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Archives - Jean Chrétien

 Address by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
To a Team Canada West Business Luncheon

November 28, 2001
Dallas, Texas

Ladies and gentlemen, the friendship between Canada and the United States is older than our countries.

Historians have pointed out that the American Revolution created not one, but two countries. We took separate political roads and we have had our differences. But over the generations, we have built a partnership of unmatched respect, civility and openness.

Freedom and justice are our birthright and our common cause. We understand that freedom is the source of human dignity and fulfilment. Through two World Wars and Korea, in the Gulf and in the Balkans, our sons and daughters have put their lives on the line so that people elsewhere could enjoy its many blessings.

Across the longest undefended border in the world, we have built a trading relationship that is unique in value and scope. More than 200 million crossings of the 49th parallel take place every year. More than $1 billion US in business is done -- each and every day. Eighty-five percent of Canadian exports go to the United States and 23 percent of all American exports come to Canada.

Trade between our two countries alone now tops US $475 billion a year. Making it, by far, the largest trading relationship in the world. Last year, Canada bought more U.S. goods than all 15 countries of the European Union combined and three times as much as Japan. And 38 US states count Canada as their largest export market.

Today, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to Team Canada West. It is made up of me, the Premiers of our four Western provinces and the leaders of our three northern territories. The West is one of the most dynamic and growing regions of Canada. One that is on the move and in transition. That is rapidly building on traditional economic advantages and developing new ones.

As proof, we are joined by our best sales people. Some of our finest western entrepreneurs. Men and women who are here to showcase their creativity and know-how. To build new relationships and explore new opportunities.

Team Canada West is about doing business. And we have come to Dallas at a time, in North America and the world, when it is more important than ever that we continue to do business as usual.

In the trauma of the atrocity of September 11, 2001, the friendship between our nations has been renewed and reaffirmed. Indeed, I feel I can say that Canadians have responded not only as neighbours, but as family.

With countless acts of kindness done for thousands of stranded American air passengers diverted to Canadian airports when the FAA closed US airspace. With 100,000 Canadians pouring onto Parliament Hill in Ottawa to express sympathy and solidarity with the United States.

We have also responded as a close partner. A partner with a clear understanding that the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were targeted not just on the United States, but against all civilized peoples and nations. That is why we have undertaken the largest international deployment of the Canadian Armed Forces since the Korean War in support of the international campaign against terrorism.

And on a personal note, I want to tell this audience how proud all Americans can be of the leadership of a great Texan: President George Bush. In our many meetings and discussions since September 11th, I have been deeply impressed by his resolve. On behalf of the people of Canada, I offer him our support.

The President and I also both understand the broader threat posed by terrorism.

For most of our history, we in North America have been fortunate to live in peace, untouched by attack. That has changed. But we must never forget that the ultimate goal of terrorists is not to capture us by the force of arms. But by the force of terror. They don't want to occupy us. They want to shut us down!

Ladies and gentlemen, Canada and the United States will never let this happen!

In Canada, we have taken forceful action. We have passed strong new anti-terrorism laws. We are funding tougher security measures and enhanced investigation capacity. The number of police, immigration and customs officers at border points is being increased. State-of-the-art security technologies are being quickly brought on line.

We are working on a more comprehensive longer term security plan. Which will be ready in time for our Budget, the week after next. Our Ministers responsible for public security are working in close cooperation with Governor Ridge. And the work of our public security committee will continue.

Canada and the United States are also working together to make the Canada-US border, not only more secure, but more efficient for the purposes of trade. Immediately after the attacks understandable concern for security caused both of us to tighten our borders. Interrupting the free flow of commerce.

In the days since, President Bush and I have both placed a very high priority on quickly normalizing the movement of goods and people across our borders. Our goal is a "smart" border. That is closed to terrorists and criminals of all kinds. But open, as always, to business and tourism.

With the new focus on our border we have an opportunity and an obligation to make it work even better than before.

And with the increasingly high volume and velocity of trade that is characteristic of the Canada-U.S. border, the time has come for both of us, jointly, to make strategic infrastructure investments to help eliminate bottlenecks at crowded border points and to smooth problems in key trade corridors. This was necessary before September 11th . And it has become even more important since.

The Canadian government is committed to making such investments.

Even as we deal with the new world created by September 11th, the Government of Canada will continue to follow the fiscal and economic policies that will permit business to make their plans with optimism and confidence. Policies of balanced budgets, falling public debt and lower personal and corporate income taxes. Which have resulted in low inflation and interest rates that are at their lowest levels in 40 years. Policies that have positioned Canada well to weather these uncertain economic times.

We will also continue to make investments that contribute to building our long term economic strength. In building an advanced infrastructure of knowledge and skills for our people. And ensuring that all Canadians have a chance to realize their full potential.

Addressing the problems of the developing world will also continue to be a Canadian priority. Advanced industrial nations have both a moral obligation to - and an economic interest in - increasing their development assistance. The Government of Canada will fulfil that obligation.

Energy supply is crucial to our prosperity. And Canada and the United have a long history as partners. Texas firms have major investments in Canada. While Canadian firms have invested here. Canada is the number one supplier of natural gas and oil to the United States. And is an important contributor to the American hydro-electric power grid.

Indeed, I will be meeting with energy CEOs on this trip to showcase our enormous energy potential and our know-how in advanced energy-related technologies. Our vast and varied geography has challenged our ingenuity over and over again. Our skills and know-how have been proven and refined. Making us a prime choice for new investment opportunities and strategic alliances.

Sustaining North America as a hotbed for the new economy of the 21st century is also critical to our prosperity.

The same innovative and pioneering spirit that is a trademark of Texas is in full vigour throughout Western Canada. Where Canadians are working together to build on our incredible wealth in natural resources, to develop new expertise in information and communications technologies and create an advanced, diversified 21st century economy.

Team Canada West features representatives of 60 companies from all sectors of the Western Canadian economy. Many of these companies are leaders in their fields, not just in Canada but globally. They offer outstanding expertise in sectors such as agri-food, building products, communications and biotechnology.

They are looking for new partners, new customers and new investors. They want you to think of Western Canada when you are looking for cutting-edge ideas and infrastructure. To think of Western Canada as a source of strategic alliances.

Above all, to think of Western Canada as a place to invest and do business.

My friends, these are challenging times. Canada and the United States face a serious threat to our way of life. A challenge to our security, our prosperity and our values.

Team Canada West is a sign that we will not be intimidated. That the partnership for prosperity that is at the heart of the friendship between Canada and the United States will never be broken.

On behalf of Team Canada West, I thank you for coming. Now, let's get down to business.

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Last Modified: 2006-07-27  Important Notices