National Council of Welfare
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Welfare Incomes: Research and Publications

Total Records Returned : 50

Welfare Incomes 2009: Update as of March 2011

Fact Sheet | 2011-04-04

Note that there are updates to Welfare Incomes 2009 affecting all lone parents as well as earnings exemptions levels in Alberta.

Welfare Incomes 2009 - Postcards

Fact Sheet | 2011-03-14

Welfare Incomes Postcards What do you know about welfare incomes in Canada? This handy set of seven postcards will give you quick overview. It's a great companion to the Welfare Incomes 2009 publication.

Welfare Incomes 2009

Report | 2010-12-13

Note that there are updates to Welfare Incomes 2009 affecting all lone parents as well as earnings exemptions levels in Alberta. As the National Council of Welfare has done since 1986, in Welfare Incomes 2009 we look at the situation of four family types: a lone parent with a 2-year-old child, a couple with two children aged 10 and 15, a single person considered employable and a single person wit...

Welfare Incomes 2009 - Provincial/territorial fact sheets

Fact Sheet | 2010-12-13

Fast facts on provinces and territories.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006 and 2007 - Errata

Fact Sheet | 2009-02-02

Changes to data tables for Figures 4.1 to 4.26 - page 105, for Northwest Territories in 2007: 1. The total dollar amount under 3-F and 3-P⁄ T (for lone parent) of $19,241 should be replaced by "$20,425". 2. The total dollar amount under 4-F and 4-P⁄T (for couple) of $28,424 should be replaced by "$31,560".Please note that Figures 4.23 and 4.24 remain correct.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006 and 2007: 2007 Provincial Welfare Rates Compared to the MBM

Fact Sheet | 2008-12-10

The following charts show the ratios of 2007 welfare incomes to the estimated 2007 Market Basket Measure (MBM) thresholds, from the least generous to the most generous province, for each household type.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006 and 2007

Report | 2008-12-10

The report Welfare Incomes, 2006 and 2007 presents current and long-term statistics on welfare incomes, which include social assistance as well as federal child-related and other benefits, for 4 household types in Canada's 13 provinces and territories. The household types are: single employable person; single person with a disability; lone parent with a 2 year-old child; a couple with two children...

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006: Patterns and Trends

Fact Sheet | 2008-05-01

Patterns and Trends summarizes what happened in terms of welfare incomes in 2006 and over time across Canada, comparing total welfare incomes and measures such as the low income cut-off, average income, median income, and the Market Basket Measure. It also presents changes for families between 2006 and 1997 -- the year before the NCBS was introduced.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006: Liquid Asset Exemption Levels as of January 2006

Fact Sheet | 2008-05-01

This table presents liquid asset exemption levels as of January 2006. It focuses on provisions for our four household types. It also shows, where applicable, the different provisions for those applying for assistance as opposed to those already receiving assistance.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006: Estimated 2006 Annual Welfare Incomes by Type of Household

Fact Sheet | 2008-05-01

The table shows the estimated welfare income of our four household types received in 2006. Welfare incomes includes all federal, provincial and territorial benefits.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006: Welfare incomes compared to Before-Tax Low Income Cut-Offs (LICOs)

Fact Sheet | 2008-05-01

This table compares 2006 welfare incomes to before-tax low income cut-offs.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006: Methodology used for Welfare Incomes

Fact Sheet | 2008-05-01

List and description of assumptions made about households and incomes.

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2006 - Web-only Data

Report | 2007-01-01

The NCW plans to publish a 2006/2007 combined issue of Welfare Incomes at the end of 2008. In the meantime, all usual data will be available on our Web site. In addition, data on Market Basket Measures (MBM) as a comparison tool is also being made available for the first time. This is in light of the responses to the 2006 NCW Questionnaire on Poverty and Income Security regarding the importance of...

Archived - Welfare Incomes 2005: Number of People on Welfare, 1995-2005

Fact Sheet | October 2006

The table provides, for each province and territory, the estimated number of people receiving welfare in March, from 1995 to 2005. The totals exclude an estimated 150,000 First Nations people on reserve who are receiving social assistance.


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