Message from the Clerk
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Principles of the
Public Service of Canada web site. By participating in this
initiative, you are helping to set the future direction for our
While the Public Service of Canada is one of the country's
largest employers, it is more than the sum of its parts. As
public service employees, we rely on one another to advance the
interests of Canadians and to serve the government. For some,
public service represents a special calling. Others see it as a
job where they have a chance to grow personally while
contributing to building Canadian society. Regardless, we are
all drawn together by the values we share and the principles
that guide our work.
In 1996, the late John Tait looked at the foundations of the public
service and called for the development of a Statement of Principles that
would provide a shared direction for all public servants. The report of
the task force he led (A
Strong Foundation) provides much of the inspiration and many of the
ideas contained in the
draft Statement
In my last annual report to the Prime Minister, I said that we are
"beginning a phase of fundamental reform that will enable the
Public Service to become a modern, people-centred institution which gets
results that matter to Canadians". As we move toward being a
people-centred institution, we will need touchstones to remind us where
we have been and where we are going. A Statement of Principles of the
Public Service of Canada can help provide guidance and direction.
I invite you to participate in the development of this Statement by
responding through this website, or the other means that are being
provided. Don't miss this opportunity to have your say.

Mel Cappe