Statement by the Prime Minister
August 17, 2005
Prime Minister Paul Martin today made the following statement:
"In recent days, Michaëlle Jean, the Governor General Designate, and her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, have found themselves the subject of controversy. Mme Jean has seen her and her husband’s loyalty to Canada questioned, particularly by hard-line separatists.
Canadians have a right to know that the occupants of Rideau Hall are unquestionably dedicated to Canada. At the time of her appointment, the Governor General Designate spoke forcefully of her love for our country. Today, Mme Jean has again declared clearly and unequivocally that both she and her husband are fully committed to Canada.
As Prime Minister, I have spoken at length with Mme Jean about her deep attachment to our country. There is no doubt in my mind that her devotion to Canada is longstanding and resolute. That is why I recommended her for appointment. And that is why she enjoys my unqualified support as she prepares to assume the post of Governor General. I have every confidence that she and her husband will serve with dignity, distinction and energy.”