Library of Canada cataloguing in publication data
Table of Contents
Introduction by the Clerk of the Privy Council
and Secretary to the Cabinet
I. Responsible Government in Canada
1. Responsibility
2. Accountability and Answerability
II. Responsibilities of the Deputy Minister
1. Supporting the Minister's Individual and Collective
2. Managing the Department
a) Statutory and Other Authorities
(i) Public Funds and Property
(ii) Human Resources Management
(iii) Official Languages
b) Values and Ethics
3. Portfolio Management
4. Supporting Ministerial Accountability in Parliament
a) Parliamentary Caucuses and
Individual Parliamentarians
5. Bodies Making Reports to Parliament
III. Accountabilities of the Deputy Minister
1. Multiple Accountabilities
2. Accountability to the Prime Minister
a) Clerk of the Privy Council
b) Performance Management Program
3. Accountability to the Minister
4. Accountability for Addressing Errors
in Administration
5. Accountability to the Treasury Board and
the Public Service Commission
Accountability Framework (Treasury Board)
Introduction by the Clerk of the Privy Council
and Secretary to the Cabinet
Accountability, Leadership and the Deputy Minister Community
Guidance for Deputy Ministers is intended to clarify
how Deputy Ministers fulfill their role in the Government of Canada.
This guidance builds on two publications of the Privy Council Office,
namely The Office of Deputy Minister (1987) and Responsibility in
the Constitution (1993). The present document sets out the key
elements of responsible government as a backdrop for understanding
the individual and collective responsibility and accountability of
Ministers. It then sets out the responsibilities of Deputy Ministers, as
well as their multiple accountabilities.
The challenges of the 21st century lie before Canadians
and the public service. As Canada has evolved, so too have its
government and its forms of public management. The ability of the
public service to meet new challenges depends not only on the
diligence with which Deputy Ministers discharge their
responsibilities, but also on their leadership in creating a public
service culture of management excellence and results for Canadians.
Deputy Ministers are expected to attach a special
importance to leadership in people management, and to making
public service values and ethics part of the day-to-day reality in the
work of government. The Deputy Minister articulates a corporate
vision for his or her department that is shared and lived throughout
the organization. Deputy Ministers ensure they have the right people,
work environment and capacity to ensure the department's success.
They secure the policy capacity required to serve the Minister and
support government-wide priorities effectively.
The Deputy Minister engenders trust within the
department and promotes an organizational environment focussed on
achieving results. The Deputy Minister puts in place the essential
conditions – internal coherence, corporate discipline and alignment
to strategic outcomes – for effective strategic direction and the
delivery of results in support of the government's agenda. As a
matter of course, information on results should be gathered and used
to make departmental decisions, and public reporting should be
balanced, accurate, and easy to understand. The Deputy Minister
assigns responsibilities and authorities for results consistent with
resources and capabilities. In the management of public resources,
the Deputy Minister ensures the departmental control regime is
integrated and effective, and its underlying principles are clear to all
By their actions, Deputy Ministers encourage initiative
and innovation and promote organizational learning. With the
executive team, the Deputy Minister defines the corporate context and
practices for managing organizational risk proactively. The Deputy
Minister must ensure that continuous improvement is central to the
delivery of services to Canadians and that, in the development of
policies and programs, the views of Canadians are actively
More broadly, Deputy Ministers provide leadership
and collaboration across the public service. They ensure that their
department contributes to the achievement of government-wide
priorities such as fostering the use of official languages in the
workplace and promoting excellence by embracing diversity. They
are collectively responsible for the development of the public service
of today and tomorrow.
In managing their responsibilities, Deputy Ministers
may delegate certain authorities, but the delegation of authority does
not relieve the delegator of responsibility or accountability. Deputy
Ministers are also charged with creating an environment that fosters
continuous learning and openness as they address administrative
problems which may arise. When errors occur, the Deputy Minister
remains responsible to act quickly and openly in seeking out the
causes and identifying appropriate measures to prevent recurrence and
improve management practices.
By diligently fulfilling their obligations, Deputy
Ministers help ensure that Ministers as a collectivity will be able to
approach Parliament for the funds required to deliver programs and
services to Canadians. Deputy Ministers help ensure that programs
are executed in accordance with the purposes for which Parliament
has appropriated money.
What is expected of Deputy Ministers by way of
performance and accountability has been expressed and reinforced in
different forms over the years, and bears repeating as public
management and the challenges before the country evolve. Treasury
Board Secretariat's Management Accountability Framework,
illustrated in this guidance, reflects the priority that government
attaches to accountability and management excellence. The
Framework and the accountabilities of Deputy Ministers will be
reviewed periodically to ensure ongoing alignment with the priorities
of the government and Canadians.
Guidance for Deputy Ministers helps to explain the
responsibilities and accountabilities Deputies assume when they agree
to serve the country as Deputy Minister. It will assist them in
fulfilling their commitment to the Prime Minister, to Ministers and to
the Canadian public for the sound, effective and principled
management of their organizations.
Responsible Government in Canada
Responsible government in Canada is based on the
individual and collective responsibilities of Ministers to the House of
Commons. Parliament confers powers of the State on Ministers on
the condition that they are accountable to the House for their actions.
The constitutional responsibility of Ministers to the House of
Commons serves to guarantee that executive power is exercised
responsibly throughout our system of government.
Responsibility and accountability are essential
elements in the functioning of Canadian government. They are also
terms and concepts that have taken on increased importance as forms
of administration have evolved in the past thirty to forty years.
Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably, and can overlap
with notions of “answerability”. This was noted by a Deputy Minister
Task Force on Public Service Values and Ethics in 1996, which
offered a useful way to look at the three terms.
1. Responsibility
Responsibility identifies the field within which a public
office holder (whether elected or unelected) can act; it is
defined by the specific authority given to an office
holder (by law or delegation).
Deputy Minister Task Force on Public Service
Values and Ethics
Supporting and depending on the constitutional
responsibility of Ministers, Parliament assigns powers and duties to
individual Ministers under statute, prescribing areas for which a
specific Minister is responsible. The Prime Minister, as architect and
umpire of our system of Cabinet government, also assigns duties to
Ministers. In this way, and intertwined with their constitutional
responsibility to Parliament, the responsibility of Ministers can be
seen to identify the field within which they are authorized to act. The
assignment of powers in legislation to Ministers is a central building
block of functional responsibility throughout the public service. A
Deputy Minister is equally responsible for the authorities assigned to
him or her by a person (for example, the Minister or the Prime
Minister), by a body (for example, the Treasury Board or the Public
Service Commission), or by law, regulation or policy (for example,
the Financial Administration Act, or the Values and Ethics Code for
the Public Service).
Ministers of the Crown are responsible to the House
of Commons and accountable to the Prime Minister and the House of
Commons in two fundamental ways:
Collective responsibility is the basis of stable Cabinet
government. It requires that the policies of the government must be
presented to Parliament as the agreed policies of the Ministry. The
same applies to the funding of those policies and the funding of all
government operations which Parliament must approve. Ministers
collectively are politically accountable to the House of Commons for
the conduct of the government. All members of the Ministry,
including Ministers of State and Secretaries of State, are expected to
work in close consultation with one another.
Ministers are also individually responsible for the
authorities Parliament has conferred upon them through statutes that
set out their specific duties and functions. In departmental legislation,
Parliament has vested the “management and direction of the
Department” in the Minister, and enumerated the Minister's “powers,
duties and functions”. In addition to these enabling statutes, there are
unwritten conventions and precedents governing the ways in which
Ministers fulfil their responsibilities and account for their actions in
exercising their statutory authority. For example, departmental
officials assist and support Ministers in their relationship with
Parliament by answering questions and providing information on
behalf of their Ministers before parliamentary committees. Ministers
may also have other responsibilities assigned to them by the Prime
Minister. Ministers are individually responsible for their personal
acts, the general conduct of their department, acts done (or left
undone) in their name by their departmental officials whether or not
the Minister had prior knowledge of any activity, and for
departmental financial and administrative practices.
The constitutional responsibility of Ministers does not
limit the obligation of officials to obey the law. Rather, it ensures
that Parliament may focus responsibility for the conduct of
government on those of its members who hold ministerial office, and
who must ultimately answer personally to the House of Commons
and to the electorate for their actions and the actions of their
2. Accountability and Answerability
Accountability is the means of enforcing or explaining
responsibility. It involves rendering an account of how
responsibilities have been carried out and problems
corrected and, depending on the circumstances, accepting
personal consequences for problems the office holder
caused or problems that could have been avoided or
corrected if the office holder had acted appropriately.
Answerability is the duty to inform and explain, but does
not include the personal consequences associated with
Deputy Minister Task Force on Public Service
Values and Ethics
Accountability is linked to the source of an authority,
and can be thought of as enforcing or explaining responsibility, and
its practice is linked to a judgment about an office holder's action. It
involves rendering an account to someone on how responsibilities are
fulfilled, on actions taken to correct problems and to ensure they do
not recur. Ministers must be present in the House of Commons to
account for the powers that have been assigned to them, to respond
to questions, and to defend the way in which they or their officials
have exercised power. Because they are constitutionally responsible,
accountability for Ministers can even mean loss of office. In the case
of public servants who must account to their Minister, accountability
involves accepting personal consequences, such as discipline, for
problems that could have been avoided had the official acted
The term “answerability”, on the other hand, refers to
the duty to inform and explain, but does not include the potential
personal consequences that are part of accountability. A Minister can
be answerable for any actions taken by bodies within his or her
portfolio, but cannot be held accountable – i.e., cannot be expected to
suffer consequences – for powers not vested in the Minister. In the
case of non-departmental bodies and agencies, Parliament has directly
assigned to these organizations certain duties, powers and functions,
which are vested in a board of directors, commission, board of
trustees or other management body established by legislation.
Ministers have an obligation to provide answers in Parliament with
respect to the activities of these organizations. Similarly, Ministers
are answerable for independent tribunals, such as the Canadian
Human Rights Tribunal. However, Ministers cannot be held
accountable for the actions of an independent agency or the decisions
a tribunal might make, for which Parliament has vested authority
directly in the body.
Similarly, while public servants are answerable before
parliamentary committees, which is to say they have a duty to explain
and inform, they are not accountable to Parliament for the authorities
they exercise on behalf of their Minister, and committees cannot
discipline them or provide any sanction.
Responsibilities of the Deputy Minister
The responsibilities of a Deputy Minister are best
understood in the context of the support they provide Ministers, who
are responsible to the elected House of Commons. The Deputy
Minister is the principal source of support for a Minister in fulfilling
his or her collective and individual responsibilities and respecting his
or her accountability to Parliament. In providing this support, the
Deputy Minister is responsible for ensuring:
sound public service advice on policy development
and implementation, both within the Minister's
portfolio and with respect to the government's overall
policy and legislative agenda;
Deputy Ministers also have responsibilities related to
the collective management of the government, which include
responding to the policies of the Ministry as a whole and ensuring
that appropriate interdepartmental consultation occurs on any matter
that may touch upon broader ministerial responsibilities.
1. Supporting the Minister's Individual and Collective
The Deputy Minister supports both individual and
collective ministerial responsibilities with respect to policy
development and implementation. The Deputy Minister is counted
on to provide the highest quality of advice on all relevant dimensions
of a departmental issue, be they economic, social or administrative.
Within the priorities, objectives and standards established by the
government, the Deputy Minister must provide advice on the possible
impact of initiatives on the public, the department, and the
government. Advice must be timely and candid, presented fearlessly,
and provide the best possible policy options based on impartial
review of the public good and the declared objectives of the Minister
and the government. Advice must challenge, guide and clarify, and
generate new possibilities for improving the lives of Canadians. It
must also demonstrate policy coherence from the perspective of
departmental and portfolio management.
In a democracy such as Canada's, elected
representatives have the central role in bringing their constituents'
perspectives to bear on matters of state policy, legislation and
expenditure. Recognizing the primacy of elected representatives in
this role, the increasing scope and complexity of departmental and
governmental operations often require that public servants, at the
direction of their Ministers, carry out consultations with Canadians,
provincial governments and other parties implicated in policy matters.
This supports the responsibility of Ministers to bring forward
policies, programs and legislation that take into account Canadians'
views, and such efforts must be designed to complement, and not to
replace, the role of parliamentary representatives.
Deputy Ministers' policy advice must also be mindful
of the Minister's collective responsibility and ensure that advice is
drawn from an appreciation of the government-wide agenda and the
impacts of a particular initiative. In preparing proposals for Cabinet
consideration, other departments must be consulted so that the views
of the Prime Minister and other Ministers are taken into account, and
disagreements identified and resolved. The support and collaboration
of other Ministers may also be necessary for the success of a
proposal, and the need to coordinate the responsibilities of several
Ministers in order to take certain initiatives is now the rule rather than
the exception. This is done through inter-departmental working
groups and consultation or negotiation with other Ministers or their
officials. At each step in the policy development and implementation
process, Deputy Ministers are required to support their Ministers.
Continuous improvement in service to Canadians
depends on the capacity of departments to measure levels of
satisfaction, to set improvement targets, to develop plans to meet
those targets, to monitor implementation and to report back on
progress. Deputy Ministers are expected to ensure that their
departments perform these tasks and ensure attentiveness to citizens'
priorities for service improvement from a “whole of government”
Managing the Department
a) Statutory and Other Authorities
A departmental Act vests management and direction
of the department in the presiding Minister. Under the authority of
the departmental Act, the Minister is therefore responsible for the full
range of policy formulation and program development. Departmental
Acts generally include a standard declaration that the Governor in
Council may appoint a Deputy Minister to hold office during
pleasure, and identify the Deputy Minister as the “deputy head of the
Department”. By law, Deputy Ministers act under the management
and direction of their Minister. In order to fulfill their duties, Deputy
Ministers require certain authorities.
The Deputy Minister's authority to exercise the
Minister's powers flows from the Interpretation Act. Pursuant to
subsection 24(2) of the Act, where a Minister is empowered or
directed to carry out administrative, legislative or judicial acts, those
acts may be carried out by the Minister's Deputy Minister. In
practice, however, there may be constitutional, legal or administrative
limitations on the Deputy Minister's capacity to exercise the
Minister's powers. For instance, subsection 24(3) of the
Interpretation Act prevents the Deputy Minister from exercising a
Minister's legal authority to make regulations. Occasionally,
legislation makes clear that a particular power must be exercised
personally by the Minister. Also, the Deputy Minister, not being a
Member of Parliament, cannot answer in the House of Commons on
the Minister's behalf. Furthermore, Treasury Board policy requires
that submissions to the Board involving new money or new policies
be signed by the Minister. Finally, Deputy Ministers cannot sign
Memoranda to Cabinet in the place of their Minister.
Along with the relevant departmental Act and the
Interpretation Act, more specific responsibilities are sometimes
conferred upon Deputy Ministers, and enable them to carry out the
duties required to support the Minister in managing the department.
These specific responsibilities may originate with the Minister. For
example, the Treasury Board authorizes Ministers' access to funds
that have been appropriated by Parliament, and the Minister delegates
spending authority to the Deputy Minister and other departmental
In addition, certain provisions in the Financial
Administration Act, the Public Service Employment Act, and the
Official Languages Act assign some powers directly to the deputy
head. These are described more fully below. While the Minister
cannot provide direction on specific activities in these areas, given the
Minister's overall authority for the management and direction of the
department, the Minister is responsible for ensuring that the Deputy
Minister carries out his or her obligations under these Acts and may
provide general direction to the Deputy Minister.
The Deputy Minister has a number of other direct
authorities, including:
- powers flowing from Orders in Council based on
royal prerogative (e.g., the power to make ex gratia
payments on behalf of the Crown); and
- powers, duties and functions of Deputy Ministers and
other deputy heads at common law, that result from
Deputy Ministers' managerial functions (e.g., the
power to define qualifications requirements for any
position in their department).
Finally, in a few instances, certain statutes explicitly
assign power to a particular Deputy Minister for the independent
exercise of authority in specified matters. These statutes generally
relate to departments that have regulatory functions, and are to be
found in such areas as customs, excise, and immigration, or in areas
where it has been deemed appropriate to isolate a decision from
political involvement. Furthermore, statutes can also assign powers
to departmental officers other than the Deputy Minister, for example,
visa officers, fisheries officers, or health inspectors. Nevertheless, the
Deputy Minister has a responsibility to balance the exercise of these
authorities within the overall duty to administer the Minister's
department and to support the Minister in a way that is consistent
with the agenda and direction of the government.
(i) Public Funds and Property
Under the Financial Administration Act (FAA), the
Treasury Board is authorized to establish policies, directives, and
standards and guidelines, including regulations, on the management
of public funds and public property. The policies of the Board are
intended to facilitate the achievement of program objectives so as to
comply with the law, satisfy the needs for parliamentary control and
reporting, and ensure the efficient, economic, and prudent use of
public resources. Under regulation, policy or directive issued
pursuant to its FAA authorities, the Treasury Board has placed
considerable duties and responsibilities for public funds and property
with deputy heads, including Deputy Ministers.
In addition, the FAA itself assigns to the deputy head
specific responsibilities for the prudent management of allocated
resources, which are subject to compliance with certain policies,
regulations, standards, and periodic audit. The specific
responsibilities assigned to Deputy Ministers with respect to financial
management under the FAA include:
- preparing a division of an appropriation or item
included in the Estimates, at the commencement of
each fiscal year, or at such times as the Treasury
Board may direct (subsection 31(1));
- ensuring by an adequate system of internal control and
audit that the allotments provided in a division of
allotments approved by the Treasury Board are not
exceeded (subsection 31(3));
- establishing procedures and maintaining records
respecting the control of financial commitments
chargeable to each appropriation or item
(subsection 32(2));
- providing the required certification to authorize any
payment to be made (section 34); and
- maintaining adequate records in relation to public
property for which the department is responsible and
complying with regulations of the Treasury Board
governing the custody and control of public property
(section 62).
(ii) Human Resources Management
A major element of the Deputy Minister's job as
departmental manager involves the management of human resources.
With their combination of statutory and functional responsibilities,
Deputy Ministers are uniquely positioned to lead the ongoing
development of the public service as a non-partisan institution,
appointed on merit, representative of the country's linguistic duality
and diversity, and adapted to the needs of the present and the future.
Responsibilities relating to personnel management in
the public service, including appointment, employer/employee
relations, and the organization of departments, are assigned to the
deputy head directly rather than through the Minister. Both the
Treasury Board and the Public Service Commission delegate
authorities related to human resources management to Deputy
Ministers directly. A Deputy Minister must comply with policies,
directives, reporting and review procedures, and other standards
which may be established by the delegating authority. Delegated
authority may be revised, rescinded, or reinstated. In addition to these
delegated authorities, certain responsibilities related to personnel
management are directly assigned to Deputy Ministers under the
Public Service Employment Act (e.g., rejecting for cause an employee
on probation (s. 28); lay-offs (s. 29); and, deployments (s. 34.1)).
Effective departmental management requires careful
integration of human resources management planning with the
planning of departmental activities. It also requires that employees
be properly trained to carry out the duties of their position, including
in particular their financial responsibilities. In the same way that a
Deputy Minister must ensure arrangements for proper delegation and
accountability for financial authorities, he or she must promote
responsibility and accountability for good human resources
management in the department so that the necessary staff with an
appropriate balance of skills is maintained.
Although many Deputy Ministers will not be involved
in collective bargaining, they do play a leadership role in the day-to-day interpretation of collective agreements by managers in their
departments, and they set the climate for labour-management
relations, relations which can have a significant impact on the quality
of the department's service to Canadians. For example, by
establishing labour-management consultation committees and an
appropriate informal conflict management system, Deputy Ministers
are able to foster open dialogue and collaboration with respect to the
department's activities.
(iii) Official Languages
The Official Languages Act and the Canadian Charter
of Rights and Freedoms impose an obligation upon departments and
agencies to provide service to the public in both official languages.
Subsection 16(1) of the Charter guarantees that federal employees
can work in the official language of their choice, subject to certain
limitations. In addition, the 1973 Parliamentary Resolution on the
Official Languages affirmed the principle of full participation of both
official language groups in the public service.
In keeping with these obligations and principles, the
Treasury Board has responsibility for the development of appropriate
policies and procedures to achieve government objectives in this area.
The Official Languages Act assigns a number of authorities to the
Treasury Board, and provides for delegation of its powers to deputy
heads of other federal institutions, including Deputy Ministers of
departments. The Act also recognizes the need for the Commissioner
of Official Languages to inform Deputy Ministers of complaints and
investigations involving their departments, and the role that Deputy
Ministers must play, as departmental managers, in finding remedies
to problems. Deputy Ministers are expected, by example and deed,
to foster a culture which reflects the government's commitment to the
use of both official languages in the workplace and in serving
b) Values and Ethics
Canadians deserve to feel confidence in their public
service, and promoting a shared set of values and ethics is of
particular importance in supporting the public service's stewardship
of public resources. In 1996, the Deputy Minister Task Force on
Public Service Values and Ethics, led by the late John Tait, helped the
public service understand the challenge that departments face in
promoting values-based decisions and actions. The Task Force's
report, A Strong Foundation, helped the public service rediscover the
basic values that support its mission and drive its actions:
Democratic values:
Helping Ministers, under the law, to
serve the public interest.
Professional values:
Serving Canadians with competence,
efficiency, impartiality, and
Ethical values:
Acting at all times in such a way as to
hold the public trust.
People values:
Demonstrating respect, fairness and
courtesy in their dealings with both
citizens and fellow employees.
The leadership role of a Deputy Minister is never more
important than in this context. Deputy Ministers must take the lead
in ensuring that they, and the employees in their charge, uphold and
demonstrate public service values and ethics. The preeminent role of
Deputy Ministers in ensuring an appropriate foundation for values
and ethics in the departments of the Government of Canada is
underscored in policy, including the Treasury Board's Values and
Ethics Code for the Public Service and the Policy on the Internal
Disclosure of Information Concerning Wrongdoing in the Workplace.
Deputy Ministers are uniquely responsible to exemplify, in their
actions and behaviours, the best values of the public service, and to
infuse those values into all aspects of the work of their department,
through actions appropriate to their own corporate requirements and
culture. As they are appointed by the Governor in Council, Deputy
Ministers are also personally subject to the Conflict of Interest and
Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders set out by the
Prime Minister.3. Portfolio Management
Each Minister is responsible for a portfolio consisting
of all the organizations reporting to that Minister. The portfolio
includes the department, which plays a role in shaping future policies
and laws, and often delivers services to Canadians. It can also
- service agencies that provide services within the
government's policy and legislative framework and on
the basis of a Business Plan or Corporate Plan;
- administrative tribunals that make decisions and hear
appeals at arm's length from the government and on
an independent basis; and
- Crown corporations that provide specific services on
a commercial basis.
Each organization is different. They have differing
mandates, a variety of organizational structures, and differing
relationships to the Minister. In accordance with the enabling
legislation, Ministers exercise varying degrees of control and
responsibility for the agencies in their portfolio. However, they all
provide services to Canadians and report to Ministers and through
Ministers, to Parliament.
Coherence in developing and implementing the
government's policy and programs is important for the government
to accomplish its objectives and effectively deliver services to
Canadians. Building on existing statutory roles under a Minister's
authority, portfolio management seeks to ensure that all organizations
work together in the most effective fashion in support of the Minister
and the government. The Deputy Minister is responsible for
providing advice to the Minister on the coherent policy development
and management of his or her portfolio.
Depending on the portfolio, the Deputy Minister may
also be assigned certain specific responsibilities by the Minister. In
those cases, it is important that the Minister provide clear guidance
to all agency heads on his or her expectation with respect to the role
of the Deputy Minister. This role must not infringe upon the
accountability of the agency head. All Agency heads are accountable
to the Minister. As well, the arm's length relationship and the
independent status of agencies, Crown corporations and tribunals
must be respected.
Because of the nature of different portfolios, Deputy
Ministers need to tailor different approaches to the various situations.
Periodic meetings including the Minister, the Deputy Minister and
agency heads can help develop a common sense of purpose, and
maintain the communications necessary for ongoing, successful
portfolio management.
4. Supporting Ministerial Accountability in Parliament
One of the Deputy Minister's fundamental
responsibilities is to support the Minister's accountability in
Parliament. Because Deputy Ministers are not primarily responsible
for the exercise of the powers of the Crown, their relationship to
Parliament is fundamentally different from that of Ministers. The
Deputy Minister's duty is to support the Minister's responsibilities by
providing information that assists the Minister in rendering account
to Parliament for the use of executive powers (e.g., briefings for the
daily Question Period of both Houses of Parliament, reports and other
documents to be tabled).
Deputy Ministers and other public servants appear
before parliamentary committees on behalf of their Ministers to
answer questions or to provide information on departmental
performance that Ministers could not be expected to provide
personally due to the level of detail or complexity. They often appear
before standing committees dealing with the portfolio of their
Minister, as well as legislative or special committees looking at issues
related to the portfolio. They may also appear before the Senate
Standing Committee on National Finance or other committees of the
The role of Deputy Ministers in supporting Ministers
on Parliament's work on public spending may require them to explain
to parliamentary committees departmental policies and actions. On
such issues, an important distinction should be made between the role
of Ministers and public servants in Parliament. Ministers are
responsible for political, partisan matters and defending public
policies before Parliament, while Deputy Ministers and officials
support Ministers in providing explanations and detailed information
on public policies. Public servants do not have a public voice, or
identity, distinct from that of their Minister, nor do they share in their
Minister's political accountability. Non-partisan public servants have
no role in defending the policy decisions made by the government or
in debating matters of political controversy. To operate otherwise
would risk politicization of the professional, non-partisan public
service which must serve the government of the day, and would shift
responsibility and power from Ministers, who are elected
democratically, to officials who are appointed.
The Deputy Minister and other officials also have a
special obligation to describe the progress, activities and performance
of the department in areas such as financial management, program
and service delivery, and human resources management. Deputy
Ministers should give careful attention to this dimension of their role
and, when requested to do so, should personally appear before
parliamentary committees to give an account of their stewardship of
the department. They should ensure that their officials do likewise.
In this respect, two committees are especially
important for the managerial and administrative aspects of the Deputy
Minister's responsibilities: the Standing Committee on Public
Accounts and the Standing Committee on Government Operations
and Estimates. The Standing Committee on Public Accounts acts,
broadly speaking, as Parliament's own auditor of the stewardship of
funds granted by Parliament to the government. The Committee
conducts an ex post facto examination of the Public Accounts, and
great care is taken not to become involved in current administration.
Importantly, the Standing Committee on Public Accounts reviews the
findings and recommendations contained in the Auditor General's
reports to Parliament, including the department's response to
recommendations. Since 1958, the chairperson of the Committee has
been a member of the Opposition. The mandate of the Standing
Committee on Government Operations and Estimates includes
reviewing and reporting on the effectiveness, management and
operation of central departments and agencies, as well as on specific
operational and expenditure items across all departments and
agencies, and programs delivered by more than one department or
agency. Deputy Ministers and officials should ensure that their
involvement with these and other committees is coordinated by their
Minister's Office, which is responsible for overall relations with
When appearing before committees of the Senate or of
the House of Commons, Deputy Ministers and public servants have
a general duty, as well as a specific legal responsibility, to hold in
confidence certain kinds of information that may come into their
possession in the course of their duties, so that they may continue to
offer frank and impartial advice to their Minister. This duty and
responsibility are exercised within the framework of the law,
including in particular any obligations of the government to disclose
information to the public under the Access to Information Act, or to
protect it from disclosure under other statutes such as the Privacy Act.
For their part, and by longstanding parliamentary tradition, Parliament
and its committees recognize that the provision of information to
committees beyond that normally accessible to the public must be a
matter of ministerial decision and must be consistent with statutory
While parliamentary committees are empowered to
examine witnesses on oath, it has not been customary for public
servants to be sworn. Should this situation arise, guidance on the
proper response, applicable to all public servants, may be found in
Notes on the Responsibilities of Public Servants in Relation to
Parliamentary Committees, available from the Privy Council Office.
a) Parliamentary Caucuses and Individual
It is recognized that party caucuses or groups of
parliamentarians may meet to discuss matters of government policy,
programs or activities. Such meetings are not recognized as formal
meetings of Parliament, and do not have the privileges and powers of
Parliament. Occasionally, a Deputy Minister and other departmental
officials may be requested, under the authority of the Minister, to
meet with the representatives of a parliamentary caucus or a caucus
committee, or an informal group of parliamentarians other than a
parliamentary committee. The purpose of the appearance before a
caucus is to provide a non-partisan explanation of government
programs and policies, and it is done in support of ministerial
responsibility. Deputy Ministers and departmental officials may also
be contacted directly by the caucus representatives of a party for a
briefing on a policy or program issue. Deputy Ministers and officials
should ensure coordination with their Minister's office with respect
to such requests.
It is not appropriate for the Deputy Minister or
departmental officials to act in a partisan manner, or to limit briefings
to the caucus of a particular party. As in appearances before
parliamentary committees, any questions of a political nature or
expressions of disagreement with government policy should be
referred to the Minister, and the Deputy Minister would not be
expected to express opinions or conclusions on government policy or
to discuss policy options that are under consideration unless the
Minister has authorized him or her to do so.
Although such meetings are usually held on an
informal basis and are not subject to media reporting, Deputy
Ministers and officials should recognize that parliamentarians cannot
be required to keep information private, and accordingly
parliamentarians should only be provided with information that can
be made public. In this regard, material which cannot be provided
under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act cannot be
Technical briefings on government legislation are
often offered as part of the legislative process following introduction
of bills. Such briefings should be organized by the Minister's office,
and should always be offered to all party caucuses at the same time
and before or concurrently with media briefings. Further guidance on
this process is provided in the Guide to Making Federal Acts and
Regulations from the Privy Council Office.
Recognizing the context of both ministerial
responsibility and public service impartiality, Deputy Ministers
should, in cooperation with Ministers and their offices, endeavour to
respond to requests for information from Senators and Members of
Parliament. This supports transparency in government, and respects
the essential role of parliamentarians in representing their constituents
with respect to legislation and government policy.
5. Bodies Making Reports to Parliament
Deputy Ministers must be prepared to provide
information on the administration of programs and policies to several
bodies that make reports to Parliament on the activities of the
Government of Canada. These include agents of Parliament who
function independently from the rest of the Government of Canada
and whose principal role is to assist the House of Commons in
holding the government to account. Deputy Ministers must ensure
that their departments establish a respectful and constructive working
relationship with these bodies, and make sure that information
required to fulfill their legislative mandate is supplied as appropriate.
The mandate and work of the following bodies are of particular
importance to Deputies in their role as departmental managers:
- the Canadian Human Rights Commission, which
audits employers under the Employment Equity Act;
- the Auditor General, who is the auditor of Canada's
accounts and conducts independent audits that provide
Parliament with objective advice and assurance;
- the Commissioner of Official Languages, whose
mandate is to ensure recognition of the equal status of
French and English as Canada's official languages,
and to ensure compliance with the spirit and intent of
the Official Languages Act in all institutions of
Parliament and of the Government of Canada; and
- the Information and Privacy Commissioners who
review the decisions of government institutions on
disclosing information under the Access to
Information Act and the Privacy Act.
III. Accountabilities of the Deputy Minister
1. Multiple Accountabilities
Deputy Ministers are required to manage a complex
set of multiple accountabilities which arise out of the various powers,
authorities and responsibilities attached to the position. Deputy
Ministers are appointed by the Governor in Council on the
recommendation of the Prime Minister to support a Minister in his or
her individual and collective responsibilities. As a result, the
accountability of Deputy Ministers corresponds to the roles and
responsibilities that stem from their relationships with their respective
Minister, the Prime Minister and the Ministry as a whole. A Deputy's
job is to make each of those relationships effective and harmonious.
The Deputy is accountable to his or her Minister in relation to both
individual and collective responsibilities. At the same time, Deputy
Ministers are also accountable to the Prime Minister, through the
Clerk of the Privy Council.
As noted in Responsibility in the Constitution, the
triangular relationship between the Prime Minister, Minister and
Deputy Minister defies precise dissection:
The Prime Minister orchestrates the individual
responsibilities of Ministers, drawing forth the
harmony essential to stable government ... the
appointment of deputies by the Prime Minister
provides a reminder to them of their need for a
perspective encompassing the whole range of
government and emphasizes the collective interest
of ministers and the special interest of the Prime
Minister in the effectiveness of management in the
Public Service.
Deputy Ministers also have accountabilities to the
Public Service Commission and the Treasury Board for specific
authorities directly delegated or assigned to them relating to financial
and human resource management. Finally, and as noted under
“Responsibilities of the Deputy Minister”, in a limited number of
cases, some Deputy Ministers may be assigned specific powers
through legislation for the independent exercise of authority in certain
matters, such as customs or immigration.
The Deputy Minister's many accountabilities are
interconnected and often overlap. It is the job of a Deputy Minister
to balance the accountabilities inherent in the many roles required to
support individual and collective responsibilities. This must be done
in way that is consistent with the Deputy Minister's position as a
professional, non-partisan public servant, and consistent with their
obligation to provide expert, objective and non-partisan advice to the
Minister and to the government as a whole.
In a situation where the Deputy Minister is not able to
achieve the required balance, the Deputy Minister should consult the
Clerk of the Privy Council. This is similarly the case with any matter
the Deputy Minister considers significant enough to affect their
accountabilities, those of their Minister, or the agenda and direction
of the government.
Accountability to the Prime Minister
The Prime Minister is responsible for the unity and
direction of the Ministry and the government's policies. Thus, while
Responsibility in the Constitution notes that a Deputy Minister's
“supreme loyalty” is to the Minister, Deputy Ministers in the
Government of Canada are also accountable to the Prime Minister,
through the Clerk, to support the Minister in a way that is consistent
with the agenda and direction of the government as whole. In this
way, Deputy Ministers contribute to the unity of the government they
a) Clerk of the Privy Council
The Clerk of the Privy Council, as the senior public
service advisor to the Prime Minister and in his or her capacity as the
Secretary to the Cabinet, is the Prime Minister's chief source of
public service advice on policy and management issues. The Clerk
plays a key role within government in building consensus and
supporting Deputies in carrying out their multiple accountabilities.
Instances may arise, for example, in which the Deputy
Minister's view of the correct exercise of his or her explicitly
assigned powers may be inconsistent with the Minister's views. In
such circumstances, it is of the highest importance that the Deputy
Minister give due weight to his or her own specific and directly
assigned responsibilities under legislation. The Deputy Minister
exercises his or her accountability to provide the Minister with
impartial, professional and candid advice on policy and program
matters and on the proper and prudent expenditure of public funds, as
well as to support the collective responsibility of the Ministry. If a
disagreement affecting the operations of the department cannot be
resolved between the Minister and the Deputy Minister, the Deputy
Minister will want to discuss the matter with the Clerk of the Privy
A Minister may also choose to discuss a concern with
the Clerk of the Privy Council before seeking the consideration of the
Prime Minister. Ultimately, a matter which results in an apparently
irreconcilable difference becomes a matter for resolution by the Prime
Minister, with advice from the Clerk. Deputy Ministers should also
consult the Clerk in cases where problems have occurred in the
management of the department or the Minister's portfolio, and which
may have an impact on the Ministry's ability as a collectivity to
maintain the confidence of the House of Commons and move forward
its legislative and policy agenda. In such instances, the Deputy
Minister may also want to consult the Secretary of the Treasury
b) Performance Management Program
Related to the accountability of Deputy Ministers is
the assessment of their work carried out in the context of the
Performance Management Program, which is administered by the
Clerk of the Privy Council. The objectives of the Performance
Management Program are:
- to encourage excellent performance by recognizing
and rewarding the achievement of results that are
linked to business plans and government objectives,
and the demonstration of leadership competencies,
values and ethics; and
- to provide a framework within which a consistent and
equitable approach to performance management can
be applied.
A performance agreement is established as a mutual
understanding between the Deputy Minister and the Clerk of the
Privy Council as to what is expected of the Deputy Minister for the
annual performance cycle. The agreement is normally comprised of
key commitments related to business plans and government
objectives and specific performance measures. In addition, Deputy
Ministers are accountable for ongoing responsibilities such as the
provision of the highest quality support to the Minister, Prime
Minister and Cabinet, effective and timely development and
implementation of strategies consistent with the government agenda,
the demonstration of leadership in the management of human and
financial resources and the contribution to corporate-wide goals.
At the end of the cycle, performance is reviewed
against the achievement of agreed commitments. The Clerk seeks
input on the performance of Deputy Ministers from a variety of
sources including Ministers, the Committee of Senior Officials, the
Treasury Board Secretariat and senior management of the Privy
Council Office. Ultimately, a performance rating is assigned and a
performance award is approved by the Governor in Council.
Accountability to the Minister
On a day-to-day basis, a Deputy Minister's
accountability is to his or her Minister. The deputy's accountability
cannot be exercised without reference to the responsibility of
Ministers to Parliament. Deputies act on behalf of their Ministers,
exercising their Minister's statutory powers on the Minister's behalf,
and playing a role in ensuring the control and supervision of the
financial, personnel and other resources at the department's disposal.
They are, therefore, accountable to their Ministers, although they may
be required to answer before parliamentary committees, as noted
above in the section entitled “Supporting Ministerial Accountability
in Parliament”.
This accountability has both legal and administrative
aspects, but is also part of a very personal and professional
relationship. Given the need for the Minister and Deputy Minister
to work as an inseparable team, this accountability relationship can
be manifested in something as immediate as a telephone call, or
information provided on the way to a Cabinet meeting or Question
Period in the House of Commons. In the same way that Members of
Parliament will hold a Minister to account for any of the activities of
the department, the Minister has to be able to depend on his or her
Deputy Minister to provide timely advice appropriate to the
Because Deputy Ministers support the individual
responsibilities of Ministers and also play a special role in helping
Ministers to maintain the collective responsibility of the Ministry, this
accountability of Deputies to Ministers reflects:
- their responsibility to the Minister for the authority
that Deputy Ministers exercise on the Minister's
- their support for the exercise of collective
responsibility by ensuring that the Minister's policy
positions on departmental and other governmental
issues are adequately supported, and that policies and
programs complement the overall objectives of the
Ministry; and
- their responsibility to ensure that government-wide
management practices are observed in their
departments in order to support the Ministry's ability
to approach Parliament as a collectivity for supply,
and to maintain the confidence of the House of
Commons in the Ministry.
The Deputy Minister needs to be attentive to
maintaining good working relations with the Minister's office in
providing complementary support to the Minister. It is important to
remember, however, that exempt staff of a Minister do not have the
authority to give direction to public servants. When they ask for
information or convey a Minister's instructions, it is normally done
through the Deputy Minister.
4. Accountability for Addressing Errors in
Ministers must be present in Parliament to account for
the use of powers vested in them, including for any errors committed
in administration. However, ministerial responsibility does not mean
that a Minister will be required to resign whenever an error is made.
Taking action to remedy shortcomings and setting in place procedures
to prevent a recurrence are of critical importance. If a departmental
official makes a mistake, the requirements of ministerial
responsibility are satisfied when the Minister answers in Parliament
for the mistake and implements the necessary remedial action. This
may result, for example, in disciplinary action and changes in
reporting and approval processes.
What happens, then, at the level of the Deputy
Minister when something goes wrong in departmental administration?
The accountability of a Deputy Minister is not, and should not be,
subject to the political considerations that apply to Ministers.
As noted above, the Minister is accountable, in the
sense that the Minister deals with the issue in Parliament and accepts
responsibility. The Minister will tell Parliament that an error was
made, that he or she has investigated the circumstances and initiated
measures to see that it does not recur.
The Deputy Minister is responsible for the effective
management of his or her department, and must account to the
Minister for what went wrong. He or she must support the Minister
by seeking out the causes, taking appropriate corrective action and
fixing any systemic problems that come to light. It is the Deputy
Minister's duty to confront problems openly and directly, and to
improve the management practices within his or her department by
creating the conditions which will foster an environment of
continuous learning in which public servants strive for excellence in
In supporting the Minister's accountability, the Deputy
Minister may well find himself or herself before a parliamentary
committee to explain what went wrong. He or she might say for
example: “Yes, an error was made. I am accountable to the Minister
of the department, and, with the support of the Minister, I have fixed
the problem.” This could include informing a committee that
disciplinary action has been taken, but it would not extend to naming
those concerned even if their identity had somehow been disclosed
through the media or otherwise. It is important to note, however, that
in the case of illegal activities, such as fraud, sanctions would be
more severe than simple discipline.
The appointment of Deputy Ministers on the
recommendation of the Prime Minister reflects the Prime Minister's
responsibility for the government's overall performance. In the end,
the Prime Minister, with the advice of the Clerk of the Privy Council,
will determine what, if any, action is appropriate, with respect to the
Deputy Minister's accountability.
5. Accountability to the Treasury Board and the Public
Service Commission
The Treasury Board is the government's management
board. Under the Financial Administration Act, the Treasury Board
acts for the Queen's Privy Council for Canada on all matters relating
to administrative policy, financial management, expenditure plans,
programs and priorities of departments, personnel management and
other matters related to the prudent and effective use of public
resources in support of government objectives. The Treasury Board
may make regulations and require reports for these purposes.
The Deputy Minister has corresponding
accountabilities to the Treasury Board, as well as to his or her
Minister, for their delegated responsibilities and those which are
assigned to them directly through legislation (e.g., the Financial
Administration Act and the Official Languages Act). The general
accountability of Deputy Ministers to the Treasury Board is to ensure
and to demonstrate, as required, that the resources allocated to
departments by the Board are well managed and are being used to
achieve the results and priorities identified by the Minister, by the
government as a whole, or by legislation, and that these results are in
fact being achieved for Canadians. The specific accountabilities of
Deputy Ministers to the Treasury Board range from the concrete
means to achieve general objectives, to specific obligations arising
from legislation or from Treasury Board policies. In practice, the
Deputy Minister's accountability to the Treasury Board is often
carried out through the Secretary of the Treasury Board, and through
providing reports and working with its Secretariat. In addition to
these specific accountabilities to the Treasury Board, the Deputy
Minister remains accountable to his or her Minister for the general
management of the department.
Similarly, the Deputy Minister must account to the
Public Service Commission for the exercise of the powers and duties
which the Commission has assigned them, as well as those powers
and duties conferred pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act.
The Deputy Minister carries a general obligation of
accountability to the government's management board and to the
Secretary of the Treasury Board for the overall management capacity
and performance of the department. In order to assist in managing
this accountability and to scrutinize general management results and
performance more effectively, the Treasury Board Secretariat
employs a modern Management Accountability Framework for the
Public Service. This Framework, illustrated by figures 1 and 2,
includes management capacity and indicators of performance.
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
Accountability Framework (Treasury Board)