JUNE 15 - JUNE 21, 1997


A Message to Employees

Beginning on June 15, we celebrate National Public Service Week. It is fitting that the theme for this year is "Serving Canadians with Pride" because there is much for which we can be proud.

Each and every day across Canada and abroad -- at headquarters or in regions -- whether in policy development, front-line service, administrative services, leading edge research or inspection and enforcement -- public servants contribute to the well-being of Canadians and to the strength and success of Canada.

Canada did not become the best country in the world to live in by accident. Public sector institutions and public servants have significantly contributed toward this result. Canadians are served by a professional, non-partisan Public Service that is one of the most highly respected in the world.

We need to recognize and celebrate the contribution of public servants, not only this week but every week of the year. We need to explain the contribution of public sector institutions and of public servants in a modern society and foster a better public understanding.

A career in the public sector is one like no other because it is a career dedicated to serving the public interest and there is no greater reward than to be given the opportunity to make a difference in the life of one's country. As Head of the Public Service, I wish to take the occasion of National Public Service Week to thank you for your dedication and commitment in serving the citizens and the Government of Canada.

I also wish to express my admiration and sincere appreciation for your efforts.

Jocelyne Bourgon


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