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Archives - Jean Chrétien


September 9, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announced today that Her Excellency the Governor General has agreed to summon Mac Harb, of Ontario, Madeleine Plamondon, of Quebec, and Marilyn Trenholme Counsell, of New Brunswick, to the Senate.

These appointments are effective immediately.

Biographies are attached.

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555


Born in Lebanon, Mac Harb graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Science and an M.A. in Engineering. A former engineer for Northern Telecom and professor at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Mr. Harb's political career started at the municipal level in Ottawa in 1985 as an alderman, and then as Deputy Mayor from 1987 to 1988.

In 1988, Mr. Harb was elected to the House of Commons as a Member of Parliament for Ottawa Centre. Former Opposition Critic for Public Works, Urban Affairs and Housing, Mr. Harb sat on such committees as the Standing Committee on Multiculturalism and Citizenship, House Affairs, Public Accounts, and the Members Services Board. He also co-chaired the Liberal Task Force on Infrastructure in 1990.

Mr. Harb was Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade from December 1993 until 1995.


Madeleine Plamondon was born in Warwick, Quebec, and has been working for many years in the field of consumer affairs, namely financial services, energy, privacy protection, and consumer rights, especially on behalf of the underprivileged, women, and the elderly.

Since 1974, she heads the Service d'aide au consommateur - Shawinigan, an organization which she founded. She sits on the board of the Financial Services OmbudsNetwork, the Bureau des services financiers du Québec, and the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec, as well as on several of their committees. A recipient of the 2000 Prix de la justice du Québec for her contribution to defending consumer rights, Mrs. Plamondon's commitment to social justice is exemplary.

Madeleine Plamondon and her husband, Guy Plamondon, have seven children and live in Shawinigan. Mrs. Plamondon will sit as an independent senator.


A New Brunswick native, Dr. Trenholme Counsell graduated from Mount Allison University and received a Master of Arts and Doctor of Medicine from the University of Toronto. She also attended the University of New Brunswick and Cornell University. She worked in New Brunswick as a consultant to the Department of Health and Social Services. In Ontario, she worked as Senior Nutritionist to the Department of Health. She later returned to medicine as a General Practitioner and a Researcher at the Toronto General Hospital. She also practised at Sackville Memorial Hospital in New Brunswick as a family physician.

First elected to the New Brunswick Legislature in 1987, Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell held the position of Minister of State for the Family from 1994 to 1995, a portfolio which was extended to include Community Services in 1995. In 1997, she was appointed Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.

Dr. Trenholme Counsell and her late husband, Kenneth W. Counsell, have two children.


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