
Archives - Jean Chrétien
December 15, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced the first 195 recipients of the
Canada Research Chairs Program. Budget 2000 allocated $900 million to help
Canadian universities attract and retain the best researchers and achieve
research excellence in health, natural sciences, technology, social sciences and
humanities. Two thousand Canada Research Chairs will be established by 2004-05.
"By retaining top-level researchers at our universities and attracting
others from beyond our borders, the Canada Research Chairs Program, will help
Canada stay at the forefront of the global knowledge-based economy, " said
the Prime Minister. "The work of these gifted individuals will help sustain
our unmatched quality of life and build new Canadian prosperity in the 21st
Century. I warmly congratulate all recipients and I am particularly pleased that
some of our best Canadian researchers are returning home to further their work."
The Canada Research Chairs Program, part of an overall plan to encourage
Canada's innovation, will:promote leading-edge research and innovation in
universities;provide exciting opportunities for Canadian researchers; and,attract the best research minds in the world to Canadian universities.
The first 195 recipients include 15 researchers from outside Canada, seven of
whom are returning Canadians. Their appointments represent an initial $213
million investment in areas of expertise ranging from history through pain
control to software engineering.
Budget 2000 also provided additional funding to the Canada
Foundation for Innovation (CFI), to help it meet the infrastructure needs of the
new Canada Research Chairs. Over the next five years, the CFI will allocate $250
million for leading-edge equipment needed by the research chairs.
A backgrounder and the list of recipients, their universities
and research fields are attached.
PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555:
The Canada Research Chairs Program
In its 2000 Budget, the Government of Canada provided $900 million to support
the establishment of 2,000 Canada Research Chairs (CRC) positions at
universities across the country by 2005. The program is structured to enable
about 400 Chairs to be named in each of the next five years. Recruitment will be
from both inside and outside Canada.
The key objective of the CRC Program is to enable Canadian universities,
together with their affiliated research institutes and hospitals, to achieve the
highest levels of research excellence – to become world-class research centres
in the global, knowledge-based economy.
The secondary objectives of the Canada Research Chairs Program are to:
strengthen research excellence in Canada and increase Canada’s research
capacity by attracting and retaining excellent researchers in Canadian
strengthen the training of highly qualified personnel through research;
improve universities’ capacity for generating and applying new
optimize the use of research resources through institutional strategic
planning, and inter-institutional and inter-sectoral collaboration.
Chairs will be created across the spectrum of university disciplines based on
the following percentage allotment: the natural sciences and engineering (45%);
health sciences (35%); social sciences and humanities (20%).
There are two types of Chairs:
seven-year renewable Chairs for experienced researchers who are
acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their own fields;
five-year chairs, renewable once, for researchers who are acknowledged by
their peers as having the potential to lead in their fields.
Chairs are allotted to universities in direct proportion to their levels of
previous funding from the three GoC research granting agencies: the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC); the Canadian Institutes for Health
Research (CIHR); and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Funding will also be administered through these research granting agencies.
Appointment of the Chairs is based on nominations from Canadian universities.
It takes place following thorough assessment by members of the Program’s
College of Reviewers and, where necessary, an Interdisciplinary Adjudication
Committee. Both the College and the Adjudication Committee are composed of many
of the world’s leading experts in disciplines being funded through CRC.
The Canada Research Chairs Program is governed by a Steering Committee
comprising the presidents of NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC, and the CFI, as well as the
deputy minister of Industry Canada. The Chairs Secretariat is housed within
Application Primary Discipline |
Athabasca University
Tier 2 |
Anderson, Terry D. |
Education |
Carleton University
Tier 1 |
Wang, Zhi Yuan |
Materials Science and Technology
Dalhousie University
Tier 1 |
Beaumont, Christopher |
Earth Science |
Doolittle, W. Ford |
Genetics |
École Polytechnique
Tier 1 |
Jaumard, Brigitte |
Applied Mathematics |
Soumis, François |
Pure Mathematics
Tier 2 |
Aubin, Carl-Éric |
Biomedical Engineering |
Desjardins, Patrick |
Condensed Matter Physics
Pegna, Joseph |
Design and Manufacturing |
McGill University
Tier 1 |
Bennett, Gary Jack |
Life Sciences Related to Human Health and Disease |
Grodzinsky, Yosef |
Linguistics |
Kohorn, Bruce D. |
Molecular Biology |
Mogil, Jeffrey S. |
Life Sciences Related to Human Health and Disease |
Tier 2 |
Gin, Douglas L. |
Materials Science and Technology
Kaspi, Victoria |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Nilson, Laura A. |
Genetics |
McMaster University
Tier 1 |
Andrews, David W. |
Biochemistry |
Cook, Deborah J. |
Health Services Research - General
Craig, Walter |
Pure Mathematics |
Elliott, Digby |
Life Sciences Related to Human Health and Disease |
Griffin, Nicholas J. |
Philosophy |
Hitchcock, Adam P. |
Physical Chemistry |
Kelton, John G. |
Blood |
Norman, Geoffrey R. |
Education |
Rosenbaum, Peter L. |
Multidisciplinary Health Research
Saunders, Shelley |
Anthropology |
Wood, Christopher M. |
Animal Biology |
Wright, Gerard D. |
Tier 2 |
Coleman, Daniel L. |
Literature |
Hayward, Catherine P.M. |
Blood |
Jobin, Christian |
Gastro Intestinal Disease |
Li, Yingfu |
Biochemistry |
Zhu, Shiping (Stephen) |
Chemical Engineering |
Queen's University at Kingston |
Tier 1 |
Bergin, James |
Economics |
Moore, Ian D. |
Civil Engineering |
Munoz, Douglas P. |
Multidisciplinary Health Research
Natansohn, Almeria L. |
Polymer Chemistry |
Smol, John P. |
Evolution and Ecology
Tier 2 |
Jia, Zongchao |
Biochemistry |
Robbie, Kevin |
Physics |
Simon Fraser University
Tier 2 |
Roese, Neal J. |
Psychology |
The University of British Colombia
Tier 1 |
Beaudry, Paul |
Economics |
Benbasat, Izak |
Management, Business, Administrative Studies
Douglass, (Clyde) Michael |
Urban and Regional Studies, Environmental Studies |
Dowlatabadi, Hadi |
Applied Mathematics |
Grace, John R. |
Chemical Engineering |
Hancock, Robert E.W. |
Microbiology |
Hayden, Michael R. |
Genetics |
Ley, David F. |
Geography |
Mackworth, Alan K. |
Artificial Intelligence |
Molday, Robert S. |
Diseases Affecting Speech/Vision/Hearing
Overall, Christopher M. |
Dental Diseases (Including Oral Biology)
Pippenger, Nicholas |
Information Technology |
Salcudean, Septimiu E. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Schluter, Dolph |
Evolution and Ecology |
Schrader, John W. |
Blood |
Seixas, Peter C. |
Education |
Stoessl, A. Jon |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Werker, Janet F. |
Tier 2 |
Simpson, Elizabeth M. |
Genetics |
Vessey, Mark |
Literature |
The University of Calgary
Tier 1 |
Kubes, Paul |
Life Sciences Related to Human Health and Disease |
Lachapelle, Gérard |
Information Technology |
Walsh, Michael P. |
Biochemistry |
Woods, Donald E. |
Tier 2 |
Ghali, William A. |
Health Services Research - General
Hildebrand, Alan R. |
Earth Science |
Patel, Kamala D. |
Cell Biology |
Robbins, Stephen M. |
Cell Biology |
Ronsky, Janet L. |
Biomedical Engineering |
The University of Manitoba
Tier 1 |
Greenberg, Arnold H. |
Cell Biology |
Hawthorne, Frank C. |
Earth Science |
Plummer, Francis A. |
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Roos, Noralou P. |
Health Services Research - General
Tier 2 |
Hicks, Geoffrey Gordon |
Cell Biology |
Hryshko, Larry |
Life Sciences Related to Human Health and Disease |
Perreault, Hélène |
Analytical Chemistry |
Trent University
Tier 1 |
Palmer, Bryan D. |
Tier 2 |
Helleiner, Eric |
Political Science |
Université de Moncton
Tier 2 |
Villard, Marc-André |
Evolution and Ecology |
Université de Montréal
Tier 1 |
Blais, André |
Political Science |
Brassard, Gilles |
Information Technology |
Cohen, Eric A. |
Microbiology |
Dufour, Jean-Marie |
Economics |
Fontaine, Gilles |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Jolicoeur, Paul |
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Knoppers, Bartha Marie |
Law |
Lalonde, François |
Pure Mathematics |
Lepore, Franco |
Psychology |
Nemer, Mona |
Molecular Biology |
Pandolfo, Massimo |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Rossignol, Serge |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Siemiatycki, Jack |
Population Health - General
Tremblay, Richard E. |
Psychosocial Behavioural Research - General
Wuest, James D. |
Materials Science and Technology
Tier 2 |
Bengio, Yoshua |
Artificial Intelligence |
Chemtob, Sylvain |
Perinatal |
Gaudet, Daniel |
Genetics |
Heath, Joseph M. |
Philosophy |
Weinstock, Daniel Mark |
Philosophy |
Université de Sherbrooke
Tier 1 |
Tremblay, André-Marie |
Condensed Matter Physics
Université Laval
Tier 1 |
Bousquet, Jean |
Genetics |
Chin, See Leang |
Physics |
Fortin, Bernard |
Economics |
Gauthier, Clermont |
Education |
Gosselin, Clement M. |
Robotics |
Leclerc, Mario |
Polymer Chemistry |
Montreuil, Benoit |
Industrial Engineering |
Simard, Jacques R. |
Genetics |
Sirard, Marc-André |
Animal Biology |
Tremblay, Michel J. |
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Tier2 |
Bernatchez, Louis |
Genetics |
Germain, Lucie |
Cell Biology |
Lamarche, Benoît |
Metabolism and Nutrition |
Rivest, Serge |
Central Nervous System -Organic
University of Alberta
Tier 1 |
Adamowicz, Wiktor L. |
Economics |
Beaulieu, Norman C. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Foxcroft, George R. |
Animal Biology |
Halloran, Philip F. |
Life Sciences Related to Human Health and Disease |
Jhamandas, Jack H. |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Kelly, Gary |
Literature |
Rachubinski, Richard A. |
Cell Biology |
Sayer, Derek G. |
Sociology |
Sykes, Brian D. |
Biochemistry |
Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole |
Geographical Information
Tier 2 |
Allison, Gwen E. |
Microbiology |
Caulfield, Sean T. |
Visual Arts |
Citrin, David S. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Davis, A. Brent |
Education |
Elliott, Janet A.W. |
Chemical Engineering |
Le, X. Chris |
Analytical Chemistry |
University of New Brunswick
Tier 1 |
Cunjak, Richard A. |
Evolution and Ecology |
Munkittrick, Kelly R.L.H. |
Evolution and Ecology
Tier 2 |
Saunders, Gary W. |
Evolution and Ecology |
University of Ottawa |
Tier 1 |
Georganas, Nicolas D. |
Information Technology |
Poplack, Shana |
Linguistics |
Rudnicki, Michael A. |
Molecular Biology
Tier 2 |
Mâsse, Louise C. |
Psychosocial Behavioural Research - General
Scott, Susannah L. |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Wells, Philip S. |
Population Health - General
University of Toronto
Tier 1 |
Boyd, Monica |
Sociology |
Brown, Ian R. |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Brubaker, Patricia L. |
Endocrinology |
Collins, Richard A. |
Molecular Biology |
Downey, Gregory P. |
Respiration |
Ethier, C. Ross |
Fluid mechanics |
Henkelman, R. Mark |
Multidisciplinary Health Research
Inwood, Brad C. |
Classics, Classical and Dead Languages
Jenkins, David J.A. |
Metabolism and Nutrition |
John, Sajeev |
Condensed Matter Physics
Kay, Lewis E. |
Biochemistry |
Kschischang, Frank R. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Mak, Tak W. |
Cell Biology |
Murray, Norman W. |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Myles, John |
Sociology |
Ozin, Geoffrey A. |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Post, Martin |
Respiration |
Robinson, Brian |
Metabolism and Nutrition |
Sessle, Barry J. |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Sherman, Philip M. |
Gastro Intestinal Disease |
Sokolowski, Marla B. |
Genetics |
Stanley, Elis F. |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Sullivan, Rosemary |
Literature |
Tyers, Michael D. |
Biochemistry |
Zandstra, Peter W. |
Biomedical Engineering
Tier 2 |
Boone, Charles M. |
Molecular Biology |
Chan, Hue Sun |
Biochemistry |
Cvitkovitch, Dennis G. |
Microbiology |
Davis, Karen D. |
Central Nervous System -Organic
Kapur, Shitij |
Mental and Behavioural Disorders
Lewis, Gary F. |
Diabetes Mellitus |
Penninger, Josef M. |
Cell Biology |
Pomès, Régis |
Physical Chemistry |
Quaggin, Susan E. |
Genito-Urinary System |
Sargent, Edward H. |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Shoichet, Molly S. |
Biomedical Engineering |
Tu, Jack V. |
Health Services Research - General
Yip, Christopher M. |
Biomedical Engineering |
Zhen, Mei |
Life Sciences Related to Human Health and Disease |
University of Victoria
Tier 1 |
Weaver, Andrew John |
Atmospheric Science |
University of Western Ontario
Tier 1 |
Fenster, Aaron |
Biomedical Engineering |
Goodale, Melvyn Alan |
Multidisciplinary |
Han, Victor Khin Maung |
Perinatal |
Hegele, Robert Alexander |
Diabetes Mellitus |
Puddephatt, Richard J. |
Materials Science and Technology
Rajan, Tilottama |
Tier 2 |
Brown, Peter G. |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Kopp, Gregory A. |
Fluid mechanics |
Menon, Ravi S. |
Physics |
Vance, Jonathan F.W. |
History |
York University
Tier 1 |
Bohme, Diethard K. |
Physical Chemistry |
Coombe, Rosemary J. |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
Lovejoy, Paul E. |
Tier 2 |
Hessels, Eric A. |
Physics |
Vosko, Leah F. |
Political Science |