Declaration on Canada – EU Relations

March 18, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario


The attached Declaration on Canada-EU Relations was released today at the conclusion of the semi-annual Canada-European Union Summit. The Summit was presided over by Prime Minister Paul Martin, Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland and the current President of the European Union, and Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission.


We, the leaders of Canada and the European Union, met today in Ottawa to discuss ways to strengthen our bilateral ties and to work together as strategic partners to make the world more peaceful and equitable.

Our discussions have shown that our relationship is flourishing. We are determined to develop it further, both bilaterally, and as an essential pillar of the wider transatlantic partnership. Together with the U.S. and other partners, we have a duty to work towards a freer, more democratic, more just and prosperous world.

We share a commitment to strong and effective multilateral institutions and the international rule of law. Transnational challenges such as terrorism, proliferation or the abuse of human rights can only be tackled by a concerted effort on the part of the international community, with a central role for the UN. Sustainable solutions to regional conflicts likewise require international assistance and co-operation. Finally, growing economic and financial interdependence calls for increased multilateral governance.

We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, last week’s brutal terrorist attacks in Madrid. We again offer our condolences to the bereaved, to the Spanish people and to the Spanish Government. This atrocity convinces us all the more of the need to work together to tackle the pre-eminent threats to global security, including the scourge of terrorism. We will further strengthen our efforts with the wider international community to prevent terrorist attacks, to protect people and societies, and to apprehend and prosecute terrorists. We will do so with full respect for human rights and freedoms and in defence of these common values.

1. Canada - EU Partnership Agenda

Today we have adopted a new Partnership Agenda, strengthening and deepening the close ties that exist between Canada and the EU. We will enhance our co-operation in foreign and security policy, drawing on our shared commitment to effective multilateral institutions and effective global governance. We will work together more closely in the field of justice and home affairs, to assure the security and protect the rights of our citizens. We are both committed to reinvigorating global economic growth through a successful round of multilateral trade talks. We will tackle together the global challenges that affect us, including climate change and poverty in developing countries. To this end, we look forward to closer, more systematic contacts between our parliamentarians. We will promote exchanges between our citizens, especially young people. We have also revitalised the mechanics of our relationship, to ensure that good intentions translate into concrete joint actions.

2. Canada - EU Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement

The interconnected trans-Atlantic market is vital to our economic prosperity, especially investment which has become the engine of accelerating interdependence between North America and Europe. We agreed today to a framework for a new Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement (TIEA) between Canada and the European Union to further stimulate our bilateral commercial relationship. The TIEA will move beyond traditional market access issues and offer concrete results to our business communities by reducing barriers to trade and investment flows. Negotiations are expected to begin this year.

3. Our Discussions Today: Putting Effective Multilateralism into Action.

In our discussions today we focussed on means to translate our shared values of political pluralism, democracy, rule of law and human rights into concrete action on the ground.

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