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Archives - Jean Chrétien

Prime Minister  Announces New Ministry

June 11, 1997
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced the membership of the new Ministry and Cabinet as well as changes to the Cabinet decision-making system.

"We have an excellent team to lead Canada into the new millennium," said the Prime Minister. "I am proud that Canadians have provided us with a strong Caucus, and that our Cabinet team includes experienced Ministers and new leaders from all regions of Canada."

The Prime Minister stated that "our job now is to build on the accomplishments of our first mandate and work with Canadians to meet the challenges that face our country: to continue to build a strong economy that creates jobs and opportunity; to complete the task of balancing the budget and putting Canada's finances on a sound and sustainable footing; to modernize and expand our health care system; and to provide for the well-being of our children."

"By joining in common purpose in meeting these challenges, we will ensure that Canada will enter the new millennium with confidence, and will reap the benefits of the new possibilities opened to us," the Prime Minister said.

The new Ministry will begin work immediately to prepare the program for its second mandate that will be presented to Parliament in the fall.

Highlights of today's announcement include the following changes:

New Appointments to the Cabinet and Ministry

The Prime Minister welcomed the following new members of his Cabinet.

  • The Honourable David Collenette returns to the Cabinet as Minister of Transport.
  • The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay is appointed Minister of Labour.
  • The Honourable Christine Stewart joins the Cabinet as Minister of the Environment.
  • The Honourable Alasdair Graham has been appointed Leader of the Government in the Senate.
  • The Honourable Lyle Vanclief is appointed Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.
  • The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal will be Minister of National Revenue.
  • The Honourable Andy Scott will be Solicitor General of Canada.

In addition, the Prime Minister welcomed the following new Secretaries of State into the Ministry:

  • The Honourable David Kilgour is appointed Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa).
  • The Honourable Jim Peterson has been named Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions).
  • The Honourable Ronald Duhamel has been named Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development) (Western Economic Diversification).
  • The Honourable Andrew Mitchell becomes Secretary of State (Parks).

The Prime Minister also announced the following changes of responsibilities of present members of the Ministry:

  • The Honourable Herb Gray becomes Deputy Prime Minister.
    "Herb Gray's unequalled experience and judgement are an important asset to this government," said the Prime Minister. "In his new capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, I will be able to call on his abilities for special assignments and important tasks."

  • The Honourable David Anderson is appointed Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.
  • The Honourable Ralph Goodale has been named Minister of Natural Resources and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board.
  • The Honourable Sergio Marchi is appointed Minister for International Trade.
  • The Honourable Diane Marleau becomes Minister for International Cooperation and Minister responsible for Francophonie.
  • The Honourable Arthur Eggleton has been appointed Minister of National Defence.
  • The Honourable Anne McLellan becomes Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and retains the responsibility of Federal Interlocutor for the Métis and Non-Status Indians.
  • The Honourable Allan Rock is named as Minister of Health.
  • The Honourable Alfonso Gagliano is appointed as Minister of Public Works and Government Services. He will also continue to serve as Deputy House Leader.
  • The Honourable Fred Mifflin has been appointed Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency).
  • The Honourable Jane Stewart has been appointed Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
  • The Honourable Don Boudria has been named Leader of the Government in the House of Commons. In this new ministerial position, he will be responsible for managing the government's agenda in the House.
  • The Honourable Ethel Blondin-Andrew will assume new responsibilities as Secretary of State (Children and Youth).

In addition, the Prime Minister indicated that the following members of the Ministry will retain their previous portfolio responsibilities:

  • The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy continues as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • The Honourable Sheila Copps retains the position of Minister of Canadian Heritage.
  • The Honourable John Manley will remain as Minister of Industry.
  • The Honourable Paul Martin continues as Minister of Finance.
  • The Honourable Marcel Massé retains the responsibility of President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for Infrastructure.
  • The Honourable Lucienne Robillard remains as Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.
  • The Honourable Stéphane Dion continues as President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs.
  • The Honourable Pierre Pettigrew retains his responsibility as Minister of Human Resources Development.
  • The Honourable Raymond Chan remains as Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific).
  • The Honourable Martin Cauchon continues as Secretary of State (Federal Office of Regional Development - Québec).
  • The Honourable Hedy Fry will continue as Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women).

With today's changes, the number of Cabinet Ministers will increase by three to 27 Ministers and the Prime Minister. The number of Secretaries of State decreases from nine to eight.

Cabinet Decision-Making

The Prime Minister also announced changes to the Cabinet decision-making system. Cabinet itself will increase its focus on setting the government's overall agenda and spending priorities as well as coordinating the work of Cabinet Committees.

Cabinet Committees will be given new responsibilities in overseeing specific areas of the government's agenda. The Committees for Economic Development Policy and Social Development Policy have been re-established as the Committee for the Economic Union and the Committee for the Social Union. Their new names reflect the main objectives of the government: securing a sound and strong economy, and ensuring that the opportunities and benefits generated are shared by all Canadians.

The Honourable Ralph Goodale will chair the Committee for the Economic Union, while the Honourable Anne McLellan will chair the Committee for the Social Union.

The Treasury Board has been re-oriented to play an enhanced role as the government's management board. The Honourable Marcel Massé is the Chair.

The Special Committee of Council has been tasked with new responsibilities to manage legislative issues and planning, and will be chaired by the Honourable Herb Gray.

Biographical notes on new Ministers and Secretaries of State, a list of the full Ministry according to precedence, and Cabinet Committee memberships are attached.

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