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References for Online Consultation
and Citizen Engagement

Beierle, Thomas C. (January 2002) "RFF Report Democracy On-Line: An Evalutation of the National Dialogue on Public Involvement in EPA Decisions" (PDF Version)

Clift, Steven. (02/2002) "Online Consultations and Events - Top Ten Tips for Government and Civic Hosts" .

Clift, Steven. (01/2002) "The Future of E-Democracy – The 50 Year Plan" .

Coleman, Stephen and John Götze (2001) "Bowling Together : Online Public Engagement in Policy Deliberation"

Coleman, Stephen and Emilie Normann (2000) "New Media and Social Inclusion", London: Hansard Society.

Coleman, Stephen; John Taylor and Wim van de Donk (editors) (1999), "Parliament in the Age of the Internet", Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dawes, Sharon S.; Peter A. Bloniarz; Kristine L. Kelly and Patricia D. Fletcher (1999) "Some Assembly Required: Building a Digital Government for the 21st Century", Report of a Multidisciplinary Workshop Held in October 1998, Center for Technology in Government, State University of New York at Albany.

Economist (2000) "Government and the Internet" in The Economist, 24 June 2000, survey section, pp. 7-34.

Godwin, Mike. "Nine Principles for Making Virtual Communities Work." Wired, 2.06 (June):72-73. 1994.

Götze, John (2001) "Online Consultation In GOL-IN Countries - Initiatives to foster e-democracy"

Kollock, Peter. (1998) "Design Principles for Online Communities". PC Update 15(5): 58-60.

London, Scott. Civic Networks: "Building Community on the Net", (March 1997).

McGregor, Liane (2000) "Literature Review of Online Community Building", Meta Strategies, Toronto.

Netherlands, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (2000). "Contract with the Future: A Vision on [sic] the Electronic Relationship between Government and Citizen", policy paper.

Netherlands, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (1998). "Electronic Civic Consultation: A Guide to the use of the Internet in Interactive Policy-Making".

Poland, Pauline (December 2001) "Online Consultation in GOL Countries - Initiatives to foster e-democracy"  (PDF Version)

Public Works and Government Services, "Online Consultation Technologies Report ", Ottawa (2003).

Rheingold, Howard. "The Virtual Community", (1998).

Riley, Thomas (2000) "Electronic Governance And Electronic Democracy: Living And Working In The Wired World", London: The Commonwealth Secretariat.

Smith, E. and Macintosh, A. (December 2001) "What sort of Scotland do we want to live in?" Assessment of the e-consultation process  (PDF Version)

Smith, Marc A. and Peter Kollock (Eds) "Communities in Cyberspace" (1999).

Van Rooy, Alison. (2000) "Electronic Consultation and Engagement: Lessons for Canada from International Experience, Policy and Research", Intergovernmental Affairs Privy Council Office Ottawa.

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