Statement by the Prime Minister

March 6, 1997
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was deeply saddened today at the passing of Dr. Cheddi Bharat Jagan, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

"Dr. Jagan was a true pioneer in the cause of independence, democracy and social justice for Guyana and for the developing world. He was an inspiration for those who dream of human relations based on mutual respect and partnership," said the Prime Minister. He added that Dr. Jagan was a trustworthy, courageous and compassionate leader of his people. "With his passing, the world has lost a leader, and Canada, a friend."

President Jagan lead Guyana to independence in 1966. He has been an international role model for developing nations. In 1992, he was elected President of his country for a fourth term.

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