Prime Minister Congratulates Japan on Win to Host EXPO 2005

June 12, 1997
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien congratulated Japan today, after it was awarded the right to host Expo 2005 in Nagoya. The decision was announced in Monaco following a secret vote by the delegates of the member states of the Bureau international des expositions.

"This win is certainly a tribute to Japan which conducted a strong and well-executed campaign. This was a fair competition, played by the rules, and I wish to commend both the Japanese and Canadian delegations," stated Prime Minister Chrétien.

"I would like to praise the members of Calgary's Expo 2005 team, who campaigned tirelessly and devoted heart and soul to this endeavour," added the Prime Minister. "They have much of which to be proud."

"An international competition like this one takes months of teamwork," said Prime Minister Chrétien. "The Canada 2005 campaign pulled together the community, the private sector, Canada's network of embassies around the world and had full support of the government. Calgary and Canada presented an excellent bid."

"I wish Nagoya every success with Expo 2005," concluded the Prime Minister.

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