Coat of Arms

Building a Higher Quality of Life
for All Canadians

Speech from the Throne 1999

October 12, 1999

Today, Canadians stand before a new century confident in the promise of our country for our children and grandchildren.

The promise of Canada was born in an age when countries were forged through war or revolution. Our nation’s founders chose a unique path, which has become the Canadian way — creating a country dedicated to peace, order and good government for all its citizens.

Canada began as a small colony with little industry and no role of its own in global affairs. Today, we can look with pride on our achievements as an independent and prosperous nation with a dynamic economy, strong and democratic society, and sense of community. A nation recognized around the world for the quality of life of its citizens. A nation whose voice is respected in the councils of the world.

The world is changing rapidly. Technology is altering every aspect of our lives. Knowledge and creativity are now the driving force in a new economy. Canadians will succeed in this changing world, just as we have succeeded throughout our country’s history, because of our diverse talents, our values, and our commitment to working together.

A high quality of life for Canadians and a strong, united Canada are inseparable. To overcome the challenges in today’s complex global economy and build a better future for Canadians, we must work together, pool our talents and share our ideas.

The government is committed to focussing on areas where it can and must make a difference in the lives of Canadians. It is committed to continue the Canadian way of working together, balancing individual and government action, and listening to citizens.

Achieving a higher quality of life requires a comprehensive strategy to accelerate the transition to the knowledge-based economy, promote our interests and project our values in the world. Together we will strive for excellence. This demands that we collaborate to:

As Canada prepares to enter the new millennium, all Canadians have a part to play. We will build the 21st century together.

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