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Archives - Jean Chrétien

Archives - Jean Chrétien


November 10, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today issued the following message to mark Remembrance Day 2003:

"In solemn ceremonies in cities and towns across the country, Canadians come together to mark this day, so important in our history, so crucial to our identity. In our thoughts and prayers we remember and give thanks to men and women of another time and another place who, by their acts of courage and sacrifice, gave each of us the ultimate gift of freedom. We give thanks and pray too, for our soldiers today so far from home – away from their families and friends – who are fighting the war on terrorism.

In our simple moment of silence, our shared act of remembering, we express our deep respect for the ordinary Canadians – those we knew and those we could have known – who made extraordinary sacrifices on our behalf. The stories of bravery are many and chart the course of world history: from Europe to Asia to the Middle East. And this year we particularly remember the two soldiers who lost their lives and those who were wounded in Afghanistan. Where there is a fight for freedom, equality, and justice, you will find Canadians ready to do their part.

But just as important are the untold stories, the private memories, and the painful wounds that never completely heal. Today, in our moment of silence, we open our hearts to those who served and returned and to those who did not return. We thank you for the blessings we enjoy. And we promise never to forget our debt to you and to your families."

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