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Archives - Jean Chrétien

Statement by the Prime Minister to mark the two-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States

September 11 will forever be a day that we stop and remember the moment terror changed our world. We remember where we were and who we were with that beautiful morning. We remember our first moments of disbelief and the outrage that followed. We remember the noble courage of firefighters, police officers and countless individuals. We remember the solidarity we felt with our great friend and neighbour. We remember generous acts of kindness as Canadians opened their hearts and homes to stranded travellers. We remember the poignant silence on Parliament Hill as we gathered together to mourn.

We also remember our firm resolve that such hate should never again transform an ordinary day into a day of horror. We acted swiftly as a nation and as a member of the world community to fight terrorism. We have taken measures to keep terrorists out of North America and have taken part in missions to combat terrorism. Our commitment to peace and security is steadfast and strong.

Two years later we find that our wounds are deep and the pain of our losses remains. History will never forget the events of September 11. But neither will it forget the will of humankind to rise above hate and prevail over violence and extremism.



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Last Modified: 2006-07-27  Important Notices