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Archives - Jean Chrétien


July 31, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today issued the following statement on the concert for Toronto:

"Last night, we showed the world how Canadians get together and have a good time. A few months ago Toronto's livelihood was threatened by SARS, and it was only through the selflessness of thousands of people — especially the health care workers on the front lines — that the disease was finally contained. Yesterday, over 400,000 people gathered in Toronto to celebrate their unity in the face of this common threat.

I would like to extend my personal congratulations to the thousands of people who made this concert a great success. Thank you to the concert organizers for bringing us a showcase of Canadian and international talent. Thank you to the support staff and emergency personnel for keeping the concertgoers safe and healthy. Thank you to the many talented performers for giving us a show like no other. Thank you to the fans: for making Canada proud, for the peace and goodwill you displayed for one another, and for showing the world the strength and vibrance of our Canadian spirit.

Without a doubt, this concert proves once again that Toronto is a world-class city — safe, beautiful, and open for business. Congratulations once again on a wonderful event."


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555


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