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Archives - Jean Chrétien


March 11, 2002
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced that he has asked Mr. Ronald Bilodeau, Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council, to act as Deputy Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable John Manley. In this capacity Mr. Bilodeau will integrate the support provided to Mr. Manley in his portfolio responsibilities for the Office of Infrastructure and Crown Corporations of Canada, the Office for Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada and the Privy Council Office. Mr. Bilodeau retains his responsibilities as Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council.

Mr. Bilodeau is one of the Public Service’s most experienced Deputy Ministers, with an extensive background in the workings of government and in economic and regional development, having held such positions as Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Economic and Regional Development Policy), Privy Council Office, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Deputy Minister and Associate Secretary to the Cabinet (Intergovernmental Relations), Privy Council Office. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from Collège Sainte-Marie and a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts, both in political science, from the University of Montreal.

The Prime Minister also announced that André Juneau, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations), Privy Council Office, has been appointed to serve concurrently as Deputy Head of the Office of Infrastructure and Crown Corporations of Canada.

Prior to assuming his current position, Mr. Juneau was Deputy Secretary, Intergovernmental Operations, Privy Council Office. Since joining the Public Service in 1975, Mr. Juneau has held positions of increasing responsibility including, Director General, Labour Market Policy, Department of Employment and Immigration; Assistant Deputy Minister, Immigration Policy, Department of Employment and Immigration; and Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Consultation Branch, Health Canada. He earned a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) from the University of Ottawa and a Masters (Urban Affairs) from the New School for Social Research in New York City.

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555



Date of birth: March 1943

- B.A. (Humanities), Collège Sainte-Marie, Montreal
- B.Sc. (Political Science), University of Montreal
- M.A. (Political Science), University of Montreal

Professional Experience:
August 1996 to Present
Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council

May 1994 - August 1996
Deputy Minister and Associate Secretary to the Cabinet (Intergovernmental Relations), Privy Council Office

1993 - 1994
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources

1990 - 1993
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations), Privy Council Office

1987 - 1990
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Government Operations and Labour Relations), and then Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Economic and Regional Development Policy), Privy Council Office

1984 - 1987
Director, Industry, Transportation and Natural Resources Division, Programs Branch, and then Assistant Secretary (Industry, Transportation and Resources), Programs Branch, Treasury Board Secretariat

1981 - 1984
Assistant Director, then Director, Regional Development and Resources,
Ministry of State for Economic Development

1975 - 1981
Director, Administrative and Technical Services; Director, Program Analysis and Liaison, and acting Director General (1979), Planning and Coordination Directorate, Project Evaluation Branch, Department of Regional Economic Expansion

1974 - 1975
Study leave: École nationale d'administration, Paris

1967 - 1974
Various positions within the Department of Regional Economic Expansion,
the Public Service Commission, Transport Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency



Date of Birth: October 1948

- Master of arts, Urban Affairs, New School for Social Research, New York City
- Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of Ottawa

Professional Experience:
January 2001 to Present
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations), Privy Council Office

November 1998 - January 2001
Deputy Secretary, Intergovernmental Operations, Privy Council Office

August 1993 - November 1998
Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Consultation Branch, Health Canada

May 1988 - August 1993
Director General then Assistant Deputy Minister, Immigration Policy, Department of Employment and Immigration

October 1985 - May 1988
Director General, Labour Market Policy, Department of Employment and Immigration

December 1982 - October 1985
Senior Analyst, Priorities and Planning, Privy Council Office

September 1981 - December 1982
Head of the Division of Socio-Economic Development, Finance Canada

September 1979 - September 1981
Senior Economist, Finance Canada

July 1977 - August 1979
Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Finance Canada

September 1975 - July 1977
Officer, Federal Provincial Relations, Finance Canada

June 1973 - August 1975
Research Assistant, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.


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