Table 11 — Resource Requirement by Branch

(thousands of dollars) Office of the Prime Minister Minister's Offices Secretariats and Advisors Commissions of Inquiry, Task Forces and Others Total Planned Spending
Office of the Prime Minister 15,313 - - - 15,313
President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada - 3,396 - - 3,396
Leader of the Government in the Senate - 3,709 - - 3,709
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons - 4,281 - - 4,281
Ministers of State - 1,305 - - 1,305
Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons - 1,500     1,500
Clerk and Secretary to the Cabinet - - 3,465 - 3,465
Counsel to the Clerk of the Privy Council - - 4,711 - 4,711
National Security Advisor - - 19,984 - 19,984
National Science Advisor - - 2,045 - 2,045
Intergovernmental Affairs - - 21,578 - 21,578
Operations - - 15,703 - 15,703
Plans and Consultations - - 24,926 - 24,926
Machinery of Government - - 8,126 - 8,126
Senior Personnel and Special Projects - - 4,948 - 4,948
Global Affairs and Canada-US Secretariats - - 5,411 - 5,411
Policy Research Initiative       4,924 4,924
Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities 28 - - - - -
Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar - - - 3,662 3,662
Total 15,313 14,191 110,897 8,586 148,987

28 The scope of work for these activities is being reviewed and appropriate resource levels will be sought through Supplementary Estimates.