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Archives - Jean Chrétien


August 14, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

The following is a written text released by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to mark the celebration of National Acadian Day:

"National Acadian Day on August 15 celebrates the determination and vitality of Canada's Acadian community. Nearly 400 years after the first French settlements appeared in North America, Acadia continues its impressive development in the social, cultural and economic arenas.

Steeped in tradition and anchored in many well-established institutions, the Francophones of the Atlantic Region have built a modern society whose vision and values are a source of pride and inspiration.

Canadians from coast to coast should proudly celebrate the richness that Acadian culture has added to the fabric of our society.

Aline joins me in wishing all Acadians a most memorable National Acadian Day."

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555


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