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The Order in Council (OIC) Search gives you the option to search with a variety of parameters. Search results will give the P.C. number, the Registration number for the Canada Gazette, Part II, the authority, the sponsoring department and a brief description of the OIC.

It is possible to search OIC's from 1990 to the present. The full text of the Order in Council will be available, for items approved starting November 1, 2002, via the attachments. For Orders in Council prior to November 1, 2002, please contact the Orders in Council Division through the "Contact Us" section. The Orders in Council Division has the original copies for the past 5 years any older orders can be obtained at the National Archives reference centre at (613) 992-3884, Fax (613) 995-6274 or E_mail, or you may use the link provided to submit your request electronically.

For copies of Orders in Council published in the Canada Gazette, Part II, a link to the Canada Gazette website is provided for your convenience (

Attachments have been created using HTML.


You can press SEARCH/LIST to obtain a list of Orders in Council starting with the most recent.
PC NUMBER: You can enter any PC number to obtain a specific item, or you may enter the year in a four digit format to obtain a list for that specific year. The PC numbers are entered as year accompanied by number ex. 2002151 without any dash.
FROM DATE, TO DATE: Enter the date range to restrict the search to a specific time period. You may enter only one of the dates or both. If only the From Date is entered then it will search from that date to present. If only the To Date is entered it will search from the oldest OIC in the system to the specified date.
PRECIS: Enter one or may words separated by spaces to search in the précis. Each word must be present in the précis to appeal in the results. You can separate the words with the keyword or to get précis that contain one keyword or the other.
DEPARTMENT: Enter one or may words separated by spaces to limit the search to a specific department. Each word must be present in the department to appear in the results. You can separate the words with the keyword or to get department that contain one keyword or the other. Alternatively you can select a department from the drop down box to limit the search to a specific department.
ACT: Enter one or many words separated by spaces to limit the search to a specific Act. Each word must be present in the act to appear in the results. You can separate the words with the keyword or to get act that contain one keyword or the other.
CHAPTER NUMBER: Enter a chapter number to find an OIC relating to the same chapter.
BILL NUMBER: Enter a bill number to find an OIC relating to a specific bill number.
COMING INTO FORCE: Select Yes to only show OICs that bring an Act into force. Select No to only show OICs that don’t bring an Act into force. Select any to show all


The Orders in Council available through this website are not to be considered an official version, and are provided only for information purposes. If you wish to obtain an official version, please contact the Orders in Council Division using the "Contact Us" information provided.
Last Modified: 2002-10-17 Top of Page Important Notices