From June 28 through July 3 this year the Canadian Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and President of the Privy Council, Mr. Stéphane Dion, made an official visit (on the invitation of the Russian Ministry of Federalism Affairs, Nationalities and Migration Policy) to the Russian Federation. During his stay he visited Moscow and St. Petersburg, took part in the 6th conference of the Russian Association of Canadian Studies and in a roundtable on "The Russian experience of federalism and possible models of cooperation", and met with leading representatives of the Russian government and scientific and social organizations.

          As a result of wide-ranging discussions on the challenges of federalism, the Canadian and Russian sides noted that as federal states, Canada and Russia face a range of similar challenges and intend to intensify cooperative efforts in overcoming them together. Guided by Article 3 of the Treaty on Concord and Cooperation between Canada and the Russian Federation of June 19, 1992, they affirm their intention to deepen cooperation between the Russian Ministry of Federalism Affairs, Nationalities and Migration Policy and the Canadian Department of Intergovernmental Affairs on issues of federalism.

          The two sides note how the development of partnership relations between the Provinces and Territories of Canada and the subjects of the Russian Federation contributes to strengthening good relations and mutual understanding between Canadians and Russians, and wish to optimize the participation of provincial/regional, territorial and local governments, Aboriginal organizations and other non-governmental organizations in future cooperation in the domain of federalism. Beyond this, the participants in the discussion noted that the Agreement on the Principles and Basis for Cooperation Between the Subjects of the Russian Federation and the Provinces and Territories of Canada, signed during President Putin’s state visit to Canada in December 2000, provides a sound basis for the strengthening of mutually beneficial ties between regions.

          It was further noted that for more than a quarter of a century, cooperative efforts in addressing the common challenges presented by the Arctic region have been one of the most productive areas in the Canada-Russia relationship. The two sides affirm that cooperation on issues of federalism will complement the objectives and existing programs outlined in the Joint Statement by Canada and the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Arctic and the North, issued during President Putin’s state visit to Canada in December 2000.

          The two sides confirm their respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognize the role of federalism in protecting human rights while preserving diversity.

          The two sides affirm the priority of cooperation on the socio-economic and political-legal aspects of federalism and the importance of effective federal institutions for national growth and development.

          The Russian Ministry of Federalism Affairs, Nationalities and Migration Policy and the Canadian Department for Intergovernmental Affairs approve of the principles of cooperation on issues concerning federalism as described in the attached document. In particular, they intend to coordinate work on further federalism initiatives touching on constitutional/legal aspects, fiscal federalism, strengthening public services in federal systems, the northern dimension, and natural resources in federal states.

          DONE at Moscow, this 3rd day of June 2001, in duplicate, in the English, French and Russian languages, all texts being equally authentic.

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