater. Patrick Grady & Andrew Sharpe. Ottawa: The Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 2001: 151-181.

Osberg, Lars & Andrew Sharpe. The Development of Public Policy: The Role of the Index of Economic Well-being. Ottawa: Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 2004.

Osberg, Lars & Andrew Sharpe. De la bonne analyse des politiques publiques: le rôle de l’indice du bien être économique. Ottawa, Centre for the Study of Living Standards, 2004.

Preville, Emmanuel. Eliminating Poverty Among Working Families: Funding Scenarios. No. PRB 08-54E. Ottawa: Library of Parliament. Economics Division, 2008.

Preville, Emmanuel. Éliminer la pauvreté chez les familles qui travaillent : scénarios de financement, no. PRB 08-54F, Ottawa, Bibliothèque du Parlement, 2008.

Stapleton, John. Why is it so tough to get ahead? How our tangled social programs pathologize the transition to self-reliance. Toronto: Metcalf Foundation, November 2007.

Stapleton, John. “Zero Dollar Linda” A Meditation on Malcolm Gladwell’s “Million Dollar Murray”, the Linda Chamberlain Rule, and the Auditor General of Ontario. Toronto: Metcalf Foundation, November 2010.

Thorburn, Karen. “A Canadian Priorities Agenda: Ensuring Future Prosperity.” IRPP/University of Toronto. Canadian Priorities Agenda. Award-winning Student Paper. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2009.

Torjman, Sherri. Repairing Canada’s Social Safety Net. Ottawa: Caledon Institute of Social Policy, 2007.

Townson, Monica. “A Stronger Foundation”. Policy Brief. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternative. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives National Office (November, 2009).

Trefler, Daniel. “Innis Lecture: Canadian policies for broad-based prosperity”. Canadian Journal of Economics. Montreal: Canadian Journal of Economics, 41, 4 (November 2008): 1156-1184.

1.3 Housing / Logement 

Barker, Jayne & Paula Goering. The Mental Health Commission of Canada is now implementing research demonstration projects in mental health and homelessness across the country. At Home. Calgary: Mental Health Commission of Canada.

Barker, Jayne & Paula Goering. La Commission de la santé mentale du Canada (CSMC) mène actuellement des projets‑pilotes de recherche sur la santé mentale et l’itinérance dans différentes villes au Canada, Chez Soi, Calgary, Commission de la santé mentale du Canada.

Calgary Homeless Foundation. The Homeless Among Us. Calgary: Calgary Homeless Foundation, 2009.

Dinning, L. Bonnie & Christine Davis. “The Cost of Homelessness”. Community Action Plan on Homelessness: 2009-2014. The Road to Ending Homelessness in Ottawa. Ottawa: prepared for The Homelessness Community Capacity Building Steering Committee. City of Ottawa (2008): 7-8.

Dinning, L. Bonnie & Christine Davis. « Le coût du sans-abrisme ». Plan d’action communautaire sur le sans-abrisme: 2009-2014 : Sur la voie de l’éradication du sans-abrisme à Ottawa, Ottawa, préparée pour le Comité directeur sur la capacité communautaire de lutte contre l’itinérance, Ville d’Ottawa (2008), p.9-10.

Eberle, Margaret, Deborah Kraus, David Hulchanski & Luba Serge. The Relationship Between Homelessness and the Health, Social Services and Criminal Justice Systems: A Review of the Literature. Vol 1, 2001.

IBI Group. Social Cost of Homelessness. Edmonton: Released for information to the Edmonton Joint Planning Committee on Housing and the Calgary Homeless Foundation, 2003.

Palermo, Frank, Beata Dera, Delaine Clyne, Heather Ternoway, Beth Lewis, Rachel Harrison, Robert Kostiuk, Barbara Nehiley & Rebecca Koeller. The Cost of Homelessness and the Value of Investment in Housing Support Services in Halifax Regional Municipality. Halifax: Cities & Environment Unit, Dalhousie University, 2006.

Patterson, Michelle, Julian Somers, Karen McIntosh, Alan Shiell & Charles James Frankish. Housing and Support for Adults with Severe Addictions and/or Mental Illness in BC. Vancouver: Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA), Simon Fraser University, 2008.

Pomeroy, Steve. The Cost of Homelessness: Analysis of Alternate Responses in Four Canadian Cities. Prepared for the National Secretariat on Homelessness. San Francisco: Focus Consulting Inc, 2005.

1.4 Early Education Programs / Programmes d’éducation de la petite enfance 

Association québécoise des CPE. Le rendement des investissements publics dans le réseau des CPE. Montréal : Association québécoise des CPE, 2007.

Child Care Human Resources Sector Council. “Understanding and Addressing Workforce Shortage in the ECEC Sector”. Completed Projects. Ottawa: Child Care Human Resources Sector Council (September 2009).

Conseil sectoriel des ressources humaines des services de garde à l’enfance. « Comprendre la pénurie de main-d’œuvre dans les SÉGE et y faire face ». Ottawa, Conseil sectoriel des ressources humaines des services de garde à l’enfance (Septembre 2009).

Cleveland, Gordon. Bénéfices et coûts des Centre de la Petite Enfance du Québec. Toronto: Department of Management, University of Toronto, 2007.

Cleveland, Gordon & Michael Krashinsky. The Benefits and Costs of Good Child Care. The Economic Rationale for Public Investment in Young Children- A Policy Study. Toronto: Department of Economics, University of Toronto at Scarborough, 1998.

Cleveland, Gordon & Michael Krashinsky. “Chapter 8: The “it costs too much” argument”. Fact and fantasy: Eight myths about early childhood education and care. Toronto: Childcare Resource and Research Unit (2003): 55-60.

Cleveland, Gordon & Michael Krashinsky. Le financement des services de garde et d’éducation des jeunes enfants au Canada, document de référence, Ottawa: Conseil canadien de développement social, 2004.

Cleveland, Gordon, Susan Colley, Martha Friendly & Donna S. Lero. “Appendix G: Details on Data on Provincial/Territorial Child Care Funding”. The state of data on early childhood education and care in Canada: National Data Project final report. Toronto: Childcare Resource and Research Unit (2003): 78-79.

CUPE. “New study shows major benefits from investing in child care”. The Facts. Ottawa: CUPE (September 2009).

SCFP. « Une nouvelle étude montre les avantages rattachés à l’investissement dans les services de garde à l’enfance ». Le Point. Ottawa : SCFP (Septembre 2009).

Dagenais, Christian. Effets de la politique familiale du Gouvernement du Québec sur la pauvreté des enfants vivant dans des familles à faible revenu, sous la direction de Camil Bouchard & Marie-France Raynault. Montréal : Observatoire montréalais des inégalités sociales et de la santé (OMISS), 2001.

Ontario Municipal Social Services Association. Sustaining the future: What is at stake for families and children in Ontario A report on the federally derived $63.5 million child care funding and its impact on Ontario’s communities. Mississauga: Ontario Municipal Social Services Association, November 2009.

Rose, Ruth. Un programme universel et abordable pour l’accès aux services de garde à l’enfance mémoire soumis par dix-neuf groupes de femmes. Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal, 2003.

1.5 Education / Éducation 

Berger, Joseph & Andrew Parkin. “Chapter 1. The Value of a Degree: Education, Employment and Earnings in Canada”. The Price of Knowledge: Access and Student Finance in Canada – Fourth Edition. Montréal: Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation (2009).

Berger, Joseph & Andrew Parkin. « Chapitre 1: La valeur d’un diplôme: éducation, emploi et gains au Canada », Le prix du savoir : l’accès à l’éducation et la situation financière des étudiants au Canada - Quatrième édition, Montréal, Fondation canadienne des bourses du millénaire (2009).

Boston Consulting Group. BCG Assessment of Pathways to Education. Executive Summary. Toronto: Pathways to Education Canada, 2007.

Boston Consulting Group. Technical Report. Pathways to Education Canada: Value Assessment. Toronto: Pathways to Education Canada, February 2011. 

Canada, Statistics. “Study: Canadian nine-year-olds at school”. The Daily. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, September 25, 2009. Catalogue No. 11-001-XIE.

Canada, Statistique. « Étude: Les enfants canadiens de neuf ans à l’école ». Le Quotidien. Ottawa, Statistique Canada, 25 Septembre 2009. No. de catalogue 11-001-XIF.

Fortin, Pierre. From Productivity to Well-being: Keep the Focus on Basic Skills. Ottawa: International Productivity Monitor, Fall 2005; (11): 3-6.

Hankivsky, Olena. “Cost Estimates of Dropping Out of High School in Canada”. Prepared for Canadian Council on Learning, Simon Fraser University. Vancouver: Canadian Council on Learning (December 2008).

Institute for Research on Public Policy. “Investing in Human Capital: Policy Priorities for Canada. W. Craig Riddell with comments from Serge Coulombe & Jane Gaskell.” Canadian Priorities Agenda. Montréal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, brief no. 5, (2008).

Luong, May. The financial impact of student loans. Perspectives on Labour and Income. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, January 2010. Catalogue no. 75-001-X.

Luong, May. Les répercussions financières des prêts étudiants. L’emploi et le revenu en perspective. Ottawa: Statistique Canada, janvier 2010. Nº au catalogue 75-001-X.

Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance. Ontario’s Knowledge Economy: The Economic Impact of Post-Secondary Education. Toronto: OUSA, 2009.

Pathways to Education. Pathways to Education. Program Status Report. Toronto: Pathways to Education Canada, January 2009.

Richards, John. Dropouts: The Achilles' Heel of Canada’s High-School System. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute. No. 298, 2009.

Riddell, W. Craig. “Investing in Human Capital: Policy Priorities for Canada”. Institute for Research on Public Policy, Canadian Priorities Agenda Workshop, Toronto, March 2007.

Sharpe, Andrew, Arsenault, Jean-François, Lapointe, Simon & Cowan, Fraser. “The Effect of Increasing Aboriginal Educational Attainment on the Labour Force, Output and the Fiscal Balance”. Centre for the Study of Living Standards Research Report 2009-3. Ottawa: Centre for the Study of Living Standards, (May 2009).

TD Bank Financial Group. “Investing in Post Secondary Education Delivers a Stellar Rate of Return”. TD Economics. Topic Paper. Toronto: TD Bank Financial Group (January 22, 2004).

1.6 Health / Santé 

Canadian Institute for Health Information. “Chapter 2: The Health of Canadians”. Health Care in Canada 2009: A Decade in Review. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information (October 2009): 32-43.

Institut canadien d’information sur la santé. « Chapitre 2 : La santé des Canadiens ». Les soins de santé au Canada 2009 : revue de la dernière décennie. Ottawa : Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (octobre 2009), p.32-45.

Canadian Institute for Health Information. “Chapter 3: Follow the Money”. Health Care in Canada 2009: A Decade in Review. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information (October 2009): 44-58.

Institut canadien d’information sur la santé. « Chapitre 3 - Dépenses : montant, objet et bilan ». Les soins de santé au Canada 2009 : revue de la dernière décennie. Ottawa : Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (octobre 2009), p.46-63.

Canadian Institute for Health Information. “Health Spending/Health Costs”. Quick Stats by Topic. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information.

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Canadian Institute for Health Information. Injury Hospitalization and Socio-Economic Status. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information, June 14, 2010.

Institut canadien d’information sur la santé. Les hospitalisations à la suite d’une blessure et le statut socioéconomique. Ottawa : Institut canadien d’information sur la santé, 2010.

Canadian Institute for Health Information. “Non-Medical Determinants of Health”. Health Indicators-Region by Region. Health Indicators 2009. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information (2009): 92-95.

Institut canadien d’information sur la santé. « Déterminants non médicaux de la santé ». Indicateurs de santé – Une région à la fois. Indicateurs de la santé 2009. Ottawa : Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (2009), p.92-95.

Canadian Institute for Health Information. Reducing Gaps in Health: A Focus on Socio-Economic Status in Urban Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2008.

Institut canadien d’information sur la santé. Réduction des écarts en matière de santé : un regard sur le statut socioéconomique en milieu urbain au Canada. Ottawa : Institut canadien d’information sur la santé, 2008.

Canadian Institute for Health Information. The Association Between Socio-Economic Status and Inpatient Hospital Services Use for Depression. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information, February 2009.

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Canadian Institute for Health Information & Statistics Canada. Health Indicators 2010. Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2010.

Institut canadien d’information sur la santé et Statistique Canada. Indicateurs de santé 2010. Ottawa : Institut canadien d’information sur la santé, 2010.

Canadian Paediatric Society. “Best Interest of Child and Youth”. Are We Doing Enough? A status report on Canadian public policy and child and youth health. Ottawa: Canadian Paediatric Society (2009): 24-35.

Société canadienne de pédiatrie. « Intérêts fondamentaux des enfants et des adolescents ». En faisons-nous assez? Un rapport de la situation des politiques publiques canadiennes et de la santé des enfants et des adolescents. Ottawa : Société canadienne de pédiatrie (2009), p.24-35.

Hayward, Karen. The Health Costs of Poverty in Canada. A literature review of the evidence and methodologies needed to produce a full report. Prepared with assistance from Vanessa Hayward, Linda Pannozzo and Ronald Colman. Glen Haven: GPI Atlantic, 2008.

Health Disparities Task Group of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee on Population Health and Health Security. Reducing Health Disparities-Roles of the Health Sector: Discussion Paper. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada, December 2004. Catalogue no. HP5-4/2005.

Groupe de travail sur les disparités en matière de santé du Comité consultatif fédéral-provincial-territorial sur la santé de la population et la sécurité de la santé. Réduire les disparités sur le plan de la santé – Rôles du secteur de la santé : Document de travail. Ottawa : L’agence de la santé publique du Canada, décembre 2004. Nº au catalogue HP5-4/2005.

Health Officers Council of BC. Health Inequities in British Columbia: Discussion Paper. November 2008.

Hwang, Stephen W., James Weaver, Tim Aubry & Jeffrey S. Hock. Hospital Costs and Length of Stay Among Homeless Pentients Admitted to Medical, Surgical, and Psychiatric Services. Philadelphia: Medical Care, April 2011; 49(4).

Hwang, Stephen W., Russell Wilkins, Michael Tjepkema, Patricia J. O’Campo & James R Dunn. “Mortality among residents of shelters, rooming houses, and hotels in Canada: 11 year follow-up study”. British Medical Journal. London: British Medical Journal, 339, b4036 (2009).

Lemstra, Mark & Cory Neudorf. Health Disparities in Saskatoon. Saskatoon: Saskatoon Health Region, 2008.

Lightman, Ernie, Andrew Mitchell & Beth Wilson. “Poverty is making us sick: A comprehensive survey of income and health in Canada”. Wellesley Institute & Community Social Planning Council of Toronto. Toronto: Wellesley Institute & Community Social Planning Council of Toronto, December 2008.

McIntosh, Cameron N., Philippe Finès, Russell Wilkins & Michael C. Wolfson. “Income disparities in health-adjusted life expectancy for Canadian adults, 1991 to 2001”. Research article. Health Reports, 20, 4 (December 2009): 1-11. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-XPE.

McIntosh, Cameron N., Philippe Finès, Russell Wilkins & Michael C. Wolfson. « Disparités selon le revenu dans l’espérance de vie ajustée sur la santé chez les adultes au Canada, 1991 à 2001 », travaux de recherche, Rapports sur la santé, 20, 4 (Décembre 2009), p.1-13. No. 82-003-XPF au catalogue de Statistique Canada.

Mikkonen, Juha & Dennis Raphael. Social Determinants of Health. The Canadian Facts. Toronto: York University School of Health Policy and Management, 2010.

Orpana, Heather M., Louise Lemyre & Ronald Gravel. “Income and psychological distress: The role of the social environment”. Research article. Health Reports, 20, 1 (March 2009): 1-9. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-003-XPE.

Orpana, Heather M., Louise Lemyre & Ronald Gravel. « Revenu et détresse psychologique : le rôle de l’environnement social », travaux de recherche, Rapports sur la santé, 20, 1 (Mars 2009), p.1-10. No. 82-003-XPF au catalogue de Statistique Canada.

Ramage-Morin, Pamela L., Margot Shields & Laurent Martel. Health-promoting factors and good health among Canadians in mid- to late life. The Daily. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, July 2010. Catalogue no. 82-003-XPE.

Ramage-Morin, Pamela L., Margot Shields & Laurent Martel. Facteurs favorables à la santé et bon état de santé chez les Canadiens du milieu à la fin de la vie. Le Quotidien. Ottawa : Statistique Canada, juillet 2010. Nº au catalogue 82-003-XPF.

 Roos, Leslie L., Randy Walld, Julia Uhanova & Ruth Bond. “Physician Visits, Hospitalizations, and Socioeconomic Status: Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions in a Canadian Setting,” Health Services Research 40, 4 (2005): 1167–1185.

Subbarao, Padmaja, Allan Becker, Jeffrey R. Brook, Denis Daley, Piush J. Mandhane, Gregory E. Miller, Stuart E. Turvey & Malcolm R. Sears. “Epidemiology of asthma: risk factors for development”. Expert Review Clinical Immunology. London: Expert Review Clinical Immunology, 5, 1 (2009): 77-95.

Wilson, Beth. “Sick and Tired. The Compromised Health of Social Assistance Recipients and the Working Poor in Ontario”. Community Social Planning Council of Toronto (CSPC-T), University of Toronto’s Social Assistance in the New Economy Project (SANE) and the Wellesley Institute. Toronto: CSPC-T, SANE and the Wellesley Institute (February 2009).

Woolhandler, Steffie, Terry Campbell & David U. Himmelstein. “Costs of Health Care Administration in the United States and Canada”.The New England Journal of Medicine. Wltham: The New England Journal of Medicine, 349, 8 (August 21, 2003): 768-775.

Section 2: American Studies / États-Unis

American Medical Association. “Administration costs of health care coverage”. Series on the AMA proposal for reform. American Medical Association, undated.

Book, Robert A. Medicare Administrative Costs Are Higher, Not Lower Than for Private Insurance. Washington: The Heritage Foundation, June 25, 2009.

Card, David, Thomas Lemieux & W. Craig Riddell. “Unions and Wage Inequality”. Journal of Labour Research. Fairfax: Journal of Labour Research, 25, 4 (2004): 519-559.

Culhane, Dennis, Stephen Metraux & Trevor Hadley. “The Impact of Supportive Housing for Homeless People with Severe Mental Illness on the Utilization of the Public Health, Corrections, and Emergency Shelter Systems: The New York – New York Initiative”. Housing Policy Debate. Philadelphia: Centre for Mental Health Policy and Services Research. University of Pennsylvania, 13, 1 (2002): 107-163.

Culhane, Dennis P., Wayne D. Parker, Barbara Poppe, Kennen S. Gross & Ezra Sykes. Accountability, Cost-Effectiveness, and Program Performance: Progress Since 1998. Washington: National Symposium on Homelessness Research, 2008.

Folbre, Nancy & Michael Bittman (Editors). Family Time: the social organisation of care. London and New York: Routledge. 2004.

General Accounting Office, United States. Means-Tested Programs. Determining Financial Eligibility Is Cumbersome and Can be Simplified. Washington: United States General Accounting Office, November 2001.

Hall, Peter A. & Michèle Lamont (Editors). Successful Societies: How Institutions and Culture Affect Health. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Hebert, J. Gans. The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All. Social Policy, July/August 1971.

Holzer, Harry J., Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Greg J. Duncan & Jens Ludwig. The Economic Costs of Poverty in the United States: Subsequent Effects of Children Growing Up Poor. Ann Arbor: National Poverty Center, 2007. No. 07-04.

Institute for America’s Future. A Public Health Insurance Plan: Reducing Cost and Improving Quality. Washington: Institute for America’s Future, Febuary 2009.

Karelis, Charles H. The Persistence of Poverty: Why the Economics of the Well-Off Can’t Help the Poor. Yale University Press, 2007.

Kay, Aaron C., Danielle Gaucher, Jennifer M. Peach, Kristin Laurin, Justin Friesen, Mark P. Zanna & Steven J. Spencer. “Inequality, Discrimination, and the Power of the Status Quo: Direct Evidence for a Motivation to See the Way Things Are as the Way They Should Be”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Washington: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 3 (2009): 421–434.

Miller, Gregory E., Edith Chen, Alexandra K. Fok, Hope Walker, Alain Lim, Erin F. Nicholls, Steve Cole & Micheal S. Kobor. “Low early-life social class leaves a biological residue manifested by decreased glucocorticoid and increase proinflammatory signalling”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Washington: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 34 (2009): 14716-14721.

Neckerman, Kathryn M. & Florencia Torche. “Inequality: Causes and Consequences”. Annual Review of Sociology. New York: Annual Review of Sociology, 33 (2007): 335-357.

Oppenheim, Jerrold & Theo MacGregor. The Economics of Poverty: How Investments to Eliminate Poverty Benefit All Americans. Entergy, 2006.

Pathways to Housing, Inc. Housing First: A Person-Centered Approach to Ending Homelessness. Annual Report 2007. New York: Pathways to Housing, 2007.

Pollard, Kevin. State-by-State Costs of Child Poverty in the U.S. Washington: Population Reference Bureau, 2008.

Small, Mario Luis, David J. Harding & Michèle Lamont. Reconsidering Culture and Poverty. Philadelphia: The ANNALs of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May 2010; 629:6-27.

Sustainable Measures. Indicators of sustainability. West Hartford: Sustainable Measures.

The Lewin Group. Costs of Serving Homeless Individuals in Nine Cities: Chart Book. Prepared for The Corporation for Supportive Housing. Pasadena: The Lewin Group, 2004.

United Way of Greater Los Angeles. Homeless Cost Study. Los Angeles: United Way of Greater Los Angeles, 2009.

Wilkinson, Richard G. The Impact of Inequality: How to Make Sick Societies Healthier. New York: The New Press. 2005.

Wilkinson, Richard G. & Kate E. Pickett. “Income Inequality and Social Dysfunction”. Annual Review of Sociology. New York: Annual Review of Sociology, 35 (2009): 493-511.

Wilkinson, Richard G. & Kate E. Pickett. The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone. Penguin Books, 2010.

Zycher, Benjamin. “Comparing Public and Private Health Insurance: Would A Single-Payer System Save Enough to Cover the Uninsured?”. Medical Progress Report. New York: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, 2007.

Section 3: International Studies / Autres pays

Adema, W. & M. Ladaique. “How Expensive is the Welfare State? Gross and Net Indicators in the OECD Social Expenditure Database (SOCX)”. OECD Social, Employment and Migration. Working Papers No. 92 (2009).

Adamson, Peter. The Children Left Behind: A league table of inequality in child well-being in the world’s rich countries. New York: United Nations. December, 2010.

Berry, Mike, Chris Chamberlain, Tony Dalton, Michael Horn & Gabrielle Berman. Counting the Cost of Homelessness: A Systematic Review of Cost Effectiveness and Cost Benefit Studies of Homelessness. Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2003.

Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity Through Action on the Social Determinants of Health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Geneva: World Health Organisation, 2008.

Commission des déterminants sociaux de la santé. Combler le fossé en une génération : Instaurer l'équité en santé en agissant sur les déterminants sociaux. Rapport final de la commission des déterminants sociaux de la santé. Genève : Organisation mondiale de la santé, 2008.

Crombie, Iain K., Linda Irvin, Lawrence Elliott & Hilary Wallace. Closing the Health Inequalities Gap: An International Perspective. Copenhagen: World Health Organisation Regional Office, 2005.

de Wispelaere, Jurgen & Lindsay Stirton. The Many Faces of Universal Basic Income. The Political Quarterly Publishing Co. Ltd. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2004: 266-274.

de Wispelaere, Jurgen & Lindsay Stirton. The Public Administration Case against Participation Income. Social Service Review. Chicago: The University of Chicago, September 2007; 81(3):523-549.

Fouarge, Didier. Costs of Non-Social Policy: Towards an Economic Framework Of Quality Social Policies – And The Costs Of Not Having Them. Report for the Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Directorate-General, European Commission. Brussels: European Commission, January, 2003.

Furceri, Davide. Stabilization Effects of Social Spending: Empirical Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries. Paris: OECD, Economics Department Working Paper No. 675, Feb 25, 2009.

Griggs, Julia & Robert Walker. The costs of child poverty for individuals and society: A literature review. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2008.

Gunderson, Morley. Comparable Worth: International Aspects. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1994.

Hall, Jon, Enrico Giovannini, Adolfo Morrone & Giulia Ranuzzi. A Framework to Measure the Progress of Societies. France: OECD, Statistics Working Papers 2010/5, May, 2010.

Health Inequalities Unit. Tackling Health Inequalities: 2007 Status Report on the Programme for Action. London: Department of Health, 2008.

Hirsch, Donald. The cost of not ending child poverty: How we can think about it, how it might be measured, and some evidence. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006.

Hirsch, Donald. Estimating the costs of child poverty. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2008.

International Centre for Health & Society/Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. Work Stress and Health: the Whitehall II study. London: Public and Commercial Services Union, 2004.

Jost, John T., Sally Blount, Jeffrey Pfeffer & Gyorgy Hunyady. Fair Market Ideology: Its Cognitive-Motivational Underpinnings. Research Paper Series. Stanford: Stanford Graduate School of Business. No. 1816, 2003.

Kosta, Josifidis, Supic Novica & Beker Emilija. Income Inequalities and (in)efficiency of the European Welfare Regimes. Serbia: University of Novi Sad, Undated.

Mackenbach, Johan P., Willem Jan Meerding & Anton E. Kunst. Economic Implications of Socio-Economic Inequalities in Health in the European Union. Rotterdam: Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General, 2007.

Mackenbach, Johan P., Williem J. Meerding & Anton E. Kunst. Economic costs of health inequalities in the European Union. London: Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, December, 2010.

New Economics Foundation. Seven principles for measuring what matters. A guide to effective public policy-making. London: New Economics Foundation, 2009.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Forum on Tackling Inequality. Growing income inequality in OECD countries: What drives it and how can policy tackle it? Paris: OECD. May 2011.  

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). National Accounts – Annual National Accounts - General Government Account - Table 11: Government expenditure by function. Paris: OECD.

Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OECD). Comptes nationaux - Comptes nationaux annuels - Comptes des administrations publiques – Tableau 11 : Dépense des administrations publiques par fonction. Paris, OCDÉ.

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Launch of “Growing Unequal?” Remarks by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, October 21st, 2009.,3343,en_2649_33729_41533262_1_1_1_1,00.html

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Society at a Glance 2011 - OECD Social Indicators. Paris: OECD. 2011. 

Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économique (OCDE). Panorama de la société 2011 - Les indicateurs sociaux de l'OCDE. Paris OCDE, 2011.  

Osberg, Lars & Andrew Sharpe. “An Index of Economic Well-being for Selected OECD Countries”. Review of Income and Wealth. Hoboken: Wiley Knowledge for Generations. 48, 3 (September 2002): 291-316.

Scottish Government, The. Equally Well: Report of the Ministerial Task Force on Health Inequalities. Edinburgh: Government of Scotland, 2008.

Stiglitz, Joseph E., Amartya Sen & Jean-Paul Fitoussi. Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. Paris: Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, 2009.

Stiglitz, Joseph E., Amartya Sen & Jean-Paul Fitoussi. Rapport de la commission sur la mesure des performances économiques et du progrès social, Paris, Commission sur la Mesure de la Performance Économique et du Progrès Social, 2009.

Stouten, Jeroen & Thomas M. Tripp. “Claiming more than equality: Should leaders ask for forgiveness?”. The Leadership Quarterly. 20 (2009): 287–298.

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Rethinking Poverty. Report on the World Social Situation 2010. New York: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development. February 2010.

Waring, Marilyn. If Women Counted: A New Feminist Economics. London: HarperCollins. November 1990.

Wilkinson, Richard G. &  Kate E. Pickett. The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better. London: Allen Lane, 2009.

Section 4 : Newspaper Articles / Articles de journaux

Before 2009 / Avant 2009

Cobb, Clifford, Ted Halstead & Jonathan Rowe. “If the GDP is Up, Why is America Down?”. The Atlantic. October 1995.

Guyatt, Gordon. “Cuts in seniors’ drug assistance a false economy”. The Hamilton Spectator. May 17, 2002.

Trefler, Daniel.Looking Back: How Childhood Experiences Impact a Nation’s Wealth”. Rotman Magazine. Toronto: Rotman Magazine (Spring/Summer 2004): 13-16.

Toynbee, Polly. “Inequality kills”. The Guardian. July 30, 2005. “Why problems like homelessness may be easier to solve than to manage.” February 13, 2006.

Grow, Brian & Keith Epstein. “Online Extra: Cutting the Cost of Poverty”. BusinessWeek. May 21, 2007.

Krugman, Paul. “Poverty Is Poison”. The New York Times. February 18, 2008.

Jackson, Andrew. “Falling Poverty Among Elderly – A Canadian Success Story”. The Progressive Economics Forum. August 7, 2008.

Donner, Arthur, Mike McCracken & Armine Yalnizyan. “Economic crisis no excuse to abandon anti-poverty fight”. The October21, 2008.

March 2009 / Mars 2009

Carey, John. “The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett”. TimesOnline. March 8, 2009.

June 2009 / Juin 2009

Trefler, Daniel. “This Business of Kids Inc. You don't know just how rich the returns to investments in children are” The Globe and Mail. Opinions. June 26, 2009.

July 2009 / Juillet 2009

Bermingham, John. “Poor children are more likely to get sick later in life: Study”. The Province. July 16, 2009.

CBC News. “U.S. ‘homeless czar’ says more housing saves money”. July 16, 2009.

August 2009 / Août 2009

Lewis, Steven & Linda Silas. “Health of poorer citizens needs premiers’ attention”. Viewpoints. Leader-Post. August 4, 2009.

Kirby, Michael. “Everybody hurts in a social recession”. The Globe and Mail. August 26, 2009.

September 2009 / Septembre 2009

Mendelson, Rachel. “Begging to differ”. Maclean’ September 24, 2009.

October 2009 / Octobre 2009

Quist, Dave. “Strong families fight poverty”. The National Post. October 6, 2009.

Goar, Carol. “Fine diagnosis, disappointing remedy”. The Toronto Star. October 14, 2009.

Mackenzie, Hugh. “Can we have an adult conversation about taxes?”. The Toronto Star. October 26, 2009.

Ubelacker, Sheryl. “Homeless, rooming house residents at risk for early death: study”. The Canadian Press. October 27, 2009.

ScienceDaily. “High Death Rates and Short Life Expectancy Among Homeless And Marginally Housed”. October 28, 2009.


November 2009 / Novembre 2009

Greenway, Norma. “A basic living income ... could it wipe out poverty?”. The Vancouver Sun. November 14, 2009.

Mills, Tom. “Does a solution to poverty lie buried in boxes in a Winnipeg warehouse?”. The Sault Star. November 14, 2009.

Segal, Hugh. “How to make real progress against poverty”. The Globe and Mail Opinions. November 19, 2009.

Tobin, Anne-Marie. “CMAJ editorial calls for more kids to be adopted from child welfare system”. The Canadian Press. November 23, 2009.

Duffy, Andrew. “Fix poverty, fix health, top MD says”. The Ottawa Citizen. November 24, 2009.

Sandborn, Tom. “Put aside $3 Billion for the Kids”. The Tyee. November 20, 2009.

Swanson, Jean. “Poverty kills: Why isn’t anybody doing anything about it?”. The Vancouver Sun. November 30, 2009.

December 2009 / Décembre 2009

Severinson, Peter. “Child’s Pay. Yes, child care really is an investment in our future”. BC Business. December 2, 2009.

Reynolds, Lindor. “Dauphin’s great experiment”. The Winnipeg Free Press. December 3, 2009.

Stevens, Craig. “Wake up, Canadians, poverty is a killer”. The Kingston Whig Standard. December 8, 2009.

The Canadian Press. “Poverty advocates support HST with tax breaks”. CTV Ottawa. December 09, 2009.

CNW Group. “Better health depends on ending child and youth poverty: paediatricians”. December 8, 2009.

Dimnik, J.K. “Fight poverty, stop crime”. The Star Phoenix. December 8, 2009.

Elliott, Howard. “Using waste as a weapon”. The Hamilton Spectator. December 9, 2009.

News, Richmond. “Poverty’s our business”. December 11, 2009.

Singers, Sandy. “Recession hasn’t ended for poor”. The Kingston Whig Standard. December 12, 2009.

CBC News. “N.L. poverty levels down significantly: report”. CBC News. December 14, 2009.

Ferenc, Leslie. “Business elite urged to ‘invest in people’”. Toronto Star. December 14, 2009.

Goar, Carol. “Thin gruel on welfare ‘gravy train’”. Toronto Star. December 14, 2009.

Shingler, Benjamin. “Couple’s plight ‘a shame’”. Telegraph-Journal. December 14, 2009.

The Telegram. “Report indicates province winning in fight against poverty”. The Telegram. December 14, 2009.

Eggleton, Art. “Poverty at home…”. The Globe and Mail. December 15, 2009.

Stapleton, John & Greg deGroot-Maggetti. “Government must work to lift people out of poverty”. The December 15, 2009.

Segal, Hugh. “Hugh Segal: A real fix for poverty”. The Financial Post Comment. December 15, 2009.

Burnaby Now. “The best place? Not if you’re a poor person”. Burnaby Now. December 16, 2009.

Greenaway, Norma. “Senators urge serious look at guaranteed annual income.” Calgary Herald. December 8, 2009. 

Canada, Department of Finance. “Government of Canada Support to Provinces and Territories at an All-Time High”. News. Ottawa: Department of Finance Canada, (December 18, 2009).

Canada, Ministère des Finances. « L’aide accordée aux provinces et aux territoires par le gouvernement du Canada atteint un sommet inégale ». Nouvelles. Ottawa : Ministère des Finances Canada, (le 18 décembre 2009).

Canadian Union of Public Employees. “2010 a chance for new direction on public policy, economy”. Canada December 28, 2009.

January 2010/ Janvier 2010

Coalition of community health and resource centres of Ottawa. “ What are Community Health Centres?”. Between Us. Ottawa: Coalition of community health and resource centres of Ottawa. 19, 3 (Winter 09/10): 1.

Coalition des centres des ressources et de santé communautaires d’Ottawa. « Qu’est-ce qu’un Centre de santé communautaire? » Entre nous. Ottawa, Coalition des centres des ressources et de santé communautaires d’Ottawa, 19, 3 (Hiver 09/10), p. 2.

Foster, James. “Are you too broke for college?”. NB Business Journal. January 2, 2010.

Morton, James. “Liberals’ ‘Tough on crime’ stance needs scrutiny”. The Star. January 3, 2010

Eggleton, Art & Hugh Segal. “We can’t afford not to take on poverty”. The Ottawa Citizen. January 7, 2010.

Power, Sam. “Income tax: Alberta’s next golden egg”. Vue Weekly. January 7, 2010.

Bellemare, Diane. « Mettre en valeur nos compétences ». Argent. Le 15 Janvier 2010.

CNW Telbec. La pauvreté constitue une menace plus importante chez les femmes atteintes d’une maladie du cœur que les hommes. Le 18 janvier 2010.

CBC News. Campaign builds to end B.C. homelessness: minister. CBC News. January 20, 2010.

Dallaire, Jody. “Fighting poverty with new child care”. Telegraph Journal. January 20, 2010.

Croisetière, Marie-Hélène. « Les familles à faible revenu aiment cuisiner, malgré un budget serré ». Passeport santé. Le 22 janvier 2010.

Greenway, Norma. “Canada’s Jobless benefits fail test of recession: study”. The Vancouver Sun. January 25, 2010.

Peters, Doug & Arthur Donner. “It’s jobs that makes a real  economic recovery”. The Globe and Mail. Opinions. January 25, 2010.

Rhéaume, Normand. « L’assurance-emploi comme stimulant économique ». Argent. Le 26 janvier 2010.

After January 2010 / Suite à janvier 2010

Buist, Steve. “Code Red series begins today”. The Hamilton Spectator. April 10, 2010.

Grant, Tavia. “For mental-health patients, bank accounts are small assets with big payoffs.” The Globe and Mail. May 25, 2010. 


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