National Council of Welfare
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Poverty Profile: Research and Publications

Total Records Returned : 42

Archived - Poverty Profile 1999 - Errata

Fact Sheet | 2002-07-29

1. Page 46, Under FAMILIES, change the first paragraph to the following: After taxes, Prince Edward Island had the lowest poverty rate of 6 percent. After taxes, Newfoundland and Labrador saw a decrease of 5.4 percentage points in poverty rate. Prince Edward had the next largest at 4.7 percent. This, combined with having the second lowest pre-tax poverty rate, made Prince Edward Island the provin...

Archived - Child Poverty Profile 1998

Report | 2001-09-10

Child Poverty Profile 1998 is a special report in the National Council of Welfare's series Poverty Profile. The report uses Statistics Canada's Survey of Consumer Finances and Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics to track the changes in poverty rates in Canada. Child poverty in Canada is not limited to one specific group of children, but the report points out several groups of particular concern, ...

Archived - Poverty Profile 1998

Report | 2000-12-15

An explanation of Statistics Canada's low income cut-offs and a comprehensive analysis of national and provincial poverty statistics and trends. The report includes information on the depth of poverty and typical sources of income for poor people. There are also short sections on poverty among low-wage workers, children, women and seniors.

Archived - Poverty Profile 1997

Report | Autumn 1999

Poverty Profile, 1997 shows that poverty rates among seniors have fallen dramatically during the past generation. Meanwhile, child poverty rates have been stuck at relatively high levels throughout the 1990s. Poverty Profile is an update on poverty in Canada using the latest available figures from Statistics Canada. The 1997 version includes new information about the poorest of the poor and a new...

Archived - A New Poverty Line: Yes, No or Maybe?

Report | Winter 1998-99

A discussion paper about different ways of measuring poverty in Canada. The paper compares the low income cut-offs of Statistics Canada with other poverty lines that are based on the cost of a "market basket" of goods and services.

Archived - Poverty Profile 1996

Report | 1998-05-11

Poverty Profile, 1996 includes numerous statistics for 1996 and poverty trends dating back to 1980. It contains detailed information on poverty by family type, sex, age, education and a host of other variables. It has data on the depth of poverty. There is information about the average incomes of poor people and their main sources of income. One chapter focuses on four groups of special concern: t...

Archived - Poverty Profile 1995

Report | Spring 1997

Poverty Profile, 1995 includes numerous statistics for 1995 and poverty trends dating back to 1980. It contains detailed information on poverty by family type, sex, age, education and a host of other variables. It has data on the depth of poverty. There is information about the average incomes of poor people and their main sources of income. One chapter focuses on four groups of special concern: t...

Archived - Poverty Profile 1994

Report | Spring 1996

Poverty Profile, 1994 includes both national and provincial statistics for 1994 and trends dating back as far as 1980. This edition has new tables that give a clearer picture of income distributions in Canada - from people living well below the poverty line to those living well above the line.

Archived - Poverty Profile 1993

Report | Spring 1995

Poverty Profile, 1993 includes both national and provincial statistics for 1993 and trends dating back as far as 1980. It contains detailed information on poverty by family type, sex, age, education and a host of other variables. It has data on the depth of poverty. There is information about the average incomes of poor people and their main sources of income. One chapter focuses on four groups of...

Archived - Poverty Profile 1992

Report | Spring 1994

Poverty Profile, 1992 includes both national and provincial statistics for 1992 and trends dating back as far as 1980. It contains detailed information on poverty by family type, sex, age, education and a host of other variables. It has data on the depth of poverty. There is information about the average incomes of poor people and their main sources of income. One chapter focuses on four groups of...

Archived - Poverty Profile Update for 1991

Report | Winter 1993

"The pages that follow contain selected poverty statistics for 1991 and update statistics published by the National Council of Welfare in Poverty Profile, 1980-1990."

Archived - Poverty Profile 1980-1990

Report | Autumn 1992

Poverty Profile, 1980-1990 is the latest in a series of reports by the National Council of Welfare on poverty in Canada. It includes numerous national statistics for 1990 and poverty trends from 1980 through 1990. In some cases, there is detailed information for provinces as well. This report is the first of its kind to include information about the depth of poverty - that is, how far the incomes...

Archived - Women and Poverty Revisited

Report | 1990-08-13

An update of the 1979 report Women and Poverty. It includes detailed poverty statistics for women in 1987 and numerous comparisons with earlier years. Also included are 35 recommendations to improve the status of women.

Archived - 1989 Poverty Lines

Report | April 1989

Statistics Canada's low income cut-offs are updated each year according to the change in the cost of living as measured by the Consumer Price Index. The figures in Table 1 were calculated by the National Council of Welfare on the basis of a projected inflation rate of four percent for 1989. Table 2 gives the low income cut-offs for 1980 through 1988.

Archived - Poverty Profile 1988

Report | April 1988

Poverty in Canada has been a see-saw affair over the past two decades. It declined during the 'seventies, increased during the early 'eighties as a result of the recession and eased in 1985 and 1986. This report presents a detailed statistical portrait of poverty in Canada and looks at both poverty today and changes in poverty over time. The study also charts trends in average incomes and earning...


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