Prime Minister Martin announces new initiatives in response to Asian crisis

January 02, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario


Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced new federal government response measures to the tragic earthquakes and tsunamis which struck South and South-East Asia on December 26, 2004.

"This tragedy is beyond measure, beyond comprehension," said Prime Minister Martin. "All Canadians are heartbroken by the devastation. Sheila joins me in expressing our deepest sympathies on behalf of all Canadians to the families involved. This crisis has touched the global conscience; it has evoked a global response.

"Today, we are continuing Canada's commitment to recovery and reconstruction and renewing our pledge to help those most in need with the following measures:

"We recognize that the reconstruction efforts will take months, even years. The message we want to convey today - to the people of the region, to the UN donors and others contributing to this global relief effort, and to all Canadians - is that Canada will be there as a full partner for as long as it takes."

Canadians with good reason to believe that Canadian friends or relatives are in the affected areas can contact Foreign Affairs Canada's Emergency Operations Centre at 1-800-606-5499, or visit the Foreign Affairs website at For more information on how to help please visit the Canadian International Development Agency website at

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