Guide to Canadian Ministries Since Confederation

Twelfth Ministry

29 December 1921 to 28 June 1926

The Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King[2]


Minister of Agriculture
Hon. William Richard Motherwell 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Customs and Excise
Hon. Jacques Bureau 29 Dec. 1921 - 4 Sept. 1925
Hon. Georges-Henri Boivin 5 Sept. 1925 - 28 June 1926
Secretary of State for External Affairs[3]
Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Finance and Receiver General
Rt. Hon. William Stevens Fielding 29 Dec. 1921 - 4 Sept. 1925
Hon. James Alexander Robb 5 Sept. 1925 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Immigration and Colonization
Vacant 29 Dec. 1921 - 2 Jan. 1922
Hon. Hewitt Bostock Senator - Acting Minister 3 Jan. 1922 - 2 Feb. 1922
Vacant 3 Feb. 1922 - 19 Feb. 1922
Hon. Charles Stewart Acting Minister 20 Feb. 1922 - 16 Aug. 1923
Hon. James Alexander Robb[4] 17 Aug. 1923 - 4 Sept. 1925
Vacant 5 Sept. 1925 - 6 Sept. 1925
Hon. George Newcombe Gordon 7 Sept. 1925 - 12 Nov. 1925
Hon. Charles Stewart Acting Minister 13 Nov. 1925 - 28 June 1926
Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs[5]
Hon. Charles Stewart 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Minister of the Interior[6]
Hon. Charles Stewart 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Hon. Sir Jean Lomer Gouin 29 Dec 1921 - 3 Jan. 1924
Hon. Ernest Lapointe Acting Minister 4 Jan. 1924 - 29 Jan. 1924
Hon. Ernest Lapointe[7] 30 Jan. 1924 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Labour
Hon. James Murdock 29 Dec. 1921 - 12 Nov. 1925
Hon. James Horace King Acting Minister 13 Nov. 1925 - 7 Mar. 1926
Hon. John Campbell Elliott[8] 8 Mar. 1926 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Marine and Fisheries
Hon. Ernest Lapointe[9] 29 Dec. 1921 - 29 Jan. 1924
Hon. Pierre Joseph Arthur Cardin 30 Jan. 1924 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Militia and Defence[10]
Hon. George Perry Graham[11] 29 Dec. 1921 - 31 Dec. 1922
Minister of Mines[12]
Hon. Charles Stewart 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Minister of National Defence[13]
Hon. George Perry Graham[14] 1 Jan. 1923 - 27 Apr. 1923
Hon. Edward Mortimer Macdonald Acting Minister 28 Apr. 1923 - 16 Aug. 1923
Hon. Edward Mortimer Macdonald 17 Aug. 1923 - 28 June 1926
Minister of the Naval Service[15]
Hon. George Perry Graham 29 Dec. 1921 - 31 Dec. 1922
Postmaster General
Hon. Charles Murphy Senator 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
President of the Privy Council
Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Public Works
Hon. Hewitt Bostock Senator 29 Dec. 1921 - 2 Feb. 1922
Hon. James Horace King 3 Feb. 1922 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Railways and Canals
Hon. William Costello Kennedy 29 Dec. 1921 - 18 Jan. 1923
Vacant 19 Jan. 1923 - 27 Apr. 1923
Hon. George Perry Graham[16] 28 Apr. 1923 - 19 Feb. 1926
Vacant 20 Feb. 1926 - 28 Feb. 1926
Hon. Charles Avery Dunning 1 Mar. 1926 - 28 June 1926
Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment[17]
Hon. Henri Sévérin Béland Senator 29 Dec. 1921 - 14 Apr. 1926
Hon. John Campbell Elliott[18] 15 Apr. 1926 - 28 June 1926
Secretary of State of Canada[19]
Hon. Arthur Bliss Copp 29 Dec. 1921 - 24 Sept. 1925
Vacant 25 Sept. 1925
Hon. Walter Edward Foster 26 Sept. 1925 - 12 Nov. 1925
Hon. Charles Murphy Senator - Acting Minister 13 Nov. 1925 - 23 Mar. 1926
Hon. Ernest Lapointe[20] 24 Mar. 1926 - 28 June 1926
Solicitor General of Canada[21]
Hon. Daniel Duncan McKenzie 29 Dec. 1921 - 10 Apr. 1923
Vacant 11 Apr. 1923 - 13 Nov. 1923
Hon. Edward James McMurray 14 Nov. 1923 - 22 May 1925
Vacant 23 May 1925 - 4 Sept. 1925
Minister of Trade and Commerce
Hon. James Alexander Robb[22] 29 Dec. 1921 - 16 Aug. 1923
Hon. Thomas Andrew Low 17 Aug. 1923 - 12 Nov. 1925
Hon. James Alexander Robb Acting Minister 13 Nov. 1925 - 28 June 1926
Minister without Portfolio
Hon. Raoul Dandurand Senator 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Hon. Thomas Andrew Low[23] 29 Dec. 1921 - 16 Aug. 1923
Hon. John Ewen Sinclair 30 Dec. 1921 - 29 Oct. 1925
Hon. Edward Mortimer Macdonald[24] 12 Apr. 1923 - 16 Aug. 1923
Hon. Harold Buchanan McGiverin 20 Sept. 1924 - 29 Oct. 1925
Hon. Herbert Meredith Marler 9 Sept. 1925 - 6 Jan. 1926
Hon. Charles Vincent Massey 16 Sept. 1925 - 12 Nov. 1925
Hon. George Perry Graham 20 Feb. 1926 - 6 Apr. 1926
Parliamentary Secretary of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment
Vacant 29 Dec. 1921 - 28 June 1926
Solicitor General of Canada[25]
Hon. Lucien Cannon 5 Sept. 1925 - 28 June 1926
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for External Affairs[26]
Lucien-Turcotte Pacaud 29 Dec. 1921 - 26 Oct. 1922

[1] With the defeat of the Government in the general election of 6 Dec. 1921, Meighen resigned from office. His resignation was accepted and the Twelfth Ministry was sworn to office on 29 Dec. 1921. In the general election of 29 Oct. 1925 the ministry was returned to office, but King himself was defeated. He was re-elected to the House of Commons in a by-election on 15 Feb. 1926.

[2] King was also President of the Privy Council.

[3] The Prime Minister was ex officio the Secretary of State for External Affairs.

[4] Robb was appointed Minister of Finance and Receiver General on 5 Sept. 1925.

[5] The Minister of the Interior was ex officio the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs.

[6] The Minister of the Interior was ex officio the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs.

[7] Lapointe was also Secretary of State of Canada.

[8] Elliott was also Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment.

[9] Lapointe was appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney General on 30 Jan. 1924.

[10] On the formation of the Twelfth Ministry, Graham was appointed both Minister of Militia and Defence and Minister of the Naval Service. On 10 Feb. 1922, by Order in Council pursuant to the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act, the powers, duties and functions of the Minister of the Naval Service were transferred from the Minister of Marine and Fisheries to the Minister of Militia and Defence. See Minister of National Defence.

[11] Graham was appointed Minister of National Defence on 1 Jan. 1923.

[12] The Department of Mines was presided over by the minister of another department who was to be named by the Governor in Council and who was to be called "The Minister of Mines". During the Twelfth Ministry the Minister of the Interior was named Minister of Mines.

[13] The offices of Minister of Militia and Defence and Minister of the Naval Service were abolished and the office of Minister of National Defence was created by Statute 12-13 Geo, V, c. 34, assented to on 28 June 1922 and proclaimed in force on 1 Jan. 1923.

[14] Graham was appointed Minister of Railways and Canals on 28 April 1923.

[15] On the formation of the Twelfth Ministry, Graham was appointed both Minister of Militia and Defence and Minister of the Naval Service. On 10 Feb. 1922, by Order in Council pursuant to the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act, the powers, duties and functions of the Minister of the Naval Service were transferred from the Minister of Marine and Fisheries to the Minister of Militia and Defence. See Minister of National Defence.

[16] Graham was appointed Minister without Portfolio on 20 Feb. 1926.

[17] The Department of Health was presided over by the minister of another department who was to be named by the Governor in Council. During the Twelfth Ministry each successive Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment was designated to preside over the department.

[18] Elliott was also Minister of Labour.

[19] The Secretary of State of Canada was ex officio the Registrar General of Canada.

[20] Lapointe was also Minister of Justice and Attorney General.

[21] See also NOT OF THE CABINET, Solicitor General of Canada.

[22] Robb was appointed Minister of Immigration and Colonization on 17 Aug. 1923.

[23] Low was appointed Minister of Trade and Commerce on 17 Aug. 1923.

[24] Macdonald was appointed Minister of National Defence on 17 Aug. 1923.

[25] See also THE MINISTRY, Solicitor General of Canada.

[26] In an effort to develop a system whereby ministers would adopt the practice of having parliamentary secretaries. King appointed Lucien-Turcotte Pacaud, M.P., Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for External Affairs. The appointment was an informal one and no provision was made in Parliament for payment for services.


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