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Archives - Jean Chrétien

The 1999 Speech from the Throne:
Canada: The Place to be in the 21st Century

October 12, 1999

Canada is one of the great success stories of the 20th century.

Working together, we have built a nation with an unrivalled quality of life. For the last six years, the United Nations has declared Canada the best country in the world in which to live.

We are one of the leading industrialized countries in the world. We are admired around the world as a symbol of prosperity, peace, democracy and compassion.

We have established a distinct Canadian Way. A Canadian model. Accommodation of cultures. Recognition of diversity. An advanced pluralist democracy. A partnership among citizens and governments.

A balance that promotes individual freedom and economic prosperity while, at the same time, sharing risks and benefits.

Our common challenge as a nation - as a partnership - is to build on our success. To make Canada the best place in the world - for all of our citizens. To make Canada the place to be in the 21st century.

A century in which globalization and technology will continue to redefine the concept of the market place. In which the information highway will continue to revolutionize business, government, society and citizenship.

A century where the highest quality of life will go to those innovative countries that have high levels of productivity, quickly adopt the latest technology and invest in skills development for their citizens.

A Record of Achievement

When we took office six years ago, we had a comprehensive and balanced plan:

• Reviving the economy;
• Getting the finances of the country in order.;
• Reducing taxes.;
• Promoting trade and investment;
• Increasing productivity;
• Sustaining our public pension system; and
• Investing heavily in knowledge, children, young people and our health care system.

We stuck to the plan and it has worked. Canada is on the right track.

The nation's finances have been restored. Key programs have been modernized.

We are enjoying the longest economic expansion since the 1960s, with the creation of 1.7 million jobs since we took office.

We have regained the capacity - as a nation - to make choices about how we build the future. We are very well positioned to be a world leader in the new economy.

1999 SFT Commitments

We will continue to take a comprehensive, balanced approach to strengthening Canada by enhancing the quality of life of all Canadians.

We will do this by striving for excellence in:

• developing our children and youth, our leaders for the 21st century;
• building a dynamic economy;
• strengthening our health and quality of health care;
• ensuring the quality of our environment;
• building stronger, more secure communities;
• strengthening our relationship with our Aboriginal peoples; and,
• advancing Canada's place in the world.

In pursuing this strategy, we are committed to:

• work with all our partners (governments, the voluntary sector, the private sector and individual Canadians), balance individual responsibility and government action, and listen to citizens;

• ensure that the nation's finances never get out of control again; and,

• continue to reduce the debt burden and cut taxes while making strategic investments in Canadians' future.


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Last Modified: 2006-07-27  Important Notices