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Archives - Jean Chrétien


September 17, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announced today the creation of a Caucus Task Force on Seniors. The Task Force will examine a number of social and economic issues relating to Canada's aging population, and identify the challenges policy-makers must face to help achieve quality of life for Canadian seniors.

"We must ensure full inclusion in our society for citizens of all ages as we work to promote healthy communities, improve our health care system, and reduce the number of Canadians living in poverty," said Prime Minister Chrétien. "We have put Canada's pension system on a sound footing, but other policy challenges remain given our aging population. The Caucus Task Force will provide advice on how governments working together, as well as the private and voluntary sectors, can best meet the challenges ahead."

The Task Force will examine:

  • poverty alleviation, including issues related to income support and housing;
  • eldercare, including issues related to home care, independent living and elder abuse;
  • disabilities, including issues related to access and disability supports;
  • workforce issues, including questions of retraining, structural changes to the workplace and volunteer work

The Task Force will deliver its report to the Prime Minister by December 2003.

Members of the Prime Minister's Caucus Task Force on Seniors include:

Yolande Thibeault, M.P. (Saint-Lambert)

Joe Jordan, M.P. (Leeds-Grenville)

The Hon. Jane Cordy, Senator (Nova Scotia)
The Hon. Maria Chaput, Senator (Manitoba)
Stan Dromisky, M.P. (Thunder Bay-Aticocan)
Anita Neville, M.P. (Winnipeg South Centre) 
Gilbert Barrette, M.P. (Témiscamingue) 
Karen Redman, M.P. (Kitchener Centre)

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