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Archives - Jean Chrétien


May 22nd 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

Canada and France wish to reiterate today the importance of cultural diversity.

Both countries welcome the decision by the UNESCO Executive Board at its 166th session to include on the agenda of the 2003 General Conference an item concerning the development of a standard-setting international instrument on cultural diversity.

This decision reflects the international community's willingness to develop an international convention on cultural diversity. We commend all those who participated in this multilateral effort.

The UNESCO General Conference in October 2003 represents an important step, an opportunity for the international community to promote cultural diversity and harness the benefits of globalization in favour of humankind and its creativity.

Our two countries support UNESCO's development of a legally binding international convention that sets out clear rules and enables all countries to implement policies for promoting cultural diversity from a perspective of international openness.

The convention and its rules should promote the development of a multilateral trading system in a coherent manner which preserves and promotes culture, and ensures diversity by fostering international trade in a variety of cultural goods and services. Together with our trading partners, we will therefore ensure the complementarity of the UNESCO convention and the multilateral trade system.

We invite our partners to join us in undertaking initiatives that will foster better coordination among the objectives, programs and activities of cultural or trade forums.

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555


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Last Modified: 2006-07-27  Important Notices