July 4, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today issued the following statement on the Mexican presidential elections:

"I called President-elect Vicente Fox yesterday to offer my congratulations, on behalf of all Canadians, on his historic victory in the Mexican presidential elections. The people of Mexico have clearly and freely chosen the path of change. Canada, and all freedom-loving peoples of the hemisphere, are gratified at the peaceful and fair process through which this democratic choice was made.

I indicated to the President-elect that I would be delighted to welcome him to Canada prior to his taking office in December so that we can review Canada-Mexico relations and get to know one another better.

Canada and Mexico have a long history of friendship, which has deepened in recent years with our common work as partners in the Summit of the Americas process and the North American Free Trade Agreement. I look forward to carrying this work forward when Mr. Fox takes office and especially as we make the final preparations of the agenda for the next Summit of the Americas in Quebec City next April.

I wish also to congratulate President Ernesto Zedillo for the dedicated and visionary leadership he has given the Mexican people. He can take pride in the personal contribution he has made to strengthening both the economy and the democratic institutions of his country."


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555


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