The Head of the Public Service Award

DATE: April 30, 1999

TO: All public servants

FROM: Mel Cappe
Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet

SUBJECT: The Head of the Public Service Award

Dear Colleague:

As a public servant, you play an important role every day in helping to make Canada a better place. You make a difference in the lives of Canadians.

I firmly believe that public servants who make Canada a better country deserve to be recognized. I am not alone in this belief. In fact, members of the private sector have echoed the importance of our Public Service.

One of Canada’s biggest assets - and a largely unrecognized asset - is the matchless integrity, the exceptionally high quality and the extraordinary commitment of Canada’s Public Service to the success of our nation ... (Ted Newall, Vice Chairman and CEO NOVA Corporation).

I believe that our Public Service can and will remain among the best in the world, and that public servants can look forward to restored pride in their jobs and the renewed respect of the citizens they serve ... (Lawrence Strong, President and CEO, Unilever Canada Ltd.).

With this in mind, I am writing to you to launch the second annual Head of the Public Service Award. It is an opportunity to recognize the great work of many public servants.

As you may know, the Head of the Public Service Award was introduced last year. It is designed to honour those among you who have shown excellence in meeting the challenges facing the Public Service.

This award recognizes excellence at all levels in the Public Service - administrative support staff, frontline employees, officers and executives alike. All public servants, individuals and teams, across Canada are eligible.

I encourage you to take part by nominating your colleagues whom you believe should be honoured with this award. A nomination form and an explanation of the categories and eligibility criteria are attached for your use. The nominations are due by July 9, 1999, and the awards will be presented in December at the Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec.

Together, we can celebrate leaders at all levels whose contribution makes the Public Service of Canada one of the best in the world.

Thank you.

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