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Archives - Jean Chrétien

Exchange of correspondence between Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and the Leader of the Government in the Senate, Joyce Fairbairn

June 11, 1997
Ottawa, Ontario

Attached is an exchange of correspondence between Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and the Leader of the Government in the Senate, Joyce Fairbairn.

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

June 9, 1997

The Right Honourable Jean Chretien, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada
Room 309-S
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

My dear Prime Minister:

I would like to offer you my very best wishes on winning your majority victory and for success in meeting the challenges ahead in the 36th Parliament. The new House of Commons offers great potential for a productive mandate which can only benefit Canadians in each part of the country.

Every election, however, brings not only successes but also disappointments. This one was no exception.

I am deeply concerned that one province, Nova Scotia, sent no Liberal representatives to the House of Commons. As a Prime Minister pledged to govern well and fairly for all Canadians, you will lack that elected voice in your Cabinet.

When I spoke to you the day after the election, we recognized that a clear alternative would be to use our strength in the Senate to resolve the situation. In particular, the position of Leader of the Government in the Senate carries with it a full Cabinet seat.

As I was able to assist the province of Alberta in the last Cabinet as Senate Leader, you have the opportunity to use that position now to give a voice to Nova Scotia at the Cabinet table.

As I indicated last week, it would be my wish to assist you in that decision by offering to step aside.

I am truly grateful to have had the privilege of serving in your Cabinet.

The Senate leadership, during a period when our government was in a minority position, was a challenge I relished.

Responsibilities within my province gave me a chance to try to demonstrate that a Liberal government can work with fairness and sensitivity for Albertans.

Finally, it gave me enormous pride and joy to be able to advocate on behalf of the government for the cause of literacy in Canada, a cause which I have supported for many years and always will. Under your leadership, we have helped to move this difficult issue forward and laid a solid foundation for the millions of Canadians who need our help.

Please know that you have my full support in the exciting times ahead as you use your strong values and experience to guide Canada into a new century. The strength and unity of our country are central to our responsibilities and, as always, I am committed to help.

I will continue to be an activist Senator for my province and, particularly, in my home base of Lethbridge and the other communities in Southern Alberta which are so important to me.

And for you and Aline, I send my constant affection and gratitude for your friendship and your public service. May you enjoy together all the satisfaction and success the future can offer.


Joyce Fairbairn

June 10, 1997

Joyce Fairbairn,
Leader of the Government in the Senate and
Minister with Special Responsibility for Literacy
The Senate
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0A4

Dear Colleague:

Thank you for your letter of June 9, and your offer to step aside to make room for a Senate Leader who would also represent Nova Scotia at the cabinet table.

Once again Joyce, you have shown what a committed team player you are. That you have been so willing to put the interests of the country and government foremost is an impressive example to all of us in public life.

I want to thank you for all the excellent work during your time in cabinet from our first election in 1993. You managed, with skill and patience, a difficult situation in the Senate and, in the process, won admiration and respect from all your colleagues. Your championing of literacy injected new energy into this important cause. And you have been a strong and eloquent voice for Alberta in cabinet.

As well, of course, your good spirits and wise counsel have been much appreciated on the Leader's Tour during two hectic and exciting elections campaigns.

Your advice and friendship is something that I will certainly continue to cherish. And I know that we in the government will be able to look forward to your help, your wisdom, and your good judgement for a very long time to come.

Aline and I wish you and Mike all the best.

Yours sincerely,


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Last Modified: 2006-07-27  Important Notices