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Archives - Jean Chrétien

The 50th Anniversary of the Creation of the State of Israel

April 30, 1998
Toronto, Ontario

Mazel Tov, Israel!

Fifty years ago -- after the nightmare and horror of the Holocaust -- came the realization of a dream that had sustained the Jewish people for a thousand generations: the re-birth of a Jewish homeland. The nation of Israel.

Throughout these fifty years, Canada and Israel have been abiding friends and constructive partners. Ours is a friendship based on the shared values of freedom and democracy; on the thousands of people-to-people contacts, that link us intimately with each other; and on the vibrant Jewish Canadian community that is one of the building stones of Canada's identity.

We in Canada have rejoiced in the triumphs of Israel. And we have shared in her sorrows. We have held our breath as she has repeatedly faced the challenge of survival. We have marvelled at the bravery and daring that her sons and daughters have shown on many battlefields. And we have felt outrage when weapons of terror have been unleashed on her people.

From these deep roots, our friendship has flourished.

Canada reflects with pride on the role we played in the historic events of 1948: on the leadership of Ivan Rand in the UN Special Committee on Palestine, and on the role that my mentor and colleague, Lester Pearson, played in formulating the UN Partition Plan.

And we have been there, side-by-side with Israelis, as they built their proud nation. Through high- tech partnerships and investment; through joint medical and scientific research; and through the achievement of the Canada- Israel free trade agreement.

Friendship and partnership characterize our relationship. And they will continue to guide us as Israel and her neighbours in the Middle East seek peace and a lasting reconciliation.

Peace -- true peace -- is not only the absence of war, it is the presence of understanding. True security comes not from the threat of arms, but from the promise and hope of dialogue. That is why we admire the courage that so many Israelis are showing; putting aside old grievances; resisting the old habits of mistrust; working to break the cycle of violent provocation and retribution.

In the immortal words of Yitzhak Rabin, they -- and ordinary people throughout the region -- have had "enough of blood and tears."

Canada will continue to try to make a positive contribution to this historic process. We want peace in the region -- for all its sons and daughters. A true peace. A lasting peace. But let there be no mistake: there can be no peace without a secure State of Israel. Today. Tomorrow. And always!

Ladies and gentlemen, the bond between Canada and the people of Israel is a strong one. It is based on shared democratic values. It has been forged in friendship, mutual respect and decades of working together. And I know it will grow stronger still when -- someday very soon -- the people of Israel, and those throughout the Middle East, will enjoy the blessings of a lasting peace.

Fifty years after Herzl first issued his challenge -- "If you will it - it is no dream." -- the dream of a homeland became the reality of Israel.

Five decades later, I join with you in praying that the dream of a just and lasting peace will soon become the reality for Israel.

On behalf of the people of Canada I say: Happy birthday Israel!

May you go from strength to strength!

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