December 19, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

The following is the text of a holiday message to all Canadians from Prime Minister Jean Chrétien:

Time and again, the qualities of our people make me feel such pride in being Canadian: the creativity and hard work that over the generations have built and sustained our prosperity; the tolerance and respect, from which we find strength and purpose in unmatched diversity; the compassion and generosity, that are the foundation of our commitment to sharing prosperity and opportunity; the values that have made Canada the best nation in the world in which to live -- a nation where anything is possible.

We are a people that has been more than equal to every challenge that history has thrown our way. Over a vast distance we have built a sense of community, in which all of our people and each of our regions feel at home. Time and again, we have proven our mettle on the battlefields of freedom. We have always stayed on the leading edge of economic change and transformation.

As I reflect on these qualities, I am filled with a sense of humility at the privilege of being Prime Minister of our great country. I thank Canadians for entrusting me once again with extraordinary honour and responsibility. And I pledge to continue to work hard to earn it, every single day.

Over the Holiday Season, I ask you to savour our many blessings. Reach out to those who are less fortunate. And dream of the bright future that lies ahead.

Aline joins me in wishing all of you every happiness in the year to come.



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