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Archives - Jean Chrétien

Archives - Jean Chrétien


June 29, 2001
Ottawa, Ontario

The following is the text of a message from Prime Minister Jean Chrétien on the occasion of Canada Day 2001:

"Today, Canadians join hands to make a joyful noise, as only we can, about a nation like no other. Our pure joy at being Canadian overflows. We share our feelings of national pride, accomplishment and good fortune with each other and for all of the world to see.

We express our deep pride at being a force for peace, freedom and justice in an often troubled world.

We celebrate the unmatched cultural diversity that gives Canadian life its special energy, creativity and flavour. Canadians, by birth and by choice, reaffirm our common citizenship, our fundamental equality and our shared commitment to making Canada a better and more tolerant place to live.

Above all, we celebrate the most precious of our national resources: the Canadian spirit. A spirit of optimism and enthusiasm that cannot be conquered. That has been more than a match for any challenge that history, geography and circumstance have set before it.

A spirit that drives the creative energy of our artists, writers, poets, and film makers. A spirit that is sparked by innovation and moved by generosity and compassion for the weak and the vulnerable. That is never complacent. That is always fixed on a new challenge. A larger dream. A better tomorrow.

The Canadian spirit is the key to the history we have lived and the values we have embraced. And it is why, in Canada, our best days are always ahead of us.

Aline joins me in wishing each and every Canadian a happy Canada Day."


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555


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