President of Mexico to visit Canada

June 4, 1996
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced that Ernesto Zedillo, President of Mexico, will visit Canada from June 10 to 14.

"As a NAFTA partner, Mexico is among of Canada's closest trading partners and political allies," said the Prime Minister. "This visit provides an excellent opportunity for Canada and Mexico to expand our bilateral co-operation and explore new directions for the future."

In Ottawa, President Zedillo will be the guest of Governor General Roméo LeBlanc. In his meetings with Prime Minister Chrétien, among the topics that will be discussed are the U.S. Helms-Burton Act, the benefits of the NAFTA partnership for both countries and mutual concerns about reform of the United Nations. An important aspect of the discussions will be future goals for the Canada-Mexico relationship. Reflecting Mexico's importance to Canada, President Zedillo will address a Joint Session of the House of Commons and the Senate.

President Zedillo will also visit Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. He will meet with Ontario Premier Mike Harris, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein and British Columbia Premier Glen Clark. Accompanied by a delegation of Mexican Ministers and business leaders, President Zedillo will explore opportunities to expand business relations, especially in the energy sector, between Canada and Mexico.

President Zedillo will also participate in activities to deepen academic and cultural links between Canada and Mexico, notably a lunch and medal presentation at the University of Calgary.

PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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