Federation Maps and Fact Sheets
Federalism goes back to 1891
Current Federal constitution adopted in 1988
Official Website of the federal government
of Brazil (Portugese)
Official name |
Federative Republic of Brazil |
Population |
164 million (1998) |
Capital |
Brasilia |
Constituent units
- 26 states: Acre; Alagoas; Amapá; Amazonas; Bahia; Ceará;
Espírito Santo; Goiás; Maranhão; Mato Grosso; Mato Grosso do Sul; Minas
Gerais; Pará; Paraíba; Paraná; Pernambuco; Piauí;
Rio de Janeiro; Rio Grande do Norte; Rio Grande do Sul; Rondônia;
Roraima; Santa Catarina; São Paulo; Sergipe; Tocantins.
Federal Capital District (Brasília)
Constitutional distribution of powers
Legislative institutions
- Federal: National Congress composed of a Federal Senate (Senado
Federal) and Chamber of Deputies (Câmara dos Deputados). The
Senate is composed of three Senators from each state and from the Federal
Capital District; the Senators are directly elected.
- States: Unicameral legislatures
Official language: Portuguese
Other links of interest