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Archives - Jean Chrétien

The Speech From the Throne: Building a Stronger Canada

September 23, 1997


Our overriding goal as we approach the 21st century is both simple and ambitious. It is to strengthen and unite this country by joining in the common purpose of keeping Canada one of the best places in the world in which to live.

In partnership with the provinces and territories, we have been developing a more collaborative approach to strengthening and modernizing the Canadian federation.

In our first mandate we made tremendous progress on this vital project. We worked successfully with the provinces on:

  • promoting trade through Team Canada;
  • creating jobs through the Canada Infrastructure Works program;
  • reducing internal trade barriers;
  • developing a National Child Benefit System;
  • tabling a plan to reform the Canada Pension Plan;
  • promoting tourism
  • improving labour market training with the provinces; and
  • clarifying our roles in mining, forestry, housing and recreation.

We also reformed transfers to the provinces and territories to ensure a long-term, stable funding arrangement for health and other social programs. We introduced a new block transfer in 1995 -- the Canada Health and Social Transfer.

At their Calgary meeting, nine Premiers and the two territorial leaders reiterated their desire for closer co-operation with the Government of Canada on health care and social policy.

We welcome their desire to work together and are committed to even closer collaboration in the future. The Calgary meting built on the work we did after the 1995 Quebec referendum, passing parliamentary resolutions recognizing Quebec' distinctiveness and granting constitutional vetos to the five Canadian regions.

With the Prime Minister as Chair, First Ministers will meet this fall to work on co- operative approaches to address youth unemployment, health care and social policy renewal.

Therefore, through initiatives like the Supreme Court reference and the Dion-Landry exchange of letters we are bringing frankness and clarity to any debate that puts into question the future existence or unity of Canada.

And it's working. BQ House Leader Michel Gauthier admitted as much last week. And Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe confirmed it by conceding: "I think it is clear that we will have to counteract the federalists on this issue."

We will also work closely with the provinces and territories to further advance the progress made by nine Premiers and the territorial leaders in Calgary toward the full recognition of the diversity of Canada, including the unique character of Quebec society.


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Last Modified: 2006-07-27  Important Notices