Prime Minister to travel to Haiti

November 12, 2004


Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced that he will travel to Port-au-Prince on November 14 to discuss Haiti’s social and economic reconstruction, and stabilization efforts.

“Canada and Haiti have held close relations for half a century,” said the Prime Minister. “Since February 2004, Canada has played a leadership role in the international effort to bring stability and security to Haiti. During my visit, I will underline Canada’s support of the interim government and our intention to remain involved for the long term.”

After a meeting with interim President Boniface Alexandre, the Prime Minister will participate in a working meeting with Prime Minister Gerard Latortue where topics of discussion will include the implementation of the Government of Haiti’s Interim Cooperation Framework (ICF). The ICF, presented at the July International Donors Pledging Conference, identifies priority interventions and related financing needs to support the country’s economic, social and political recovery over the next two years. Canada has pledged close to $147 million in support of the ICF.

The Prime Minister will attend a working lunch hosted by Prime Minister Latortue, which will include the participation of members of the cabinet, leaders of political parties, and representatives of civil society. During this meeting, PM Martin will reassert the need for all parties to participate in the implementation of the democratic process leading to elections in 2005.

Later that day, Prime Minister Martin will visit the TIMKATEC project in Pétion-Ville. Created in 1994, TIMKATEC is a facility for street kids ages 5 to 17 that offers shelter, food, schooling, health services and leisure activities. The Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency has funded several projects at TIMKATEC for a total value of $40,000 between 1995 and 2004.

The Prime Minister will then meet with members of the Canadian police contingent of MINUSTAH, including UN Civilian Police Commissioner David Beer. Canada is contributing 100 police personnel from the RCMP and other partner Police Departments to the UN mission. He will also meet with the Special Representative of the Secretary General, Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdes, to discuss security in the country and the work of the UN Stabilization Mission (MINUSTAH). The Prime Minister’s trip will end with a meeting with local partners involved in the reconstruction of Haiti.

Accompanying PM Martin on this trip will be the Minister responsible for the Francophonie, Jacques Saada.



Canada’s contribution since February 2004

Trade and investment

Development assistance