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Archives - Jean Chrétien


August 7, 2002
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced the following changes in the Public Service:

Marc Lafrenière, currently Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, becomes Senior Advisor to the Privy Council Office, effective August 12, 2002. Mr. Lafrenière joined the Public Service in 1971, and has held a variety of positions of increasing responsibility since that time, including Acting Deputy Secretary (Intergovernmental Operations), Privy Council Office; and Executive Director of Communication Canada.

Alain Jolicoeur, currently Deputy Commissioner of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, becomes Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, effective August 12, 2002. Mr. Jolicoeur, who has been in his current position since November 1999, previously served as Associate Deputy Minister of National Revenue. His earlier experience includes Director General, Human Resources Directorate, Environment Canada; and Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board Secretariat.

François Guimont, currently Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Economic and Regional Development Policy, Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Commissioner of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, effective September 3, 2002. Mr. Guimont began his Public Service career in 1982 in Yellowknife with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. His professional experience includes eleven years with Environment Canada, where he held various positions including Assistant Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Service.

André Juneau, currently Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations), Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Head of the Office of Infrastructure of Canada, effective immediately. Since joining the Public Service in 1975, Mr. Juneau has held positions of increasing responsibility including, Assistant Deputy Minister, Immigration Policy, Department of Employment and Immigration; Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Consultation Branch, Health Canada; and Deputy Secretary, Intergovernmental Operations, Privy Council Office.

Robert Fonberg, currently Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Plans and Consultation), Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations), Privy Council Office, effective September 3, 2002. Mr. Fonberg will retain responsibility for border issues and support of the Deputy Prime Minister. Mr. Fonberg’s past experience includes some sixteen years with the Department of Finance where he held various positions, including Director of the Policy Division, Economic Development Policy Branch. He joined the Privy Council Office in 1998 as Assistant Secretary, Liaison Secretariat for Macroeconomic Policy, after having served as Senior Vice-President, Corporate Planning and Technology, Business Development Bank of Canada.

Janice Charette, currently Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Priorities and Planning, Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Plans and Consultation), Privy Council Office, effective September 3, 2002. Ms. Charette’s previous experience includes Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, Department of Justice and Executive Director, Strategic Projects Unit, Privy Council Office.

Kathy O’Hara, currently Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Social Development Policy, Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Machinery of Government), Privy Council Office, effective September 3, 2002. Prior to assuming her current position, Ms. O’Hara served as Assistant Secretary, Social and Cultural Sector, Treasury Board Secretariat.

Thomas Lee, currently Chief Executive Officer of the Parks Canada Agency, becomes Special Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Canadian Heritage, effective August 7, 2002. Before assuming his current position, Mr. Lee was Assistant Deputy Minister, Forestry Policy, Forestry Canada.

Pierre Reid, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Industry, becomes Special Advisor to the Deputy Minister, Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, effective September 3, 2002. His professional experience includes some twenty three years with the Université de Sherbrooke where he held various positions, including Director of the MBA Program, School of Business Vice-Rector, Administration and Rector.

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