May 1, 1996 – Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister Ronald A. Irwin, and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion, today announced that the federal government and the government of Quebec have reached an agreement regarding Cree and Inuit education funding under the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA).

"The federal government has always maintained its willingness to conduct an objective review of the documentation provided by the Quebec government in support of its claims," stated Minister Irwin. "I am pleased that we have been successful in achieving a settlement of this long-standing issue and that, in future, the two levels of governments will be working under the jointly approved process to implement the JBNQA as originally contemplated and to minimize problems encountered in the past."

Since September 1995, senior officials of both governments have cooperated on a comprehensive review of provincial disbursements since the implementation of the JBNQA. As a result of this review, Canada agrees to reimburse Quebec $100.3 million that the province has already paid to the Cree and Kativik school boards on behalf of both governments.

During the course of their discussions, both governments have also agreed on a process for the joint approval of the future budgets of the Cree and Kativik School Boards as stipulated under the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. These administrative arrangements do not in any way affect or modify the rights of the Cree and Inuit under the JBNQA, but they will facilitate future relationships between both governments.

"This is a clear indication that the government of Canada and the government of Quebec can sit together at the same table to discuss common issues and reach a mutually acceptable solution," stated Mr. Dion. "This agreement shows that when both parties deal in good faith, we can establish the basis for future cooperation."

Funding for this initiative was provided for in the planning for the March 1996 federal budget and is therefore built into the existing fiscal framework. This initiative is an example of how this government is prioritizing its spending so that it can better serve Canadians by making efficient use of their tax dollars.

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Claude Péloquin
Press Secretary
Minister Dion's Office
(613) 943-1853

Cate McCready
Communications Assistant
Minister Irwin's Office
(819) 997-0002

For background information:

Greg Gauld
Director General
Comprehensive Claims
(819) 997-8145.

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